POSTPONED: Beef Producers Short-Course Series III: Pasture Development & Management


Check back in the future for details.

The Maryland Extension Beef Team is continuing with our Beef Producers Short-course Series with Series III – Pasture Development and Management. Topics covered will be soil fertility, collecting soil samples, developing pasture systems, common forages, pasture assessments, weed identification and management, matching forages with cattle nutrition, and cost sharing programs.

Course offered at 4 locations across the state:

Washington County Extension: April 3, 2020

St. Mary’s County Extension: April 17, 2020

Wye Angus: May 1, 2020

Harford County Extension: May 15, 2020

Registration is required: $35 per person – Fee includes all educational materials and lunch. The workshop will be open to the first 30 registrations per location.

***This program has been approved for 4 CEUs in all categories of Ag Nutrient Management and 4 Credits towards Pesticide Applicator Recertification in the Categories of 1A, 3C, 10, PVT

To register online, please visit our Eventbrite page: and select the date for the workshop you would like to attend.

To register offline, via check or cash, please use the attached form and either email or mail to Racheal Slattery at (University of Maryland, 8127 Regents Drive, College Park, MD 20742)


8:45-9:00am       Registration and Refreshments – Welcome
9:00-9:30am       Soil Fertility and Management: Good Pastures Start with the Soil
                                Andrew Kness, UMD Extension-Harford County
9:30-10:00am     Setting up a Pasture System: How to set up a System that works for your Farm
                                Racheal Slattery, UMD Dept. of Animal Sciences
10:00-10:30am   Not all Forages are the Same: Common Forages and their Adaptability and Utility in a Pasture System
                                Dr. Amanda Grev, UMD Extension-WMREC

10:30-10:40am   Break

10:40-11:10am   Principals of Weed Management: Weed ID and Management in Pastures
11:10-11:40am   Extending the Grazing Season: Using Summer Crops and Annuals
                                Jeff Semler, UMD Extension-Washington County
11:40-12:10pm  Matching Forages with Cattle Nutrition
                                Dr. Sarah Potts, UMD Extension-WMREC
12:10-12:30pm  Financial Assistance:
                            Cost-share Programs for Cattle Producers
                                NRCS Representative

12:30-1:00pm     Lunch

1:00-1:30pm       Soil Health (Hands-on)
                                Andrew Kness and Jeff Semler
1:30-3:00pm       Pasture Assessment and Grazing Management with in Field Plant Identification (Hands-on)
                                Dr. Amanda Grev, Jeff Semler
3:00-3:30pm       Wrap-up and Questions: Including participant samples for plant ID and soil or forage report analysis interpretation.

Feeding the Gestating Cow

Sarah Potts, Dairy & Beef Specialist
University of Maryland Extension

As fall progresses, spring-calving beef producers should be thinking about how they will maintain their pregnant cows throughout the winter.  The nutritional requirements for gestation increase during the second and third trimesters, which coincides with colder temperatures and decreased forage availability from pasture.

Adequate Nutrition is Vital

Ensuring proper nutrition is an important component of maintaining animal productivity and efficiency.  Failing to meet nutritional requirements during pregnancy can have devastating effects on future productivity of the cow.  Undernourishment during pregnancy can result in reduced body condition at calving, increased rates of dystocia (calving difficulty), decreased colostrum quality and quantity, and poor lactation performance.  Cows that are in less than ideal body condition at calving generally take longer to begin cycling and showing signs of estrus (heat) after calving, and are at higher risk for being open at the end of the breeding season.

Poor gestational nutrition can have indirect, but profound, effects on the survivability and performance of calves.  Dystocia is associated with increased calf mortality and inadequate consumption of quality colostrum can lead to increased calf morbidity (illness) and mortality.  In addition, poor milk production by the dam will prevent her calf from achieving desirable gains.

Meeting Winter Nutritional Needs

Although the nutritional needs associated with pregnancy increases during a time when feed availability is limited for spring calving herds, the good news is that there are many strategies that can be used to minimize costs.  Ultimately, producers will have to choose for themselves which feeding practice that best fits their situation and goals.

Beginning in the late fall when pasture growth becomes limited, stockpiled forages can be used to feed cows.  Generally, stockpiled forages can meet the nutritional needs of pregnant cows during mild to moderate temperatures as long as sufficient quantities are available.  However, as winter sets in and temperatures drop, supplemental feeds may be necessary to offset the increase in maintenance energy requirements that are associated with lower temperatures.  Additional protein, such as alfalfa hay or soybean meal mixes, may also be required if forage protein content becomes inadequate.

