Midway PRD

It is that time of the year! PRD stands for Performance Review and Development. The PRD process is the performance review process used at USG and UMCP for regular and CII staff. We are now at the Midway point of the Performance Review and Development Cycle. The initial expectation meeting should have been conducted in Spring of 2020 (or ASAP for employees hired later in the year).

Performance Evaluation Cycle
The PRD process is a great opportunity to review job description, clarify expectations, and improve communication. Plan to schedule a meeting with your manager this month to complete your midway PRD. No forms are due to the Office of Human Resources (OHR) at this time but you should record the date of the meeting on the PRD form that will be submitted in Spring of 2021. In preparation for mid-year reviews, self-study training information on the PRD process as well as a supervisor supplemental module can be found on the PRD 101 Learning Path.

PRD Tips and Guidelines

We are at the end of the Performance Review and Development (PRD) Cycle (April 2020 through March 2021). All PRD forms/ratings with the highest second level of approvals are due to the Office of Human Resources (OHR) by COB Friday, April 09, 2021. Since we are mostly working in an online environment, there are tips and guidelines that may assist you and your supervisor in having a productive virtual meeting.

  • While the PRD form still needs to be completed, consider whether the employee has the ability to print the document to sign, scan and email it back to you.  If not, you can ask the employee to send you an email indicating whether they are in agreement or disagreement
  • Immediate supervisors are responsible to forward the PRD forms for review and approval to the highest level supervisor
  • The highest level supervisor can either sign on the form if possible or provide comments/signature via email
  • Schedule the meeting at a time that is convenient for both and consider using a web-conferencing tool (like Zoom or WebEx) with the video feature turned on,
  • Pay close attention to what your body language is communicating. Nonverbal cues count. When conducting a performance review using video, be aware of the subtle visual cues that you give and receive. Remember to project openness in your posture, by sitting tall, with arms at your sides or placed on the arms of your chair or table (not crossed).  Crossed arms, shrugged shoulders, eyes looking down or away, hand covering their mouth or neck may be signs of restraint, holding back, or resistance
  • Be an active listener and allow the other person to express their thoughts without interjection.  As the manager, use open ended questions to solicit the employee’s thoughts – give them the chance to explain their biggest wins or challenges.
  • Use this opportunity to discuss professional development opportunities for the coming PRD review cycle (April 2021 – March 2022)
  • Supervisors can ask employees to explore the Linkedin Learning library and identify professional development topics that they both can agree to include in the PRD development plan for the new cycle. Suggest the employee add selections to their personal Linkedin Learning library; encourage the sharing of completion certificates, and watch the learning begin! Visit the Learning and Talent Development website or linkedinlearning.umd.edu for more information.


2020 PRD Training

The Performance Review & Development (PRD) Cycle (April 2019 through March 2020) is quickly approaching. Supervisors are encouraged to begin preparing to conduct final PRD evaluations.

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) will be hosting a Performance Review and Development (PRD) training on Monday, March 09, 2020. All new supervisors and new employees are required to attend this training before participating in the PRD process. All other employees are strongly encouraged to attend this training session. Additionally, we will be offering the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) training on this day.

Please use this link to register for both the training sessions: Register Now

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Cycle

As you know, PRD’s are mandatory for all regular and Contingent II staff. We are now at the End-of-Cycle point of the PRD cycle. The initial expectation-setting meeting should have been conducted in Spring 2019 (or ASAP for new employees hired later in the year), and the mid-year feedback meeting should have been held around November.

PRD forms for both Exempt and Nonexempt staff, including an optional self-evaluation form and the annual training and development form, are available on the OHR employee relations forms page.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Human Resources.

2019 PRD Final Performance Reviews

The end of the year 2018 – 2019 Performance Review & Development Cycle (April 2018 through March 2019) is quickly approaching. Supervisors are encouraged to begin preparing to conduct final PRD evaluations. All PRD forms are due to the Office Of Human Resources on April 01, 2019. In preparation for final PRD evaluations and meetings. consideration of the following tips and best practices are recommended.

Final Reviews:

  • No Surprises
  • Performance ratings should be based upon position descriptions, PRD goals, actual performance, and ongoing communication between the employee and supervisor
  • Focus on all the most critical job functions listed in the employee’s position description and PRD
  • Consider performance throughout the entire rating period – both good and opportunities for improvement
  • Note and discuss specific performance examples
  • Utilize the Employee Self-Assessment
  • Make the final PRD meeting interactive; a two-way conversation
  • Expectation Setting for Next Cycle:
    • Establish an action plan with specific dates for all training and development
    • Ensure that performance goals are consistent with employee position descriptions and realistic
    • Supervisors should ask the employee for help in identifying development opportunities, when practicable
    • Schedule regular meetings between the supervisor and employee to ensure ongoing communication

For more information about the PRD process, register for PRD training. For questions about the PRD process, please contact your USG HR Team Member.

