Campus Closure – July 4th and 5th

Following Governor Hogan’s announcement that the Independence Day holiday can be extended by a day for all state employees, UMD will close on Friday, July 5, 2019.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Fourth of July weekend as we celebrate America’s 243rd birthday!

Peer to Peer Award

Congratulations to Sharon Cannon and Patricia Wong for being nominated by Andrea Milo for the USG Employee Recognition Peer to Peer Award.

Sharon Cannon, Andrea Milo, Patricia Wong (from left to right)

Description of Nomination: “I would like to nominate Sharon Cannon and Patricia Wong for their outstanding contribution to make the Mobile Market a success. USG’s initiative of starting the Mobile Market has created a heightened awareness around the importance of food access within our community. It has reflected our mission of promoting wellness and growth by addressing the issue of food insecurity. By bringing the USG community together, the Mobile Market has fostered camaraderie among students, staff and faculty partners. In addition to that, the Grover Essentials was also launched this year and it has been a critical resource for all students and staff. I would like to acknowledge Sharon and Patricia as the most consistent VIP Volunteers at the Mobile Market. Thank you for your support and commitment”.

How to use

Make the most of our membership. Watch this course to learn how to quickly find the training and tools you need to create your own personalized learning path. First, find out about the types of videos we offer at, including in-depth software training, first looks at up-and-coming technology trends, courses to help you develop critical business skills, techniques for creative pros, and inspirational documentaries. Then get a demo of special library features such as bookmarks, playlists, notes, transcripts, certificates of completion, and FAQ’s, and learn where to turn for help when you need it. Plus, find out how to access on the go, using our mobile apps and offline viewing capabilities.

Topics include:

  • Choosing a membership plan
  • Finding the latest releases
  • Downloading and using exercises files
  • Searching the video transcripts
  • Choosing the right video player
  • Creating and sharing playlists
  • Taking notes
  • Printing and sharing certificates of completion
  • Updating your membership profile
  • Changing or canceling your membership plan
  • Contacting customer support

Peer to Peer Award

Congratulations to Alexa Brown for being nominated by Shelby Speer for the USG Employee Recognition Peer to Peer Award.

Shelby Speer and Alexa Brown (left to right)

Description of Nomination: Alexa has been a wonderful asset to the CSEF team. She had the very difficult job of filling in for many of Rachel’s responsibilities while she was on maternity leave, and she did an excellent job. Alexa is a model of maturity, friendliness, and teamwork. She is always willing to lend a hand, whether it’s stepping in last minute for an event or supporting staff on a project. She is a great listener, contributor, and colleague. We are certainly going to miss her when her contract expires

Peer to Peer Award

Congratulations to Nitshu Joshi and Neetha Thomas for being nominated by Jessica Nardi for the USG Employee Recognition Peer to Peer Award.

Nitshu Joshi, Jessica Nardi, Neetha Thomas (left to right)

Description of Nomination: “Nitshu and Neetha have done great work in the absence of an HR Manager. We are lucky to have them!!”

Step Challenge Winners

USG Strong’s Step Challenge was a huge success! Together the participants walked a total of 9,266,719 steps. That’s over 4,000 miles and 360,000 calories. Congratulations to our winners!

1st Place: Team Hot Steppers (492,336 average steps)

Team Captain – Obioma Akaigwe

Cheryl Green (center), Chhaya Lagowala (left), Mike Badostain (back) and Obioma Akaigwe (right)

2nd Place: Team Sole Mates (279,269 average steps)

Team Captain – Nitshu Joshi

John Brandt, Bilky Okoh, Nitshu Joshi (left to right), Kari Mason (not pictured)

Team CSEF Sole Survivors (264,074 average steps)

Team Captain – Iris Schauerman

Katie Nguyen (front left), Iris Schauerman (front right), Shelby Speer (back left), Alexa Brown (back right)

Service Awards – Employee Anniversaries

Congratulations to the service award winners! This year marks a significant milestone in your service to the USM System. We appreciate your dedication and hard work and look forward to many more years of your faithful service.

