2019 Use or Lose

Don’t Lose Any Leave 

Now is the time to start planning to use any annual or personal leave you may be in jeopardy of losing. Faculty and staff employees eligible to earn leave may carry over a maximum of 50 days or 400 hours of annual leave into the calendar year. This maximum will be prorated for part-time employees working 50% or more. Additionally, employees are granted three personal days each calendar year. These personal days cannot be carried forward into the next calendar year. Therefore, any annual leave exceeding 400 hours and/or any unused personal days will be forfeited on January 4, 2020.

For contractual employees, the three personal days are available to use during the contract period and will not be carried forward to the next contract. As always, advance departmental approval to use this leave must be obtained.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Nitshu Joshi at 301-738-6114.