Retiree Tips!
This page contains links and other information for retirees (or soon-to-be retirees) about information that may be of some use to them. The motivation for this page is that some material about and for retirees is difficult to find on various UMD (and other) web sites.
We continue to update this list as we get new information. If you find new information that we might include, please send the links to our web master (
(Please let us know if you find any of these links not working)
- Sign up for UMD Alerts (for crime, weather, etc.)
- Parking for retirees (not emeritus)
- Parking for emeritus/emerita faculty (see p. 24 and p. 29, or search “emeritus”)
- Maintain email when retired (if not emeritus)
- Health insurance information (UMD Human Resources)
- Contacting UMRFA
- Join UMRFA
- Donate to UMRFA
- Retiree campus privileges
- Faculty Affairs – How to retire information
- UMD Retiree benefits
- Library privileges for retirees
- IT services for retirees
- Taking UMD classes (Golden ID)