How to Post and Comment

Navigating and Creating a Post:

Navigate to prompts using the top menu bar right below the site’s banner image.

The topmost navigation bar is your own account’s. To write and post a response to a prompt, click on New, then Post.


Writing a Post:

Post page

Here, you can write your post much like in Elms. Give your post an interesting title and try to incorporate multimedia elements like pictures and videos.

On the right sidebar are three important tools to use:

  • Screen Options lets you toggle the visibility of your sidebar tools. Use Screen Options when you can’t see a certain tool.
  • Publish also allows you to save drafts for later; just remember to publish a draft before the deadline.
  • Categories is similar to tagging but a little cleaner. Here you will select the appropriate prompt category. This will allow your professors and fellow classmates to easily view all the posts under a certain category.

At the very bottom, you can also assign a feature image to your post:

featured image section


Reading Blog Posts:

Our blog’s Home page automatically updates with the latest posts. You can also use the Recent Posts tool in the right sidebar navigation or you can click on a certain category within Categories.

right sidebar navigation


Posting a Comment:

Commenting on other blog posts is easy-peasy: at the end of a blog post is a space for you to type and post a comment. Unlike blog posts, though, comments do not auto-save so be wary of losing your writing if you lose internet connection.

comment box

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