During this semester, you will write at least four blog posts plus four comments (see the syllabus for deadlines).
In your blog posts, you will be reflecting on course content and readings. These prompts will ask you to make connections between theoretical and literary/filmic texts, and/or to elucidate or question specific aspects of theoretical texts. When composing your blog posts and comments, please think about the following points:
- Our blog is a public forum, which offers the opportunity for you to practice public writing. Your post will be read by other members of our seminar, other faculty and students at UMD, colleagues in the field, and members of the general public.
- Your blog post should be written in an engaging and accessible way. Assume you’re writing for an audience of academics who are familiar with humanities scholarship but not necessarily with the specific texts you are discussing.
- The intermedial format of the blog allows you to incorporate images and links. You are encouraged to quote from our primary texts but also to draw connections through the inclusion of videos, pictures, and links to external sites.
- Each blog post should be approximately 750 words though the content is more important than length.
- Comments on other students’ posts should include at least one substantive original point that analyzes, supplements, or critiques the initial post.