Let’s Give a Warm Welcome to Cohort 41


This August, QUEST orientation took place at Sandy Hill Camp and Retreat Center in North East, MD. We are excited to say that Cohort 41 has officially started their QUEST (pun intended).

Cohort 41’s first picture!


Cohort 41 students had a lot of fun as they completed many team-building exercises with their BMGT/ENES190H team and mentor. Many students stated that it was exhausting, yet fun to spend time with their Cohort and get to know them. 

Cohort 41 students lifting up a mentor

On the afternoon of the first day, Cohort 41 students explored the campgrounds for their team-building exercises and got to do some great activities like improv and low ropes. Even though some people were nervous, these activities displayed that Cohort 41 students are ready to support each other in a tight-knit bond.

Cohort 41 student, Esha Singhai, said that “QUEST camp was an incredible experience! One memorable moment was being lifted into the air by friends that I had just met for the ‘low ropes’ exercise. It was a fun opportunity to learn how to trust my fellow QUESTees. I also liked seeing how the efforts of everyone together would be so powerful in making quick decisions and solving complex challenges.”

Cohort 41 students having fun in their team-bonding experiences

On the second day, the Cohort, along with the help of their mentors, presented their pilot products – a unique idea that the teams developed over the course of camp. Although we cannot say much about the products themselves, the BMGT/ENES190H Teaching Assistant Neeha Satrasala (Cohort 39) mentioned, “Cohort 41 students are very creative and built off each other’s ideas well.”

The lessons learned at QUEST orientation will definitely stay with Cohort 41 throughout the program and afterwards. We wish the Cohort good luck as they start the QUEST program and hope they build on the close bonds they created at camp!

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