POSTPONED: Beef Producers Short-Course Series III: Pasture Development & Management


Check back in the future for details.

The Maryland Extension Beef Team is continuing with our Beef Producers Short-course Series with Series III – Pasture Development and Management. Topics covered will be soil fertility, collecting soil samples, developing pasture systems, common forages, pasture assessments, weed identification and management, matching forages with cattle nutrition, and cost sharing programs.

Course offered at 4 locations across the state:

Washington County Extension: April 3, 2020

St. Mary’s County Extension: April 17, 2020

Wye Angus: May 1, 2020

Harford County Extension: May 15, 2020

Registration is required: $35 per person – Fee includes all educational materials and lunch. The workshop will be open to the first 30 registrations per location.

***This program has been approved for 4 CEUs in all categories of Ag Nutrient Management and 4 Credits towards Pesticide Applicator Recertification in the Categories of 1A, 3C, 10, PVT

To register online, please visit our Eventbrite page: and select the date for the workshop you would like to attend.

To register offline, via check or cash, please use the attached form and either email or mail to Racheal Slattery at (University of Maryland, 8127 Regents Drive, College Park, MD 20742)


8:45-9:00am       Registration and Refreshments – Welcome
9:00-9:30am       Soil Fertility and Management: Good Pastures Start with the Soil
                                Andrew Kness, UMD Extension-Harford County
9:30-10:00am     Setting up a Pasture System: How to set up a System that works for your Farm
                                Racheal Slattery, UMD Dept. of Animal Sciences
10:00-10:30am   Not all Forages are the Same: Common Forages and their Adaptability and Utility in a Pasture System
                                Dr. Amanda Grev, UMD Extension-WMREC

10:30-10:40am   Break

10:40-11:10am   Principals of Weed Management: Weed ID and Management in Pastures
11:10-11:40am   Extending the Grazing Season: Using Summer Crops and Annuals
                                Jeff Semler, UMD Extension-Washington County
11:40-12:10pm  Matching Forages with Cattle Nutrition
                                Dr. Sarah Potts, UMD Extension-WMREC
12:10-12:30pm  Financial Assistance:
                            Cost-share Programs for Cattle Producers
                                NRCS Representative

12:30-1:00pm     Lunch

1:00-1:30pm       Soil Health (Hands-on)
                                Andrew Kness and Jeff Semler
1:30-3:00pm       Pasture Assessment and Grazing Management with in Field Plant Identification (Hands-on)
                                Dr. Amanda Grev, Jeff Semler
3:00-3:30pm       Wrap-up and Questions: Including participant samples for plant ID and soil or forage report analysis interpretation.