Several state agencies deal with water supply and water quality.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources preserves, protects, restores, and enhances the State’s natural resources. The DNR’s services include the Maryland Biological Stream Survey, the Stream Waders Program, the Maryland Water Monitoring Council, and BayStat.
The Maryland Department of the Environment was created to protect and preserve the state’s air, water and land resources and safeguard the environmental health of Maryland’s citizens. MDE’s duties also encompass enforcement of environmental laws and regulations, long-term planning and research. MDE provides technical assistance to Maryland industry and communities for pollution and growth issues and environmental emergencies.
The Maryland Department of Agriculture works with farmers to protect soil and water, including an extensive Nutrient Management Program that protects water quality in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries by ensuring that farmers and urban land managers apply fertilizers, animal manure and other nutrient sources in an effective and environmentally sound manner.
The Maryland Geological Survey investigates and monitors the geologic and water resources of Maryland through the application of the various disciplines within earth science. The MGS is particularly concerned with groundwater resources.