The PRD process is the performance review process used at USG and UMCP for Regular and CII staff employees. PRD stands for Performance Review and Development. The PRD is an annual process that begins and ends in March. At USG, we also collect an Annual Training and Development Form which lists the training(s) you have completed in the previous year.
Performance Review and Development (PRD) Cycle
We are now at the End-of-Cycle point of the FY17 Performance Review and Development (PRD) cycle. The initial expectation-setting meeting should have been conducted in Spring of 2017 (or ASAP for new employees hired later in the year), and the mid-year-feedback meeting should have been held around November 2017. Completed PRD forms for the FY18 cycle, including the Annual Training & Development form, are due to USG-HR no later than Friday, April 06, 2018.
The PRD process is a great opportunity to review job descriptions, clarify expectations, and improve communication! Please contact us if you have any questions about the process.
Please consider the following information when preparing to conduct PRD meetings:
- PRDs are mandatory for all Regular and Contingent II staff.
- Supervisors and employees are required to attend PRD training at least once in their USG/UMCP career. Supervisors must complete the training before holding PRD meetings.
- All Regular and Contingent II employees should complete the “Annual Training & Development Form” (available here) and have it submitted to USG, Office of Human Resources with their PRD.
- Supervisors should begin to hold End-of-Cycle meetings at this time. If you supervise a manager, consider including a review of how their staff is managed (e.g. are employees engaged in their work, provided with development opportunities, and encouraged to use the leave and benefits they earn?)
- Employees are expected to be engaged in the PRD process and to work collaboratively with their supervisors to help ensure that PRD meetings are conducted in a timely manner.
- PRD forms for both Exempt and Nonexempt staff, including an optional self-evaluation form, are available online here:
More information about the PRD process is available on the UHR Staff Relations page.