As with articles, reviews for the journal should address the contribution to our understanding of literature, culture, and history in the Restoration and the adjacent periods. Books are selected by the book review editor for their contribution to the journal’s mission; we then locate and request a review from a specialist in the field. Please contact the book review editor if you would like to review a particular book for Restoration or to express interest in reviewing for us in general.
Reviews of single books usually run approximately 1000 words and have no title. When Restoration solicits a review, we generally give a 4- to 6-month window in which to complete the review.
We also publish reviews of performances of plays and other media (operas, musical performances) from the Restoration and surrounding periods, as well as performances with relevant themes (adaptations; cinematic depictions of the Restoration).
Completed reviews should be submitted in conformity with the most recent Chicago style, be double spaced throughout, and have 1.5-inch margins. Please begin the review with the bibliographic information for the book. We do not include the price of a book with the bibliographic heading.
Completed reviews should be submitted electronically as attachments to Brett Wilson ( and copy Any inquiries concerning book reviews should be addressed to the Book Review editor, Brett Wilson (, the Editor, Laura Rosenthal (, or the Associate Editor, Erin Keating ( or through the journal’s email address.