Late-fall grazing of corn residue can be used to spare stockpiled forages for later in the winter.  However, this is not always a practical option for many producers since these fields are often not fenced or in proximity to a water source.  An additional protein source is usually required, especially after the most nutrient dense portions of the residue (leaves and husk) have been consumed.

Many producers often elect to supplement with hay during the winter months, which can be a good option.  However, it is important to know the nutrient composition of the hay to ensure sufficient protein and digestible dry matter is supplied.  The amount of hay that a cow will consume depends on the quality.  Low quality hay (<52% TDN) is less digestible than high quality hay, which can limit feed intake by increasing gut fill.  During the last two trimesters of pregnancy, mature cows generally consume 2 to 2.5% of their body weight on a dry-matter basis.  For a 1,200 lb cow, this equates to 24 to 30 lb of hay per day on a dry-matter basis, or approximately 27 to 33 lb per day on an as-fed basis.  Knowing approximately how much hay cows will need is helpful in determining how much must be purchased for the season and how much will need to be fed each week.

Additional feeds, such as corn silage, may also be fed during the winter months if good quality hay and/or stockpiled forages are insufficient to meet the needs of the cow herd.  However, this option may increase the cost of the winter feeding program.

Evaluation of the Winter Feeding Program

A key area to look at when evaluating the winter feeding program is body condition.  Body condition (1 to 9 scale) of cows should be assessed at weaning to determine whether or not additional feed will be required throughout the winter.  The ideal body condition score at calving is 5 to 6.  If cows are too thin at weaning (less than a score of 5), additional feeds may be required so that they can gain the weight necessary to achieve optimal performance after calving.  Conversely, if cows are too fat at weaning (greater than a score of 6), then they will not require as much feed during the winter.  Assessment of body condition at this time is important to planning and allocating feeds for the winter.

Condition should also be assessed 60-90 days before calving so that additional adjustments to the feeding regime can be made if necessary.  Ultimately, body condition at calving and subsequent cow and calf performance, will indicate the overall success of the winter feeding and management program.

Stockpiling Pasture for Fall and Winter Grazing

Amanda Grev, Forage Specialist
University of Maryland Extension

It’s August now and whether or not we’re ready cooler temperatures are just around the corner and it’s time to be thinking about winter feeding strategies.  Using harvested forages for winter feed represents a substantial expense for livestock operations.  For many grazing operations, stockpiling can be an effective strategy to extend forage resources further into the fall and winter season, reducing the costs associated with harvesting and storing feed and providing high-quality pasture for fall and winter grazing.

What is stockpiling?

The concept of stockpiling is simple.  Rather than cutting, drying, and storing hay to feed over the winter, existing pastures are allowed to grow and accumulate forage in the field to be grazed by livestock in a later season.  Under this management strategy, grazing animals are removed from pastures in late summer and forages are allowed to accumulate growth through the late summer and fall.  The cool, late-season temperatures make it possible for the accumulation of high-quality forage even after an extended period of growth.  This stockpiled forage is then available for grazing throughout the fall and winter months, reducing the costs associated with feeding stored feeds.

Which forages work best?

Although a number of different forages can be stockpiled, some forage species will hold their nutritional value longer than others in the winter months.  Compared to other cool-season grasses, tall fescue is well adapted for stockpiling, as it has the ability to accumulate a substantial amount of fall growth and tolerate colder temperatures without losing quality.  In addition, the waxy layer or cuticle on the leaves of tall fescue make the plant more resistant to frost damage or deterioration.  Tall fescue also forms a good sod, making it more tolerant to foot traffic and minimizing impacts on its productivity the following season.

How is stockpiling accomplished?

Early August is the time to begin stockpiling for fall and winter grazing.  To prepare for stockpiling, pastures should be grazed (or clipped) down to a 3 to 4 inch stubble height to ensure that the accumulated forage will come from new growth.  After livestock are removed, 40 to 60 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to stimulate additional regrowth and optimize forage accumulation and quality.  The grasses should then be allowed to regrow until forage growth dramatically slows or ceases completely.

