Keeping up with QUEST: Spring Break Edition

With exams and assignments piling up as the semester progresses, students welcome the opportunity to escape and relax during spring break. Though this year’s break may not have included the typical tropical getaways of other years, many students still made the best of their time off with new hobbies, events, and activities. I was lucky enough to catch up with a few QUESTees about how they spent their break! 

Some students found unique and creative ways to continue celebrating events. Cohort 36 student Nakisa Rafiee was able to spend time with family to celebrate one of her favorite holidays, Persian New Year! Emma Pastor, a member of Cohort 35, cheered on her sister in a gymnastics meet. Cohort 31 student Christina Giovanazi celebrated her puppy’s 13th birthday over Spring Break… “She may be a teenager now, but she’s still a puppy at heart!”

Nakisa’s Persian New Year set up!

Other students found ways to expand their professional development. Ben Lin, a member of Cohort 33, volunteered to mentor and judge in MocoHacks! He said that he especially enjoyed being able to cultivate and encourage young folx to continue in their interest in computer science and also spoke on their LGBTQ+ in Tech panel. Cohort 34 student Anindita Mullick applied some of her QUEST skills by competing at the Global Health Case Competition! 

QUESTees also took some time to participate in new and old hobbies alike. Cohort 34 student Hrithik Bansal tapped into his musical aptitude by practicing the Dhol – a Punjabi percussion instrument. This followed four weeks of rigorous classes and midterms, and the break felt (and sounded) great! Jules Parra from Cohort 35 took the break to expand her movie palate by completing a Star Wars marathon, where she watched the original six movies for the first time. Another Cohort 34 student, Heather Bacon, got in some exercise and great views by biking 22 miles from Montgomery County to Georgetown and back! The best part: stopping at Georgetown Cupcake for a mid-ride treat. Similar to Heather, Cohort 34 student Siddharaj Vaghela enjoyed the great outdoors by going on a hike on the iconic Billy Goat Trail. 

Heather taking her mid-ride stop at Georgetown Cupcake!

Some students were able to make meaningful memories with safe events and travel with loved ones! Cohort 34 student Morgan Hoffman went to Boston for the week with her roommate to visit her roommate’s family. Shefali Gupta of Cohort 33 visited the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a chilly yet lively beach trip. Thara Konduri, a Cohort 32 student, surprised one of her friends for his birthday with a safe, outdoor, socially-distanced bonfire…. “It was so nice to see everyone again and spend some quality time together!”

Shefali’s view at the Outer Banks!

Though Spring Break may be over now, UMD students are arriving back on campus with new memories and a fresh mindset for the semester. We hope your Spring Break was just as enjoyable as it was for these QUESTees! 


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