2022 Trans-Atlantic Infraday (TAI) Program
Note: visitors at the DSV, Stockholm University. Please use the elevator on the main entrance (in front of the Eatery shop) go up to the third floor & enter the Gate E. You will meet us there.
“Security and Equity Issues in Infrastructure”
November 3, 2022
[12:00-13:00] Lunch
[13:00-13:15] Welcome
[13:15-14:00] Keynote at Room 2 (L70)
Chair: Steven Gabriel
“Overcoming the European import dependency on natural gas, oil and coal with e-fuels?” [online at Zoom link with Passcode: 344846]
- Claudia Kemfert (DIW-Berlin), [website]
Click here for Zoom Link details
Topic: Kemfert keynote
Time: Nov 3, 2022 01:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, ViennaJoin Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 344846
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[14:00-14:15] Coffee Break
[14:30-16:30] Parallel Sessions
Room 1 (DL40): Water Resources and Hydropower
Chair: Steven Gabriel
- “Flexible Supply Meets Flexible Demand: The Impact Of Prosumers On Strategic Hydro Operations” [in-person]
- Farzad Hassanzadeh Moghimi* (Stockholm University), Yihsu Chen, Afzal S. Siddiqui
- “Game Theory and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Implementation” [online at Zoom link]
- Nathan Boyd* (University of Maryland), Steven Gabriel, Kaye Brubaker, Matt Ries
Click here for Zoom Link details
- Nathan Boyd* (University of Maryland), Steven Gabriel, Kaye Brubaker, Matt Ries
- “Inverse Optimization for Parameterization of Linear Complementarity Problems and for Incentive Design in Markets” [online at Zoom link]
- Stephanie Allen* (University of Maryland), Steven A. Gabriel, Nathan T. Boyd
Click here for Zoom Link details
- Stephanie Allen* (University of Maryland), Steven A. Gabriel, Nathan T. Boyd
- “Bi-Level Optimization Flexibility in Infrastructure Markets” [in-person]
- Steven Gabriel* (University of Maryland and NTNU)
Room 2 (L70): Energy Policy
Chair: Emil Dimanchev
- “Economics of Power Systems: Environmental Externalities” [in-person]
- Afzal S. Siddiqui* (Stockholm University), Makoto Tanaka, Antonio J. Conejo
- “An analysis of mitigating measures for inc-dec gaming in market-based redispatch” [in-person]
- Audun Midttun Systad, Jens Løken Eilertsen, Felipe Van de Sande Araujo* (NTNU), Ruud Egging-Bratseth
- “On the Efficiency of Energy Markets with Non-merchant Storage” [in-person]
- Linde Frölke* (Technical University of Denmark), Eléa Prat, Pierre Pinson, Richard Lusby, Jalal Kazempour
- “Optimal climate policy under political constraints and uncertainty: A bi- level optimization approach” [in-person]
- Emil Dimanchev* (NTNU), Steven A. Gabriel, Lina Reichenberg, Magnus Korpås
[17:00-19:00] (Optional) Social Event at O’Leary’s in Kista Galleria [website]
November 4, 2022
[09:00-09:45] Keynote at Room 2 (L70)
Chair: Afzal S. Siddiqui
“Energy System Trends and Long Term Market Modeling” [in-person]
- Lars Herre (Vattenfall AB and DTU)
[09:45-10:00] Break
[10:00-12:00] Parallel Sessions
Room 1 (DL40): Flexibility in energy markets
Chair: Pattanun Chanpiwat
- “What is the value of demand-response ? A Stochastic Dual Dynamic Approach.” [online at Zoom link with Passcode: 523072]
- Julien Ancel (Climate Economics Chair and CentraleSupelec) and Olivier Massol*
Click here for Zoom Link details
Topic: 2022 Trans-Atlantic Infraday (TAI) (2nd Day)
Time: Nov 4, 2022 10:00 AM StockholmJoin Zoom Meeting
https://aalto.zoom.us/j/65363064302?pwd=ajZSZHdvdG91Q3l1NlJpeXdzSW9BZz09Meeting ID: 653 6306 4302
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Meeting ID: 653 6306 4302
Passcode: 523072
- Julien Ancel (Climate Economics Chair and CentraleSupelec) and Olivier Massol*
- “Energy-Related Stochastic Complementarity Problems Solved by Multi-Stage Modeling with Recourse Decisions” [in-person]
- Pattanun Chanpiwat* (University of Maryland and Aalto University), Steven Gabriel, Max Brown
- “Optimal Timing Of Intraday Electricity Auctions: Striking A Balance Between Flexibility Cost And Wind Uncertainty” [in-person]
- Endre Bjørndal* (NHH), Mette Bjørndal, Somayeh Rahimi Alangi, Jonas Andersson
- “Econometric Analysis of Reserve Energy Demand” [in-person]
- Laureen Deman* (Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory and SuperGrid Institute), Quentin Boucher
Room 2 (L70): Novel Modeling and Algorithms
Chair: Lukas Barner
- “Modelling Nuclear Flexibility using Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming: Application to the French case” [in-person]
- Ange Blanchard* (Climate Economics Chair and CentraleSupelec) and Olivier Massol
- “Bilevel Optimization, Calibration of MCPs” [in-person]
- Lukas Barner* (TU Berlin)
- “A discreetly constrained equilibrium model for a electricity market with high levels of renewables” [online at Zoom link with Passcode: 344846]
- Mel T. Devine* (University College Dublin) and Muireann A. Lynch
Click here for Zoom Link details
Topic: Devine and Oliveira
Time: Nov 4, 2022 11:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
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Passcode: 344846
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- Mel T. Devine* (University College Dublin) and Muireann A. Lynch
- “Achieving Emission-Reduction Goals: Long-Term Power-System Expansion under Short-Term Operational Uncertainty” [online at Zoom link with Passcode: 344846]
- Tuomas Rintamäki, Fabricio Oliveira* (Aalto University), Afzal S. Siddiqui, Ahti Salo
Click here for Zoom Link details
Topic: Devine and Oliveira
Time: Nov 4, 2022 11:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
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Meeting ID: 971 329 3713
Passcode: 344846
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Meeting ID: 971 329 3713
Passcode: 344846
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- Tuomas Rintamäki, Fabricio Oliveira* (Aalto University), Afzal S. Siddiqui, Ahti Salo
[12:00-12:15] Closing Statement
[12:15-13:15] Lunch