It should be noted that not all nitrogen fertilizers will be equally efficient when fertilizing pastures in the fall.  In urea or urea-based fertilizers, the ammonia is volatile and a substantial amount of the nitrogen from these sources will be released to the atmosphere via volatilization when applied during the hot and humid days of late summer.  To minimize this volatilization, these nitrogen sources should be applied immediately prior to a significant rainfall event.  Ammonium nitrate is the most efficient source of nitrogen for stockpiling, but it is often more expensive than other sources.

Will yield and quality be good?

Where tall fescue was successfully stockpiled, yields of 1 to over 1.5 tons of dry matter per acre have been documented.  Higher yields will be achieved if nitrogen is applied immediately after the last cutting or grazing compared to pastures that did not receive fertilization or were fertilized later in the fall.

Forage quality of stockpiled tall fescue can be very good.  Depending on how much nitrogen has been applied, fall-grown tall fescue can average 12 to 18% protein and maintain good nutritional value throughout the fall season.  Research has demonstrated that stockpiled tall fescue has sufficient quality to carry dry cows through the winter and could carry lactating beef cows into January without additional supplementation.  However, the forage quality and digestibility of stockpiled forages is variable and will decline as growth accumulates, forages mature, and winter conditions continue.  To confirm nutritional value, forage samples should be taken and analyzed to ensure the pasture is meeting the nutritional requirements of the animals utilizing it.

How to utilize stockpiled forage?

Stockpiled forage can be valuable under a variety of grazing methods, but forage utilization can be increased substantially by using improved grazing practices.  If livestock are allowed to continuously graze the entire pasture with unrestricted access, efficiency will be lower and the potential grazing period will be shortened due to waste and trampling damage.  To minimize waste and get the most from stockpiled forage, pastures should be either rotationally or strip grazed.  Strip grazing is a management system that involves giving livestock a fresh area of pasture every day or every few days by moving a temporary electric fence in the pasture.  This method limits the area available for grazing, helping to increase pasture carrying capacity and maximize forage utilization.


Removing livestock and fertilizing pastures or hayfields in late summer will allow forage growth to be stockpiled for late fall and winter grazing.  Utilization of stockpiled pasture is an economically-advantageous management strategy that will extend the grazing season, minimize winter hay feeding and stored feed requirements, and provide high-quality forage without negatively impacting the persistence of forage stands.

Upcoming Maryland Pasture Field Day

You are invited to attend an upcoming pasture field day on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 from 6-8:30 pm at the Western Maryland Research and Education Center (WMREC) in Keedysville.

This field day will focus on fall pasture planning and maintenance and is part of a larger MD/VA/WV Tri-State Pasture Education Series. See the attached flyer and agenda for more details.  Registration is FREE and can be completed at Please register by Monday, August 12.

Questions or need special assistance? Please contact Amanda Grev at or 301-432-2767 x339.

Tri-State Pasture Program Flyer

Maryland Pasture Field Day Agenda

Water: The Forgotten Nutrient

Sarah Potts, Dairy and Beef Specialist, University of Maryland Extension

As summer heats up, water becomes more important for cattle.  An animal’s body is comprised of 70% water and adequate water consumption is required to maximize performance.  It’s no secret that withholding or restricting water can decrease feed intake and reduce gains.  Yet many producers often forget to assess whether or not their animals have optimal access to high quality water.  An animal’s water requirement is met through consumption of feed and drinking.  Many feeds, such as silage and grasses, contain a large proportions of water that help cattle meet their water requirement.  Additional requirements are met through drinking.

Water Requirements and Intake

Water requirements vary depending on the physiological state of the cattle.  Reproductive status, lactation status, rate and composition of gain, and amount of physical activity will affect how much water cattle need to consume.  Lactating cows will consume more water, on average, than growing, finishing, or pregnant cattle (Figure 1).

Temperature will also affect water requirements, with higher temperatures increasing voluntary water intake for all cattle regardless of physiological state (Figure 1).  For lactating cows, water intake will increase by over 23% when the ambient temperature rises from 60 to 80°F.  Across a similar temperature shift, growing cattle will increase their water intake by 35%.

 Figure 1. Water intake of various types of cattle across increasing ambient temperature.

Management factors, such as diet composition and physical access and palatability of drinking water, also affect how much water cattle drink.  Because of their higher moisture content, diets that contain a high proportion of silage or pasture can reduce the amount of water consumed through drinking.  Diets that contain high levels of protein, salts, or other diuretics will increase water intake through drinking.

