Today, for my second blog, I want to briefly comment again on Bill Maher’s show Real Time and then look at some media moments and stories that have been circulating this past week.
My Bill Maher Report
Bill is good on many issues – conspiracy theories like QAnon, the Big Election Lie, the border wall, women’s reproductive rights, and more – but should be called out when he is off-base. My problem with last Friday’s show (June 18) centered again on how Bill deals with racial issues, wokeness, and the twitter crowd. Bill spent a lot of time on Lin-Manuel Miranda’s apology for the casting of his new film, In the Heights, a very well-reviewed musical look at life in a Latinx neighborhood in Manhattan. Miranda had been criticized for colorism, with most of the actors light-skinned when many in that neighborhood are dark-skinned Afro-Latinos. Bill was outraged that Miranda had been critiqued for this and that he felt the need to apologize, pointing out that in creating the play, Hamilton, Miranda had taken a very progressive stance by representing our founding fathers as Black and Latino. Bill asked, “Is nothing ever good enough for these people?” and saying, “This is why people hate Democrats.”
Bill is just wrong on many levels. First, this is a valid criticism. Colorism, prejudice and discrimination against darker-skin people, is a general feature of racism that is present everywhere, even in Black and Latinx communities. Reading some of the criticisms of In the Heights, you can tell they were heart-felt, they highlight an important aspect of racism, and have long been applicable to Hollywood. Bill opined that Miranda probably apologized to avoid the hassle but reading his and other responses from the film’s associates, it was clear to me that they took the criticisms seriously.
Bill said, “At some point, we need to stand up to these bullies,” but the critics I read were not bullies. All social media criticism is not cancel culture, even if Bill is right that some or maybe much of it goes too far. Critique turns into cancel culture when it turns nasty. Miranda was not being cancelled. Critics still said they thought the film was good. And maybe the answer to Bill’s question above is that nothing is ever good enough. There is always room for improvement.
The Crime Wave
Bill’s show and most media outlets have been talking a lot about the rise in gun violence. All the coverage has probably contributed to making this a hot issue for the public. I wonder how much homicides have really risen and why. To some extent, the yearly rise statistics must be misleading, since a year ago, withs so many places on lockdown and fears of contagion high, homicide rates may have been much lower than usual. With pandemic fear waning and the explosion of activity, maybe there is sort of a backlog of homicides as, for example, street gangs become more active? I doubt the violence is caused by the concerns with policing, as argued on Fox news, and it certainly is not a result of immigration, also as Fox news likes to infer. And, at bottom, gun violence is caused in this country – at rates way higher than all other industrialized countries – by the ubiquitous presence of guns and the ease of getting one.
Housing Prices
With fears of inflation, there has been a lot of attention to housing prices, with people trying to explain the crazy market (where, for example, many houses are selling for much higher that they are listed for). But I think the explanation is pretty simple. The pandemic postponed a lot of people’s plans to purchase a new home, and so there is a huge pent-up demand. Add to that, the pandemic stopped a lot of businesses from hiring people and a lot of people from moving to new locations, so this is a source of another huge pent-up demand for new housing too.
Other Media Moments
Fox news remains the bastion of the far right. This week, it has been pushing the astonishing accusation that the FBI may have been behind the January 6 insurrection. Since the FBI has been known to infiltrate right-wing extremist groups, perhaps they instigated these groups to attack the Capitol? There is not a shred of evidence that this happened, but that doesn’t stop Fox commentator Tucker Carlson from whining something like, “How do we know this FBI scenario is not true?” Of course, this absurd question can never be answered.
Tucker also interviewed a “scientist” who says there is no evidence of appreciable global warming. An ever-present Fox news story this week has been the almost daily showings of migrants crossing our border with Mexico. But perhaps most ubiquitous is the continued attack on critical race theory. A recent study reported that Fox news referred to critical race theory about 1300 times since March!
Controversy over Critical Race Theory
Critical race theory has become a hot button issue. Twenty-two states have passed or are considering legislation banning the teaching of CRT in public schools. There is a lot that can and should and is being said about how awful this is. Today, I only want to highlight two things. First, while not wanting to be too simplistic about the origins of this controversy, one right-wing former documentary filmmaker, Christopher Rufo, has had enormous influence in bringing this about, as detailed in The New Yorker. He got ahold of some bias training documents used in some Seattle city government departments that referenced CRT, and he started writing about it for a publication of the right-wing Manhattan Institute. Tucker Carlson had Rufo on his show last September, Trump saw it and that led to an Executive Order limiting how race could be talked about in Federal training programs. Rufo went on to prominence, talking to Congress and others about how he saw CRT and its evil doings.
Yesterday (June 23), Joy Reid, one of my favorite MSNBC commentators, had Rufo on her show and showed a series of 3 tweets Rufo sent last March. It is worth reading them.
“The activists are realizing that their ideas, once put into practice, are generating discontent. Their racial coalition is also breaking apart – Asian-Americans in particular, are revolting against CRT, which punishes them more than any other group. We have successfully frozen their brand – critical race theory – not the public conversation and are steadily driving up negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as we put all of the various cultural insanities under that brand category. The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think “critical race theory.” We have decodified the term and recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”
Very scary! Rufo proudly told Joy that his “strategy had been enormously successful.” And it has. One survey said that 64% of Americans have heard of CRT, and have heard mostly negative things.
This blog is getting long, but I wanted to conclude by sharing with you the response of General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, when asked by Rep. Matt Gaetz about CRT in the military. Milley said:
“I do think it’s important, actually, for those of us in uniform to be open-minded and be widely read. And the United States Military Academy is a university. And it is important that we train and we understand – and I want to understand white rage. And I’m white …. So, what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out. I’ve read Mao Zedong, I’ve read Karl Marx, I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding? Having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend? And I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States Military – our general officers, our commissioned and noncommissioned officers – of being ‘woke’ because we’re studying some theories that are out there.”
As I said in my previous blog, there is nothing wrong with being “woke” either, but it is great to see a military perspective offer some sanity to the discussion. More on all this next time!