
“The Conscience of a Progressive is…essential reading in our current political moment.   Steven Klees parses the foundational differences between conservative, liberal and progressive analysis, worldview and policy programs…This book is a substantive primer to ideas and programmatic distinctions that goes beyond horse-race political reporting. A valuable roadmap to the power of progressive thinking and policy.”


Institute for Policy Studies, co-editor,, author, Born on Third Base

 “In these very troubling times Klees’ book avoids merely cataloging crimes to smartly critique conservative and liberal perspectives and reflect on…positive contributions of progressives on many critical issues.”


Author of Practical Utopia: Strategies for a Desirable Society and co-founder Z Magazine and South End Press

“Steven Klees has written an ambitious and fascinating book, his crisp and engaging words cover everything from debates around sexuality to economic justice, education and development. The ‘progressive’ contrasts with the ‘conservative’ by standing for a more equal and ecological society, and the ‘liberal’ in arguing that structural alternatives are necessary. This book will attract attention and readers in an America where progressive and practical policy solutions are increasing in demand.”


Author of Economics After Capitalism: A Guide to the Ruins and a Road to the Future and former principal spokesperson for the U.K. Green Party

“Prof. Klees’ book is a must read for anyone interested in politics, economics, and education today.  During the latter part of the 20th century, in far too many countries we have witnessed an unconscionable and steady shift to the right by liberals and social democratic parties resulting in a neoliberal consensus. Prof Klees’ critique from a progressive perspective is extremely timely as it contributes to a necessary strategic reflection on how to rebuild a truly progressive movement.”


General Secretary, Education International, the global teachers union

“Professor Steven Klees, through succinct and accessible prose, delivers, from the perspective of a progressive worldview a lively commentary on the key issues of our time – education and socio-economic development but also climate change, healthcare, war, and more….  His refreshing analysis comes at a time when it is most needed – a time when the dominant neoliberal discourse stifles the search for alternatives and remains largely unchallenged. A time when social development, the environment and reason face sustained assault and when the world lurches inexorably and dangerously toward ecological disasters and the barbarism of devastating wars.  Klees lucidly unravels the basis for the global triple scourge of poverty, inequality, and discrimination and reveals the threads connecting class inequality with racism, sexism, heterosexism and ableism that make up the social fabric of the global order while suggesting much-needed alternatives.  He brings to bear his considerable experience of five decades of professional life and his rich body of work spans 30 countries. This crucial book answers critical questions for anyone seeking progressive change. It is also a spur to new struggles – and to new possibilities.”


Professor, University of Johannesburg and Director, Center for Education Rights and Transformation, co-author of Education, Economy and Society

“Steven Klees has written an important and well-argued case for a new left politics that draws on the best of the old. He draws on his deep and extensive knowledge of education, and therefore of the potential of human beings if given the resources and encouragement to realise this potential, to present an original perspective on what it means to be progressive in the US today. It’s a book which should be published and published soon as the issue of political alternatives to the present chaos gets urgent!”


Author of A New Politics from the Left, former member of the editorial board of the New Left Review, current editor of Red Pepper, and Fellow at the Transnational Institute

“Exceptionally well written, reasoned, reported, organized and presented, “The Conscience of a Progressive” is especially and unreservedly recommended for both community and college/university library”

Midwest Book Review, Vol 15, No. 11, November 2020