Water Quality

Not only is it important for cattle to have access to sufficient quantities of water, the quality of that water is also important.  Water quality is assessed by examining factors such as palatability, chemical properties (e.g., pH, dissolved solids, hardness, soluble salts, etc.), presence of toxic compounds, mineral content, and presence of harmful bacteria (e.g., coliforms).

The level of total soluble salts can provide some indication of water quality.  Of the soluble salts, sodium chloride (NaCl) is often a major driver of the total soluble salts content in water.  Other major contributors to the total soluble salts content include: bicarbonate, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, and silica.  High concentrations of soluble salts can decrease water intake and ultimately reduce production.  Total soluble salt concentrations less than 1,000 mg/L are ideal.  Levels above 3,000 mg/L may start to impact production and water with total soluble salt concentrations over 5,000 mg/L should not be used as a primary drinking source for pregnant or lactating cows.

The concentration of certain minerals can also be used to assess water quality, with nitrate and sulfate concentrations being of most interest.  Nitrate concentrations below 44 mg/L are considered safe for all types of cattle to consume.  Over short periods of time, cattle can tolerate nitrate levels up to 221 mg/L with modest effects on production and health; however, concentrations above 221 mg/L can result in significantly reduced production and serious health problems.  Cattle can generally tolerate sulfate concentrations up to 2,500 mg/L for a short duration (up to 90 days), although concentrations less 500 mg/L and 1,000 mg/L are considered ideal for calves and adult cattle, respectively.

Concentrations of other compounds are also used to assess water quality.  The table below shows the recommended upper limits of several compounds.


National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle, Eight Revised Edition. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/19014

Summer Grazing Management

Amanda Grev, Forage Specialist
University of Maryland Extension

As we move into the traditionally driest, hottest days of summer, we can expect growth rates of cool-season grass pastures slow dramatically and pasture productivity to decline. However, there are management practices that producers can implement to maximize plant growth during these hot, dry spells.

It takes grass to grow grass.

The key to having productive pastures is optimizing plant photosynthesis. Think of your pasture as a solar panel where green, growing leaves are energy producers. To maximize production, livestock need to be rotated off of a pasture in a timely fashion to ensure an effective “solar panel” or leaf area is left in the paddock following grazing. Most cool-season forages need at least 3 to 4 inches of post-grazing residual to effectively take advantage of photosynthesis for regrowth. In addition to providing a photosynthetic base for plant regrowth, the leaf material that remains after a grazing bout also shades the soil surface, keeping soil temperatures cooler and helping to reduce soil moisture loss.

Removing leaf matter affects the roots as well, as those roots rely on the leaves to supply energy from photosynthesis. The amount of live growth occurring below ground is roughly equivalent to the amount of live growth occurring above ground, and research has shown that the amount of above ground forage mass removed impacts root health. Up to 50 percent of the plant can be removed with little to no impact on root growth. With greater than 50 percent removal, root growth slows dramatically, and removing 70 percent or more of the above ground forage mass stops root growth completely. This is where the old rule of thumb “take half, leave half” comes into play. Leaving half of the leaf area on the plant has minimal impacts to the plant root system, enabling the plant to continue to absorb nutrients and moisture and recover quicker following grazing. If the take half, leave half rule is violated and pastures are grazed too low, plant root growth stops and root reserves are used to regrow leaf tissue, diminishing the vigor of the plant root system and the overall productivity of the plant.

Provide a rest period.

One of the most common mistakes in grazing management is not providing a long enough recovery period for pastures after g razing. Pasture forages require a rest period in order to maintain vigorous production. When a plant is grazed, the loss of leaf material means the plant loses its energy-producing center. The plants’ response is to rebuild that center using stored energy reserves. If the plant is given rest following grazing, new leaves will develop and will replenish this energy supply. Without rest, the plant is not able to replenish its energy supply and will continue to use the remainder of its stored energy to produce new leaves. As energy supplies are depleted, the plant will be unable to maintain production and will eventually die, leading to weak stands, overgrazed pastures, and the invasion of weeds or other non-desirable forages.

Maintaining flexibility in your system will allow you to balance the length of the rest period with the plant growth rate and is fundamental to successful grazing management. How long recovery takes will depend on a number of things, including the plant species, grazing pressure, and the time of year. As we get hotter and drier, grass growth rates will slow down and the days of rest required may be much longer than that required during the spring when rapid growth is occurring. Regardless, the rest period must be long enough to allow the plants to recover and grow back to a practical grazing height before livestock are allowed to graze again; for most grasses, this height falls in the 8 to 10 inch range.

