Managing Your Mental Health in An Election Year
[…]After already making it through a global pandemic, nationwide economic distress, and significantly altered daily habits and rituals, it would not be surprising if the stress associated to our current election cycle becomes even more intense than usual. So what can you do to try to manage any election-related stress you might be experiencing? […]
Mental Health Highlight: Campus Advocates Respond and Educate (CARE) to Stop Violence
This summer, we got to connect with Grace Boudreau, Coordinator for Outreach & Assessment at Campus Advocates Respond and Educate (CARE) to Stop Violence. She shares resources for terps whose lives are impacted by (1) relationships with power-and-control issues, (2) incidents of harassment or violence, and (3) much more – along with addressing how to access support. Read on for more information about CARE to Stop Violence, and don’t be afraid to reach out if you or someone you know needs help.
Revisit Seasonal Topics from Past Years
Wags for Wellness: An Interview with PupperDoggos (Oct/Nov 2019, Feb/March 2019)
That Test-Taking Time of Year (October/November 2019)
Stop Ignoring Your Mental Health: Campus Resources at a Glance (September/October 2018)
Dealing with Roommates & Other Conflicts (September/October 2018)
Lonely? You’re Not Alone (November/December 2018)
Managing Mid-Year Stress: A Mini-Guide (November/December 2018)
Interview with Laura Place: Coordinator of Substance Use & Intervention Treatment (September/October 2018)
She’s Only Human: A Disease, Not A Choice (Featured Article by UMD Student Ketki Chauhan) (November/December 2018)
Interview with Kathy Dow-Burger on the Social Interaction Group Network for UMD Students with Autism (November/December 2018)
Revisit Seasonal Events from Past Years
3rd Annual Terps Take Care Fair on October 10th (August/September 2019)
Bigger & Better: Terps Take Care Fair 2018 (September/October 2018)