C-STEM for sustainability: Preparing elementary-school teachers to integrate computer science into linguistically inclusive, transdisciplinary STEM instruction (PI, 2022-Present) – This Research Practice Partnership leverages the expertise of a multidisciplinary team of educators, researchers, content specialists, and state and district representatives to develop CS/CT-integrated curricular modules and training materials for elementary school teachers who work with ELs. The project is focused on developing heuristics for modifying existing lessons to include more sustainability and CT/CS.
An Ethnographic Study of Student Use of Online Resources to Improve Student Learning Outcomes (Co-PI, 2022-Present) – This project takes a fresh look at why and how engineering students use online resources, employing ethnographic methods and perspectives to explore this phenomenon which may suggest novel ways to address cheating and to increase learning from homework.
Supporting ethical engineering: The role of immersive engineering subcommunities (Senior personnel, 2021-2023) – This project is embedded within the University of Maryland College Park Scholars Science Technology and Society Living Learning program, which seeks to counteract the technical narrowness of preparation many students encounter within engineering and other STEM programs. This study explores whether and how extended immersion in cultural practices of the University of Maryland STS program supports students’ macro-ethical reasoning about the world and their personal and professional responsibility within it.
A model of educational transformation: Developing a community of faculty implementing next generation physical science and everyday thinking (Senior personnel, 2021-2022) – This project engages 50 faculty members from across the country in course transformation using Next Gen PET. The purpose of this project is to establish and engage the Next Gen PET community of practice, consisting of project leadership and faculty implementers and to study the dynamics of these professional learning communities.
Partnering with teachers on the design of inquiry for socio-scientific computational thinking (Co-PI, 2018-2023) – This project is a partnership between university researchers and elementary teachers to develop computationally rich socioscientific and sociopolitical inquiry units for children and adults.
Research on practice using STEM inquiry embedded with computational thinking in elementary school (Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2017-2021) – We worked with elementary school teachers to incorporate authentic inquiry and computational thinking in their science lessons through responsive teaching.
“Do I help them finish or help them think?”: Preparing undergraduate ‘learning assistants’ to teach in design courses (Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2017-2020) – This project was situated in the Introduction to Engineering Design course taken by all first-year engineering majors at the University of Maryland. We designed and studied the effects of a learning assistant pedagogy course aimed specifically at helping undergraduate teaching assistants in the design course notice and respond to engineering design, teamwork, and equity issues.
The dynamics of students’ engagement and persistence in science (Graduate Research Assistant, 2013-2017) – We collected and analyzed case studies of students doing science in K-16 settings to understand what contributed to the emergence and persistence of learners’ disciplinary engagement.
Responsive teaching in science (Graduate Research Assistant, 2011-2013) – We supported 3rd-6th grade teachers as they learned to engage in practices of responsive teaching. We conducted research on teachers’ professional development as well as on the teaching and learning that took place in their classrooms.