To accommodate for this longer rest period, the rotation speed between paddocks will have to slow down. The basic rule is: when pastures are growing fast, rotate fast; when pastures are growing slowly, rotate slowly. Remember that the goal of the rest is to allow young green leaves to maximize photosynthesis.

Don’t ignore seed heads.

A plant that is producing seed heads is undergoing reproductive growth and not putting energy into leafy growth or tiller production. Clipping seed heads from these grasses will allow the plant to return to leafy or vegetative growth, which will increase forage quality and result in more total forage being produced over the course of the season. Clipping will also serve the added benefit of helping to control weed populations.

Seed heads can also be an indication of uneven grazing patterns in your pasture. If selective grazing is occurring, some plants are likely being overgrazed while others not enough. If this is happening, consider adding more divisions or paddocks into your pasture system. This means you will be grazing your animals on smaller areas, increasing the stocking density. A greater stocking density will reduce the amount of selective grazing that occurs, increasing forage utilization and reducing the need for pasture clipping.

While we can’t control how hot or dry summer will get, we can strategically manage the grass we have to help keep summer paddocks productive and growing.

Invasive Asian Longhorned Tick

By Dr. Megan Fritz, UMD College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Spring has arrived, and along with the seasonal increase in temperature comes increased tick activity.  One important tick to keep watch for is the invasive Asian longhorned tick. Since 2017, populations of this tick have been identified in 9 states, including Maryland.  This is particularly relevant for cattle producers because the tick is a significant pest of ruminant livestock in its Australasian and Western Pacific range.

Longhorned tick infestations can grow rapidly owing to their reproductive strategy and biting habits.  The tick must feed on the blood of a warm-blooded host animal to grow and reproduce. Once blood fed, females of this species can reproduce without males, such that a single female can give rise to an entire population.  Longhorned ticks bite aggressively, and are willing to feed on a wide variety of hosts: humans, birds, small mammals (racoons and skunks), companion animals (dogs and cats), large mammals (horses and deer), and other domesticated livestock, including cattle, sheep, and goats.

Heavy longhorned tick infestations can lead to severe blood loss, which reduces livestock growth and productivity.  For example, dairy cattle production is reduced by 25 percent in some regions of New Zealand and Australia, where this tick is present. They also transmit pathogens between their hosts during blood feeding.  These include multiple parasites and pathogens that cause disease in ruminant livestock, as well as at least one virus known to cause severe illness in humans. To date, no pathogen transmission by the longhorned tick has been detected in the U.S.

To prevent the ill-effects of any tick infestation, early detection is key.  Cattle should be examined for ticks throughout the course of the season. Calves are most susceptible to tick feeding, so reducing their contact with dense pasture reduces risk of high tick burden.  Proper pasture management, such as clipping pastures and fence lines, and controlling broadleaf weeds can reduce suitable habitat for ticks. Removing brush and woody debris from pasture edges may also reduce habitat for wild animals, like mice, rabbits, squirrels and raccoons, that can carry ticks into your pasture.  If you find an infestation in your pasture, whole animal insecticide treatments, like Permectrin™ II and Ultra Boss™, may be useful for preventing new tick attachment to your animals. Sprays and pour-on treatments cannot be used alone for comprehensive livestock protection, however. An integrative approach to tick management, which combines pasture management with good husbandry and chemical prophylaxis is crucial for livestock protection.

If you find ticks on your animal and you are concerned:

  1. Collect a few of the ticks by tweezing them from the skin of your animal.  They are most easily removed by grasping the tick close to the skin of the animal using a pair of blunt-ended tweezers, then gently pulling on them at a 45 degree angle from the animal’s skin.  Once removed, immediately stick them to a piece of masking tape, and place them into a ziploc bag with a moist paper towel. Tick collections can be taken to your local University of Maryland Extension office or shipped directly to:

Dr. Megan Fritz

4291 Field House Dr.

Plant Sciences Building Rm. 4112

College Park, MD 20742

  1. Call your University of Maryland Beef Cattle Extension Coordinator, Racheal Slattery, at 301-405-1392, or your University of Maryland Medical and Veterinary Entomologist, Megan Fritz, at 301-405-3945.  
  2. Call your local veterinarian and alert them to your tick infestation.  Many veterinarians in the state of Maryland are working with the Maryland Department of Agriculture to address stakeholder concerns regarding the long-horned tick.  

