2019 PRD Final Performance Reviews

The end of the year 2018 – 2019 Performance Review & Development Cycle (April 2018 through March 2019) is quickly approaching. Supervisors are encouraged to begin preparing to conduct final PRD evaluations. All PRD forms are due to the Office Of Human Resources on April 01, 2019. In preparation for final PRD evaluations and meetings. consideration of the following tips and best practices are recommended.

Final Reviews:

  • No Surprises
  • Performance ratings should be based upon position descriptions, PRD goals, actual performance, and ongoing communication between the employee and supervisor
  • Focus on all the most critical job functions listed in the employee’s position description and PRD
  • Consider performance throughout the entire rating period – both good and opportunities for improvement
  • Note and discuss specific performance examples
  • Utilize the Employee Self-Assessment
  • Make the final PRD meeting interactive; a two-way conversation
  • Expectation Setting for Next Cycle:
    • Establish an action plan with specific dates for all training and development
    • Ensure that performance goals are consistent with employee position descriptions and realistic
    • Supervisors should ask the employee for help in identifying development opportunities, when practicable
    • Schedule regular meetings between the supervisor and employee to ensure ongoing communication

For more information about the PRD process, register for PRD training. For questions about the PRD process, please contact your USG HR Team Member.