Looking for Some Career Guidance? The QUEST Directory Can Help.

Guest writer Ally Merwitz is a junior in QUEST Cohort 33 studying Operations Management and Business Analytics and Mathematics. She is also the current co-lead of the QUEST Corporate student committee.

Over the course of a mere 1.5 years of QUEST, I cannot count the number of times I have changed my mind about what I plan to do with my life after graduation. I would like to think I am alone in this, but I have talked to enough of my peers to know that so many others have the same indecisive mindset that I do. Through it all, my number one supporters have been the one and only Jess Roffe (QUEST Assistant Director) and the QUEST directory. As much as I could talk to Jess all day, her time is limited. The QUEST directory is a great starting place to find a contact without having to reach out to her or anyone else in the Guild first.

When I started QUEST, like many of my other fellow QUESTees, I thought I wanted to pursue a career in consulting. So, I turned to the QUEST directory, went to the top and switched to the title and simply searched “consultant.” I found more options than I could have ever imagined. I reached out to and had numerous conversations with alumni working at various firms. But the more I learned, the more I realized consulting may not be for me. The lack of work life balance and extensive travel was daunting. After making this realization, I laid low for a while and pondered different options. But when I took an honors seminar with a former judge, I was inspired and decided law might be the track for me. This pivot scared me. What business major went to law school? Well it turns out not only business majors, but numerous QUEST alumni went straight to law school after undergrad. Using the directory once again, I switched the toggle to title, entered law, and was on my way. I contacted alumni Matt Sarna, Brett Schwab, and Harriet Dadzie. After just one email, each of them responded with delight and enthusiasm. They guided my decision to pursue law school. For now, I think that law is the path for me, but if I change my mind again, I know that the QUEST directory will be there to connect me with an incredible alum who I hope to be like one day. Each person I speak with offers me a different piece of insight to help me along this winding path of life. 

The guidance I have received from alumni through the directory inspired me and the rest of QUEST Corporate to use the directory to support others in our community. We recently launched a mentorship program with 43 mentees and mentors. Each student was paired with a mentor who aligned with their career interests. A combination of Jess’s insight on alumni and the entries in the QUEST directory allowed us to give every person what we hope will be the perfect match. 

The QUEST directory has been pivotal to shaping my career path and for contributing to the larger QUEST community. Without it, I’d be scrummaging LinkedIn and cold emailing people who likely would not respond to me. I used to think I had a magic touch, but I can confidently say that 99% of the QUEST alumni I have emailed through the directory responded to me with an enthusiasm and willingness to support me in any way they can. Whether you’ve already graduated or are a current QUESTee, use the directory any time you are looking for a little advice and of course, if anyone needs help learning how to best use it, please reach out to me. I would be more than happy to help my fellow QUESTees any way that I can! 🙂 

Students and alumni can receive the log-in information for the QUEST directory by reaching out to jroffe@umd.edu.

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