Online Calving Management Guide Available

Online Calving Management Guide Available
By Grant Dewell, ISU Extension beef veterinarian

In the beef industry, calving management is critical to production and profitability of the cow herd. Proper care prior to and at calving can help reduce incidence of dystocia, and also minimize deleterious impacts should dystocia occur. Knowing how to prepare, what to do and not do, and when to take action all are critical aspects of correctly managing calving in your herd.That’s why the Iowa Beef Center and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach developed the Calving Management Manual.

ISU extension beef veterinarian Dr. Grant Dewell led the effort with contributions from Iowa State veterinarian Dr. Renée Dewell and Iowa State extension cow-calf specialist Dr. Katy Lippolis. He said the manual is designed to help producers prepare for and successfully navigate the calving season, and is available on the Iowa Beef Center website.

Among the manual topics are pre-calving nutrition, calving supplies and facilities, stages of delivery, dystocia prevention and intervention, and care for the calf. Each section has a separate page, and each page has links to all other sections. This makes it easy to switch between topics as the need arises.

“Of particular interest at this time of year are the sections on ‘dystocia prevention and intervention’ and ‘care for calf,'” Grant Dewell said. “The images in the dystocia section of the calving manual show clearly on a mobile device. A producer can use the images and captions to identify the type of dystocia they are dealing with and attempt to correct it.”

The new calving management manual is designed to help identify and correct numerous types of dystocias, including breeches, and is available on the Iowa Beef Center website beginning on this page. Eventually all section content will be available as pdf downloads.

Shared with permission of the author. Originally publish in Growing Beef, March 2019   Volume 9, Issue 9 by Iowa Beef Center, Iowa State University.


2019 Maryland Beef Industry Survey

Currently the only way to get information related to the Maryland Beef Industry is via the 2012 Ag Census, which tells us the approximate number, county locations, size of primary operation (herd and acreage), approximate demographics and age. What this census doesn’t tell us is: their future plans, greatest challenges, preferred method of education and outreach and what topics they would like to see in the areas of education programming. In order to properly develop extension programming that will meet the current and future needs of our producers, we need to establish a baseline of information. The best way to collect this information would be to directly ask our Maryland Beef Industry producers.What information we will collect: operation characteristics including county location, type, and size; age of producers and their tenure in the industry; future plans; greatest challenges; preferred methods of education and outreach; topics for educational programming; production data that will include type of housing, pasture management, nutrition and how producers buy, sell and market their cattle.

Our survey will open February 1, 2019 and remain open for response until April 8, 2019. Completing the survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes with the results being used to offer targeted educational outreach and training on topics related to beef production. This will help maintain and grow a viable beef production industry in Maryland and help sustain this important agricultural sector of the economy.

All data will be stored on a secure server with access restricted to members of the research team. Your participation in this survey is voluntary, confidential, and in no way affects your ability to take advantage of UME programs. This research has been approved by the University of Maryland Institutional Review Board (IRB #1158581-2).

The easiest way to complete the survey is to type the following link into a web browser on your computer:

You can also request a paper survey if preferred at

If you need any further information on the survey or how the results will be used, please contact Racheal Slattery, Principal Investigator, Beef and Dairy Extension Coordinator at The University of Maryland at or 301-405-1392.

10 items you want in your calving kit

Calving season is upon us. Stock your kit correctly to make the season brighter.
10: An extra set of coveralls and dry boots.
Warm and dry is good. Cold and damp makes an unhappy rancher.
9: Colostrum replacement.
For those calves that didn’t get off to the best start.
8: An esophageal feeder.
Have it with you, have it clean and dry, and know how to use it.
7: Ear tags.
What better time to tag than Day 1?
6: Something to write down records on.
A notebook, blank note cards, an app on your phone, a piece of week-old mail –– whatever it takes to make sure records are kept on each animal.
5: Lube.
Lots of lube.
4: OB sleeves.
Have an abundant supply on hand. (Literally.)
3: Calf chains or calf straps.
Calving-assistance extraordinaire.
2: Handles to go with your chains and straps.
Teamwork makes the dream work. Get all of your components together before you head out.
1: A good relationship with your veterinarian, and their phone number.
Tough calving situation? If you call your veterinarian late on Friday during their kid’s basketball game, studies suggest he or she will be more likely to help if you’ve established a successful working relationship as client and veterinarian.
This post first appeared in BCI News post of January 11, 2019 and is used with permission.