My name is Nakisa Rafiee, and I am a senior accounting and information systems major in Cohort 36 and first-time guest writer for QUEST Press. đŸ˜‰ When asked by the Editors-in-Chief to write an article about Rachel DiDonna, Program Manager of QUEST, I became overwhelmed with bittersweet emotions. DiDonna recently accepted a new position as the Assistant Director for Smith Fellows Programs at the Smith Undergraduate Office, which she begins on October 24th. Like my fellow QUEST students, although I am sad to see DiDonna say farewell to the QUEST program, I am so excited to see where this new role takes her.

DiDonna, third from left, with the rest of the QUEST faculty and staff.
Though DiDonna is leaving QUEST, her impact on the program will be reflected for years to come. She created the Cross-Cultural Workshops in 390H, Team Building Workshops at Orientation, and the entire student organization recruiting process from scratch. She also was inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa during her time with QUEST. Her dedication to helping us grow as students, leaders, and individuals in any way she could is the thing about DiDonna that resonates with me the most. Her door in the QUEST lab is always open for us to come in and talk about whatever we wanted. She cares about our lives outside of school, gives us professional development advice, and connects us to the resources we need. When she isn’t assisting students, DiDonna is taking care of an endless number of other tasks to make sure the program is running smoothly.

DiDonna, far right, at a previous QUEST Homecoming Tailgate.
DiDonna also always encourages us as QUEST student organization leaders, making sure we are able to plan the best events for our members and have all the resources we need. Whether it is buying last-minute supplies, staying late just for our events, or making sure the pizza for our QUEST Creative meetings is still warm, Rachel always stands by us. She gives us tips and tricks from her own knowledge on the best way to grow our organizations and makes sure to always listen to us as well. On behalf of the student organization leaders, we thank you.

DiDonna, front middle, at the Seattle happy hour this summer.
Though DiDonna spent only about four years as a member of the QUEST Quality Guild, her impact was far-reaching. Rachel, we appreciate you being there for us every step of the way. On behalf of all the QUEST family, we are so excited to see you succeed in this new role (and to bug you from time to time in 1570)! We will forever be grateful for all you have done. Good luck!