A QUEST Senior Send-Off

Summer break is fast approaching, and that means diplomas are arriving! Students in Cohort 37 & Cohort 38 are enjoying these warm days and celebrating the end of the semester with senior pictures and DC brunches. I was able to connect with a few graduating QUESTees about how QUEST influenced their college careers.

Amanda Liu, Cohort 37, reminisced on her QUEST capstone conference, stating how fun it was for her to watch as everything came together. Outside of QUEST, Liu was also a TA, where she was able to help students succeed in classes. Although she will miss her time in College Park, she is excited to move to the Bay Area in San Francisco, California as a Software Engineer at Databricks.

Liu (Q37) posing during her senior photo shoot

Graduating seniors in QUEST were also able to participate in superlatives at their Senior Send-Off brunch this past weekend in DC. According to multiple attendees, it was quite entertaining to hear the superlatives everyone was chosen for.

Seniors at the Senior Send-Off Brunch in DC this past weekend.

Another graduating senior, Daphne Ranti, Cohort 38, is actually going to be staying in College Park a little longer. She is a part of the Plus One Program at the Business School, where she will be pursuing a master’s in Accounting. This summer, she will be interning at FTI Consulting.

Ranti (Q38) at her graduation photo shoot

When asked about QUEST, Ranti mentioned how “QUEST pushed [her] out of [her] comfort zone. [She] came into the program really nervous and uncertain about everything, and QUEST helped [her] become more confident about who [she] is and who [she] wants to be.” QUEST also helped her with making great friends, saying that “the people [she’s] met through QUEST have truly been the highlight of [her] experience in the program, and they deserve all the luck in the world. Q38 forever!”

Our seniors were also honored at the End of Year Picnic on May 4th! All seniors received graduation medals, and several seniors were honored with Outstanding Service Awards for their impressive contributions to the program. Here are the honorees:

  • Will Ahn
  • Annuska Aliev
  • Abby Bond
  • Ayman Bootwala
  • Sona Chudamani
  • Lauren Gomes
  • Ume Habiba
  • Luke Muratore
  • Sareet Nayak
  • Samantha Taskale
  • Jacob Uwimana
  • Abhinav Vedmala

Congratulations to all of the graduating QUESTees, and we are excited to see what you do with your future!

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