We had the pleasure of hosting Prof. Chris Vagionas! Lots of interesting new ideas and results… stay tuned!
Prof. Chris Vagionas is a professor at the University of Western Macedonia and a researcher at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he works in the well-known WinPhoS Research Group. To describe his work, we will use some of his own words: “After a decade of research in the field of optical computing memories, my research group managed to develop the world’s fastest look-up memories, relying on InP photonic materials. These memories operate at speeds exceeding 10 Gb/s, which is roughly ten times faster than electronic look-up memory-solutions. The goal of developing integrated photonic memory architectures could enable rapid search operations in the stored data at the speed of light. ”
If interested in learning what we were up to and reading more about Chris, please read this interview by the University of Maryland in its blog “Fearless Fullbrights”: Fearless Fulbrights: Dr. Chris Vagionas
It was a great honor having you here Chris; we had a very productive and fun time with you in our lab. We hope to have you back!