The UMD Retired Faculty Association seeks to enhance the relationship between the University of Maryland, College Park and its retired faculty in order to: (a) enrich their retirement experiences, and (b) draw upon their experience and activities to support teaching, research, and outreach mission of the university. See below to read our Plan of Organization.
(Note, we are in the process of moving our group from being for emeritus faculty to encompass all retired faculty. This will involve change in this and other documents for name changes.)
Article I-NAME
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be University of Maryland Emeritus/Emerita Association (UMEEA).
Section 2. UMEEA shall function in partnership with and administratively under the purview of the Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs of the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD).
Section 1. All Emeritus/Emerita faculty members of UMD are eligible to join UMEEA upon their request to the Steering Committee. Members have voting privileges on business matters and can run for a seat on the Steering Committee. Faculty members who retired from academic units that did not award emeritus/emerita status at that time, but that have since instituted it, may become members by submitting their request to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs or his/her designee, who will forward it to the Steering Committee after verification of prior and current practices in the unit.
Section 1. UMEEA seeks to enhance the relationship between UMD and its emeritus/emerita faculty in order to: (a) enrich the faculties’ retirement experiences, and (b) draw upon UMEEA members’ experience and activities to support the teaching, research, and outreach mission of the University.
Section 2. To that end, the purposes of UMEEA will include:
a) Encouraging and facilitating emeritus/emerita faculty involvement with UMD undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, alumni/ae, faculty governance, university administration, and the greater UMD community by drawing upon the accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and expertise of members;
b) Facilitating the service of members to the university and surrounding community;
c) Assisting in providing a seamless transition for emeritus/emerita faculty into retirement;
d) Serving as an incentive for retiring emeritus/emerita faculty to remain affiliated with the university;
e) Identifying and advancing the continuing intellectual interests and scholarly activities of UMEEA members; and
f) Serving as a focal point for social interaction, intellectual exchange, cultural enrichment, and health and wellness for members.
Section 1. Meetings. There shall be at least one annual meeting of the membership, usually in early May. Other meetings may be called by the Steering Committee. The scheduling of meetings ordinarily should be announced at least 30 days in advance. The agenda for these meetings will be set by the Steering Committee with input from the membership. Requests for items to be placed on the agenda should be sent to the Steering Committee at least 10 days in advance of a scheduled meeting. Unless waived by a majority vote of members present at a formal meeting of the membership of UMEEA or the Steering Committee, business meetings shall be conducted under the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
Section 2. Structure. UMEEA will be administered by its Steering Committee in partnership with, and administratively under, the purview of the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA).
ARTICLE V. Role of the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
a) Serve with the UMEEA Chair as the official representative of UMEEA to the university administration, and, where appropriate, spokesperson for UMEEA.
b) Serve on the UMEEA Steering Committee, ex officio.
c) Provide leadership and administrative support for UMEEA activities and communicate UMEEA activities to the membership through OFA website and newsletter.
d) Maintain an up-to-date membership roster including contact information.
e) Be responsible for the preparation and maintenance of minutes of the meetings of the membership and the Steering Committee.
f) Monitor the UMEEA’s finances, providing final approval for all expenditures.
The Associate Provost may appoint an individual as her/his representative on the UMEAA. This person will serve as Executive Director of UMEEA.
Section 1. Membership and Organization
The Steering Committee shall be composed of eight elected members of UMEEA as well as the Executive Director (ex officio). The UMD Senate representative for emeritus/emerita faculty will serve ex officio. Ex officio members shall have voting privileges.
a) Nominations for the Steering Committee will be solicited before the general membership meeting in early May, and may be made from the floor at the time of the meeting. Nominees may make a brief introductory statement at the meeting. Ballots will be sent out electronically approximately two weeks after the meeting. They should include brief statements from each candidate about their qualifications and interests.
b) The Steering Committee members shall serve for three-year staggered terms and may be reelected for one consecutive term. Members may serve additional terms after a lapse of a year.
c) A two-thirds vote of the Steering Committee is required for removal of its members.
Section 2. Officers
a) Officers of UMEEA will be elected by the Steering Committee from its membership after the election of new members.
b) Officers of the UMEEA will include a Chair, Chair-elect who will become Chair, and a Treasurer.
c) The Chair-elect will be selected from individuals who have served at least one full semester on the Steering Committee.
d) The Chair will preside over UMEEA membership and Steering Committee meetings. If the Chair is not able to fulfill her/his duties, they will be assumed by the Chair-elect. As far as possible, the Steering Committee shall mirror the diverse population of the University.
e) The Chair will serve with the Executive Director as the official representative of UMEEA to the university administration and, where appropriate, as spokesperson for UMEEA.
Section 3. Duties
The Steering Committee shall:
a) Organize UMEEA’s programs, offerings, activities, membership, and operations;
Finalized February 1, 2020
b) Form committees to implement various programs, including appointing of committee chairs; committees should include members not serving on the Steering Committee, but at least one member of the Steering Committee shall serve on each committee as a liaison.
c) Call meetings of the Steering Committee and UMEEA membership;
d) Contribute to the success of the organization through active participation, recruitment, and stewardship of the organization and contribute assistance where needed to implement UMEEA’s programs and activities;
e) Prepare appropriate items of business such as policy statements to be brought before the membership for its approval;
f) Contribute to the preparation of the agenda for membership meetings;
g) Oversee all finances of UMEEA; and
h) Prepare an annual report of the activities and finances for the membership and the Office of Faculty Affairs.
Section 4. Operations of the Steering Committee
a) The Steering Committee will meet at least twice each semester.
b) Attendance may be in-person or electronically through conference call, Skype, or other means that allow remote participants to fully engage in the meeting.
Section 1. Membership voting will take place electronically from documents prepared by the Steering Committee. If the Steering Committee deems a live business meeting of the entire membership necessary, then at least one-fourth of the UMEEA membership must be present for a vote to take place.
Section 2. Steering Committee. A quorum for the adoption of business and policy items shall consist of six members present (in person or electronically). (See voting rules for changes to Plan of Organization below). By consent of a simple majority of members present at a meeting, the Steering Committee may vote by secret ballot on a particular issue if requested by a single voting member. The will of the majority of those present in-person or electronically will prevail.
Section 1. Amendments or changes to the plan of organization shall require approval of all of the following:
a) A two-thirds vote of the Steering Committee, followed by:
b) two-thirds of the members’ votes cast in accordance with Article VII.1; and
c) the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs.
d) If the Associate Provost is also Executive Director, he/she will not vote in Article VIII,1.a.
Section 2. The same approval process applies to dissolution of UMEEA.
Section 1.
Membership in UMEEA does not require the payment of dues, but donations are welcome and strongly encouraged.
Finalized February 1, 2020
The University of Maryland College Park Foundation (UMCPF), through an account established for UMEEA, accepts all gifts and donations to UMEEA.
The Treasurer of UMEEA will recommend all expenditures. The Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs (or his/her designee) will prepare requests for expenditures to be submitted to UMCPF and will approve those requests. Expenses above $100 must be co-signed by the Chair of UMEEA.
a) All expenditures from UMEEA’s account must be approved by the Steering Committee at a meeting or by email ballot.
b) If, at any time, UMEEA votes to disband, the Steering Committee will designate the dispersal of any remaining funds to some other entity associated with UMD, preferably for the support of faculty groups.
c) UMEEA will comply with the regulations of UMCPF.