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Training

We are offering PRD Training on Friday, March 08, 2019.

Location – Building III Room 3230

  • 09:00am – 10:15am – Performance, Review, & Development (PRD)
  • 10:30am – 11:30am –  Supervisor’s Essentials: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • 11:45am – 12:45pm –   Supervisor’s Essentials: Managing Time & Attendance and The Disciplinary Process
  • 02:00pm – 03:00pm –Supervisor’s Essentials: Family & Medical Leave (FMLA) Training

This is a mandatory training for all employees and supervisors, including faculty who supervise non-faculty employees.

Please use this link to register: Register Now

For questions, please feel free to contact your USG HR Team Member.

Midway PRD

It is that time of the year! PRD stands for Performance Review and Development. The PRD process is the performance review process used at USG and UMCP for Regular and CII staff employees.  We are now at the Midway point of the Performance Review and Development Cycle. The initial expectation-setting meeting should have been conducted in Spring of 2018 (or ASAP for new employees hired later in the year).

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Cycle

The PRD process is a great opportunity to review job descriptions, clarify expectations, and improve communication!  Please contact us if you have any questions about the process. Plan to schedule a meeting with your manager this month to complete your mid-way PRD. No forms are due to the Office of Human Resources (OHR) at this time, but you should record the date of this meeting on your PRD form that will be submitted in Spring.

More information about the PRD process is available on the UHR Staff Relations page.


2018 PRD Process Reminder

The PRD process is the performance review process used at USG and UMCP for Regular and CII staff employees.  PRD stands for Performance Review and Development.  The PRD is an annual process that begins and ends in March.  At USG, we also collect an Annual Training and Development Form which lists the training(s) you have completed in the previous year.

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Cycle

We are now at the End-of-Cycle point of the FY17 Performance Review and Development (PRD) cycle.  The initial expectation-setting meeting should have been conducted in Spring of 2017 (or ASAP for new employees hired later in the year), and the mid-year-feedback meeting should have been held around November 2017. Completed PRD forms for the FY18 cycle, including the Annual Training & Development form, are due to USG-HR no later than Friday, April 06, 2018.

Continue reading

2018 PRD Final Performance Reviews

The end of the year 2017 – 2018 Performance Review & Development Cycle (April 2017 through March 2018) is quickly approaching. Supervisors are encouraged to begin preparing to conduct final PRD evaluations. Instructions and applicable timelines for completing PRD evaluations will be communicated in the coming weeks. In preparation for final PRD evaluations and meetings. consideration of the following tips and best practices are recommended.

Final Reviews:

  • No surprises
  • Performance ratings should be based upon position descriptions, PRD goals, actual performance, and ongoing communication between the employee and supervisor
  • Focus on all the most critical job functions listed in the employee’s position description and PRD
  • Consider performance throughout the entire rating period – both good and opportunities for improvement
  • Note and discuss specific performance examples
  • Utilize the Employee Self-Assessment
  • Make the final PRD meeting interactive; a two-way conversation
  • Expectation Setting for Next Cycle:
    • Establish an action plan with specific dates for all training and development
    • Ensure that performance goals are consistent with employee position descriptions and realistic
    • Supervisors should ask the employee for help in identifying development opportunities, when practicable
    • Schedule regular meetings between supervisor and employee to ensure ongoing communication

For more information about the PRD process, register for PRD training. For questions about the PRD process, please contact your USG HR Team Member.

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Training

We are offering PRD Training on Thursday, March 01, 2018. 

Location – Buiding III Room 3230

  • 09:00am – 10:15am – Performance, Review, & Development (PRD)
  • 10:30am – 11:30am –  Supervisor’s Essentials: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • 11:45am – 12:45pm –   Supervisor’s Essentials: Managing Time & Attendance and The Disciplinary Process
  • 02:00pm – 03:00pm –Supervisor’s Essentials: Family & Medical Leave (FMLA) Training

This is a mandatory training for all employees and supervisors, including faculty who supervise non-faculty employees.

Please use this link to register: Register Now

For questions, please feel free to contact your USG HR Team Member.


PRD Training

We are offering PRD Training on Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Room 2125 (turn right at the IT desk)

  • 09:00am – 10:45am – Performance, Review, & Development (PRD)
  • 11:00am – 12:00pm – Supervisor’s Essentials: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • 01:00pm -02:30pm – Supervisor’s Essentials: Family & Medical Leave (FMLA) Training
  • 02:45pm – 03:30pm – Supervisor’s Essentials: Managing Time & Attendance
  • 03:45pm – 04:30pm – Supervisor’s Essentials: The Disciplinary Process

       Please use this link to register: Register now