Chhaya Lagowala (25 Years of Service) with Dr. Edelstein (left to right)

Dr. Edelstein with Jessica Nardi (10 Years of Service) left to right

Rafiq Khan (10 Years of Service) not pictured

Ruth Najera, Erin Ward, Michael Badostain, Jennifer Riehl, Steven Thompon (5 Years of Service) with Dr. Edelstein

Taishan Gary and Neetha Thomas (5 Years of Service) not pictured

Spotlight Award

Congratulations to Obioma Akaigwe and Iris Schauerman for being nominated by Andrea Milo and Jessica Nardi for the USG Employee Recognition Spotlight Award.

Obioma Akaigwe, Dr. Stewart Edelstein, Iris Schauerman (left to right)

Description of Nomination (Andrea Milo):  “I don’t think anyone can deny that USG’s efforts to address food insecurity have made a lasting impact on the USG Community. The Mobile Market has brought staff members out of their offices to share smiles and jokes with fellow volunteers and participants, it has created a shared experience among students, staff and faculty partners that elicits excitement about “hot” items that month, and as we see the long times and regular utilization of about 300 guests it has creates heightened awareness around the importance of food access within a community. Working hand in hand Grover Essentials also launched this year has been a critical resource for the over 170 individuals who have visited our pantry almost 700 times in 2 semesters. In addition to supplementing food and basic necessities, we have heard from students that through its existence they feel that USG cares about them. No one can argue that without Obii and Iris these two resources would not exist. Bringing two labor heavy initiatives to USG was no easy task and a number of processes, protocol and collaborations had to be made. Whether it is Obii meeting Capital Area Food Bank outside rain or shine each month to try to harness those unruly potatoes or Iris driving out to Manna Food Center each Friday afternoon to pick up crates of food that our students rely on – you see the passion and caring at its core. I hope that you will recognize these two USG Stars for their amazing hard work!” Continue reading

Peer to Peer Award

Congratulations to Sara Wells and Melissa Herrera for being nominated by Brigitte Bard for the USG Employee Recognition Peer to Peer Award.

Sara Wells, Melissa Herrera, Brigitte Bard (left to right)

Description of Nomination: “I would like to nominate Sara Wells and Melissa Herrera for the Proposal Writing 101 event that was held on Saturday, April 27th, from 9am – 3pm. They both did an exemplary job of putting together an event that brought USG Students, faculty, and staff, as well as outside professionals together to teach students, step by step, the useful skill of grant proposal writing. The student teams were challenged with the task of coming up with and agreeing on an idea. Then together the students researched their idea and wrote a proposal for a one-day project that would help the homeless and also serve as a way for students to get involved in a community service learning project. This event culminated in students actually having to simulate getting their proposals in on time in order to be considered for a $1200 grant. The winning team will actually receive the money and be able to execute their project! This was a fabulous and worthwhile experience for all. Perfectly executed.”

May’s Lynda Course – Having Difficult Conversations

Leadership coach and director of learning and development, Britt Andreatta shares her tips and strategies for having difficult conversations. In her four-phase model, you’ll discover the situations that lead up to difficult conversations, decide when the conversation is warranted, prepare for the interaction, and monitor outcomes to ensure success.

Along the way, learn the secrets of turning difficult conversations into successful interactions that enhance communication and rapport. Improve both your professional and personal relationships, finding your way back from conflict through mutually successful outcomes. Topics include:

  • Understand why conversations go badly
  • Define the influence of power structures and patterns in a difficult conversation
  • Identify observable behaviors and use them to focus on facts and on how behaviors affect the business
  • Control the direction of a conversation
  • Build a blueprint from which to structure a conversation
  • Identify and prepare for resistance during a difficult conversation
  • Identify the conversational choices available to you when others resist your efforts

You can access the course here. Use your UMD credentials to login.