QUEST Returns to Overnight Orientation


Cohort 40 at QUEST Camp

What is QUEST’s unique value proposition? Is it the amazing staff on the Quality Guild who know exactly what they have been doing after years of experience? Maybe it’s the professors who come from all types of backgrounds and are able to teach students on topics ranging from coding to financial analysis to product development? I think what really makes it stand out is the community that we make as QUESTees. It is working collaboratively with classmates who are driven and push you to do more, all while being friends and supporting each other. But how does this happen with every single cohort? It starts at QUEST camp.

The first few days before winter break students in Cohort 40 were gearing up for their QUEST camp, or orientation, experience, excited to start their journey through the first QUEST course, BMGT/ENES190H. Little did they know what they would be in for. They would get a chance to be at Camp Tockwogh for two full days, meeting their BMGT/ENES190H team, bonding with their cohort and spending time with each other outside of class.

Camp started early, with students arriving to Van Munching Hall with their overnight bags, ready to get their first QUEST experience. After a quick breakfast and introductions everyone got on the bus to head over to camp. After arriving and putting their luggage away, the students finally got to meet their teams and their mentors. They all talked and began to form relationships up until the minute that they needed to grab lunch. In teams, the students all walked across Camp Tockwogh’s campus to get to the mess hall for some burgers (and other options for those with dietary restrictions).

Cohort 40 at the Low Ropes Course

In the afternoon, teams were able to check out the camp grounds as they did a rotation of activities: low ropes, pilot products, and improv. During the low ropes portion of the day, teams would head out into the woods and have to figure out challenges. In one of the challenges, the students had to navigate across platforms twenty feet apart from each other using only a trash can, ropes, and two planks of wood. Duncan Millar (Cohort 40) shared, “My favorite part of QUEST Camp was the rope course. Since that was the first activity we did, it felt like we were able to work together and learn our strengths and weaknesses. It was also just super fun and a great way to get to know people.”

Improv Workshop With Dr. Armstrong

Next, we had pilot products. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to share any information about pilot products…you will have to come to QUEST camp to learn all about it! Finally, we have my personal favorite: improv. This section is led by Dr. Armstrong. She leads teams through a bunch of different improv games so that they can start to learn how to think creatively, work with each other, and bond with their teammates.

Mentor Ishaan Kapur (center) and the Cohort 40 team he is mentoring this semester

One of the mentors, Ishaan Kapur (Cohort 36), said, “I am so glad that Cohort 40 had the chance to bond at Camp Tockwogh. One of my favorite moments of the weekend was improv with Dr. Armstrong. I think it got us all out of our comfort zone. It was a great experience.”

Best of luck Cohort 40 as you begin your QUEST journey!

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