The University of Maryland Radiation Facilities and NIST will be collaborating to host a Neutron Activation Analysis Workshop.
The workshop will be hosted at the University of Maryland on June 7th-9th. It is open to ______.
The curriculum will include:
Day 1
- NAA fundamentals
- Applications!
- Atomic particles
- Energy levels in nucleus
- Neutron sources
- Particle in, particle out vs capture
- Sample introduction
- Gamma-ray emission
- Radioactive decay
- Two flavors of INAA: comparator vs k_
- Maryland University Training Reactor Overview
- Health Physics Introduction
Day 2
- HPGE Fundamentals
- How HPGEs work
- HPGe Tuning
- Peak fitting
- Hands-on HPGe setup
- Neutron Activation Analysis
- Sample Prep
- Standards
- Demo
Day 3
- Neutron Activation Calculations
- Decay Corrections
- Background corrections
- Flux variations
- Self Shielding
- Uncertainty
If you are interested in attending please fill out the sign-up form.
Is this worship opened to the public – online ?
wor”k” shop … available online ?