Online Calving Management Guide Available

Online Calving Management Guide Available
By Grant Dewell, ISU Extension beef veterinarian

In the beef industry, calving management is critical to production and profitability of the cow herd. Proper care prior to and at calving can help reduce incidence of dystocia, and also minimize deleterious impacts should dystocia occur. Knowing how to prepare, what to do and not do, and when to take action all are critical aspects of correctly managing calving in your herd.That’s why the Iowa Beef Center and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach developed the Calving Management Manual.

ISU extension beef veterinarian Dr. Grant Dewell led the effort with contributions from Iowa State veterinarian Dr. Renée Dewell and Iowa State extension cow-calf specialist Dr. Katy Lippolis. He said the manual is designed to help producers prepare for and successfully navigate the calving season, and is available on the Iowa Beef Center website.

Among the manual topics are pre-calving nutrition, calving supplies and facilities, stages of delivery, dystocia prevention and intervention, and care for the calf. Each section has a separate page, and each page has links to all other sections. This makes it easy to switch between topics as the need arises.

“Of particular interest at this time of year are the sections on ‘dystocia prevention and intervention’ and ‘care for calf,'” Grant Dewell said. “The images in the dystocia section of the calving manual show clearly on a mobile device. A producer can use the images and captions to identify the type of dystocia they are dealing with and attempt to correct it.”

The new calving management manual is designed to help identify and correct numerous types of dystocias, including breeches, and is available on the Iowa Beef Center website beginning on this page. Eventually all section content will be available as pdf downloads.

Shared with permission of the author. Originally publish in Growing Beef, March 2019   Volume 9, Issue 9 by Iowa Beef Center, Iowa State University.


10 items you want in your calving kit

Calving season is upon us. Stock your kit correctly to make the season brighter.
10: An extra set of coveralls and dry boots.
Warm and dry is good. Cold and damp makes an unhappy rancher.
9: Colostrum replacement.
For those calves that didn’t get off to the best start.
8: An esophageal feeder.
Have it with you, have it clean and dry, and know how to use it.
7: Ear tags.
What better time to tag than Day 1?
6: Something to write down records on.
A notebook, blank note cards, an app on your phone, a piece of week-old mail –– whatever it takes to make sure records are kept on each animal.
5: Lube.
Lots of lube.
4: OB sleeves.
Have an abundant supply on hand. (Literally.)
3: Calf chains or calf straps.
Calving-assistance extraordinaire.
2: Handles to go with your chains and straps.
Teamwork makes the dream work. Get all of your components together before you head out.
1: A good relationship with your veterinarian, and their phone number.
Tough calving situation? If you call your veterinarian late on Friday during their kid’s basketball game, studies suggest he or she will be more likely to help if you’ve established a successful working relationship as client and veterinarian.
This post first appeared in BCI News post of January 11, 2019 and is used with permission.

10 New Year’s resolutions for cattle producers

New year, new herd.

Well, maybe not entirely. But here are 10 resolutions to help keep your cattle and your operation in top condition all through 2019.

1: Increase oversight of bulls.

Conduct breeding soundness exams (BSEs) regularly and make sure your bulls are out there doing their job.

2: Keep better records.

Preferably on each individual animal. Not just production and reproduction, but economics and finances, too.

3: Implement a body condition score (BCS) collection system.

Set a target to evaluate and collect scores two to four times per year.

4: Shoot for fewer days of harvested-forage feeding.

Maximize your grazing days.

5: Troubleshoot handling facilities.

Headgate that hangs up? Fences that need mended? Identify your problem areas and get them fixed.

6: Give your facilities a walk through when you’re not working cattle.

Less stress for everyone.

7: Investigate Cattle Disease Traceability.

Get involved. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

8: Have a plan for calving season.

Include dystocia troubleshooting and have your facilities ready for 2019 calves.

9: Implement strategies.

Think grazing management, herd health and calving management.

10: Increase your expert network.

Establish and maintain relationships with industry experts. These might include veterinarians, extension educators, bankers, geneticists and many others.

This post first appeared in BCI News post of January 4, 2019 and is used with permission. The Beef Cattle Institute (BCI) at Kansas State University provides innovative solutions for success in the beef industry. Whether you’re a veterinarian or beef producer, they provide resources straight to you and your practice or operation from industry leaders.