Wags for Wellness! An Interview About Pupperdoggos with Sarah Wilson, Stress and Mental Wellness Program Coordinator at the University Health Center
I wish we could say that we interviewed some Good Dogs for this piece, but I think some things would have gotten lost in translation. Luckily, Sarah Wilson, Stress and Mental Wellness Program Coordinator at the Health Center, was able to help fill in some gaps for this discussion about the Health Center’s great opportunities to meet and de-stress with trained therapy dogs. Read more to learn about how you can catch Wags for Wellness and enjoy the company of some excellent doggos.
That Test-Taking Time of Year
Terps, most of you will likely be hitting Fall midterms right about now, and you have had a taste of the stress that exams can bring. That stress, as many of you know, is often magnified when you have multiple tests within a few short days of each other. Most of you have also received the typical advice: don’t cram; get sleep; eat good food. Below, we’ve compiled a list of resources that cover all those strategies and more – and we’ve highlighted some of our favorites.
Check out last year’s September/October 2018 issue for seasonally-relevant topics like
- learning about campus resources,
- dealing with roommate conflicts, and
- getting familiar with UMD’s Substance Use Intervention Treatment Team,
or skim through the November/December 2018 issue for articles focusing on
- coping with loneliness,
- managing mid-year stress,
- learning about the Social Interaction Group Network for Students with Autism, and
- reading a powerful article by UMD student Ketki Chauhan about substance dependence.