

All UMD retired faculty members of the University of Maryland are eligible to join the UMD Retired Faculty Association (UMRFA) upon their request to the Steering Committee. Faculty from academic units that did not award emeritus/emerita status at the time of their retirement but have since instituted it may become members by submitting their request to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs or his/her designee, who will forward it to the Steering Committee after verification of prior and current practices in the unit. To become a member of UMRFA, you must register with the Association. Registered membership allows faculty with emeritus/emerita status the right to vote in Association elections and on policy issues. Registering as a member also ensures that you will continue to receive the Steering Committee’s notices and other mailings about Association programs and about issues relevant to State of Maryland retirees.

To join, please visit membership

UMRFA receives no funding from UMD and therefore must operate on contributions from members.  Rather than charge dues, we ask members, and others, to contribute to UMRFA to allow UMRFA to pursue the activities emeritus/emerita faculty have indicated they want.  The Steering Committee suggests an annual donation of $50.00, but we appreciate any amount.  All donations will be greatly appreciated and they are tax deductible!  Go to DONATE NOW.   Thank you for your support!