With one semester ending and a new one beginning, it is time for the newest QUEST Cohort to begin their curriculum and QUEST experience. Cohort 38 started their journey at the beginning of the semester on January 20th and 21st with their orientation to the QUEST Honors Program.

Cohort 38 on the first day of 190H
For Cohort 38, orientation looked a little different. Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases in recent months, their orientation was moved online. Despite it being over Zoom, Cohort 38 still got to work on team bonding activities and communication in group settings and was able to meet their 190H teams and mentors for the semester.
Jillian Lurie, a member of Cohort 38 and business undecided major, shared, “At first, I was upset to hear that orientation was moved online because I didn’t know what to expect, but I was still able to have a great introduction to the program. I was so excited to meet my team, mentor, and other people in my cohort and after orientation, I couldn’t wait to get started.”
Members of Cohort 38 have also been enjoying the aspects that make QUEST unique such as working with different majors and building relationships within a team. Sam Orelowitz, another member of Cohort 38 and a mechanical engineering major said, “My experience in QUEST so far has been very positive. My teammates and I have found ways to bond in both professional and friendly settings and working with them feels natural. As a mechanical engineer, I don’t get many interactions with people outside of my major but being able to work with so many people from so many different backgrounds has truly been the beginning of an experience of a lifetime.”

Team Name Presentations during Orientation
QUEST orientation is extremely important and exciting for many reasons, one being that you get to meet your BMGT/ENES 190H mentor. Morgan Hoffman, a member of cohort 34, is one of the 190H mentors this semester. She expressed, “Orientation was virtual this year, but it was still a lot of fun! Rachel [DiDonna, the program manager for QUEST,] sent each student a list of facts about their mentor, and they had to go through different breakout rooms asking each mentor questions until they figured out the identity of their mentor.” Regarding the effectiveness of a virtual orientation for her team, she said, “I think it was still a great experience even though it had to be moved online. I got to watch my team get closer and open up more over the course of orientation, just like they would’ve in person.”
Jeannie Spiegel, the BMGT/ENES 190H teaching assistant and a member of Cohort 33, is also excited for the semester to begin. She shared, “QUEST camp is always a highlight of the 190H journey. This year it was moved online but the cohort was able to easily adapt. It was exciting to see all of the teams meet in-person on the first day of class. Having gone through 190H myself, been a mentor and TA-ing 190H for a second semester, it is clear that Cohort 38 is excited to jump into QUEST headfirst!”
Cohort 38 is off to a great start, and QUESTPress is excited to see everything that Cohort 38 does in 190H and through the rest of their QUEST experience!