FSA: Use It or Lose It

Still, have money left over from 2018 in your P & A Group flexible spending account? Remember – it’s the use it or lose rule. If you don’t use the money remaining in your account by the deadline date, you will forfeit the money. You have until March 15, 2019, to incur eligible expenses for your Health Care FSA. You had until December 31, 2018, to incur eligible expenses for your Dependent Day Care FSA.

Here are some ways to use your Health Care FSA before the end of the year:

  • Acupuncture
  • Contact lenses
  • Contact solution (You will have to pay out of pocket and submit the receipts for reimbursement)
  • Dental treatment
  • Doctor’s office copays
  • Eye exams
  • Health Insurance Deductibles
  • Hearing Aids
  • Lasik Surgery
  • Over The Counter medications such as cold medicine, allergy treatment, and pain relievers require prescriptions for reimbursement
  • Prescription glasses
  • Prescription medications
  • Transportation (mileage) to and from doctor’s appointments

Spotlight Award

Congratulations to Laura Guzman Aguilar, Charles Carter, Marcelo Chavarria, Tom Clifford, Taishan Gary, Lawrence Goldberg, Lary Isenburg, Nick Kozak, Melissa Marquez, Woodrow Mills, Konnye Olaya, Steven Thompson, and Brian Woods for being nominated by Kristen Koehler for the USG Employee Recognition Spotlight Award.

Larry Isenburg, Charles Carter, Nick Kozak, Dr. Stewart Edelstein, Woodrow Mills, Kristen Koehler, Laura Guzman Aguilar, Konnye Olaya, and Tom Clifford (bottom left to right)

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2019 Spring Break Leave

The UMCP Spring Break holidays this year are:

  • Monday, March 18th
  • Tuesday, March 19th
  • Wednesday, March 20th (Election Day holiday observed)

As has been our practice the last few years, and because so many of our partners hold classes and events during this time, the Universities at Shady Grove will be open normal spring semester hours these three days (as well as the weekends and weekdays before and after). USG departments should ensure that their units are open; however, staffing can be minimal. We do expect the volume and activity to be below normal, but there still will be activity here those three days.

We recognize that some staff may have already made plans for these days and others might actually prefer to take their holidays at another time (for example, during the public school spring break holiday or around Memorial Day). A student or C1 employee might actually want to work those three days as they do not earn holidays and would therefore not be paid if they do not work. Managers, please be considerate of your staff’s plans when setting a work schedule for those three days.

Managers, please use the following instructions when completing and approving timesheets: Continue reading

2019 OPA Reporting

The University of Maryland policy and procedures on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment require that all full-time exempt staff complete an annual report on Outside Professional Activities (OPA). The form must be completed, even if there are no outside professional activities to report. Part-time exempt staff and non-exempt staff are not required to complete an OPA report.

Exempt staff must complete the OPA report online for the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. Staff may access the report at http://ares.umd.edu. Once on the ARES website, staff should go to “Quick Links” and select “Outside Professional Activities (OPAReport.” Once logged on, staff will be directed to the appropriate report. Employees should be aware that if they do not complete their survey, a letter of reprimand may be placed in their personnel file.

Employees should understand that non-compliance with OPA reporting requirements may result in a failure to identify a conflict of interest. Please review the University’s Policy on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment at http://www.president.umd.edu/policies/ii310b.html.

The deadline for completion is Friday, March 1, 2019. If you have any questions, you may contact your supervisor. Any technical issues should be directed to OPA Support at opa-support@umd.edu.

2019 PRD Final Performance Reviews

The end of the year 2018 – 2019 Performance Review & Development Cycle (April 2018 through March 2019) is quickly approaching. Supervisors are encouraged to begin preparing to conduct final PRD evaluations. All PRD forms are due to the Office Of Human Resources on April 01, 2019. In preparation for final PRD evaluations and meetings. consideration of the following tips and best practices are recommended.

Final Reviews:

  • No Surprises
  • Performance ratings should be based upon position descriptions, PRD goals, actual performance, and ongoing communication between the employee and supervisor
  • Focus on all the most critical job functions listed in the employee’s position description and PRD
  • Consider performance throughout the entire rating period – both good and opportunities for improvement
  • Note and discuss specific performance examples
  • Utilize the Employee Self-Assessment
  • Make the final PRD meeting interactive; a two-way conversation
  • Expectation Setting for Next Cycle:
    • Establish an action plan with specific dates for all training and development
    • Ensure that performance goals are consistent with employee position descriptions and realistic
    • Supervisors should ask the employee for help in identifying development opportunities, when practicable
    • Schedule regular meetings between the supervisor and employee to ensure ongoing communication

For more information about the PRD process, register for PRD training. For questions about the PRD process, please contact your USG HR Team Member.

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Training

We are offering PRD Training on Friday, March 08, 2019.

Location – Building III Room 3230

  • 09:00am – 10:15am – Performance, Review, & Development (PRD)
  • 10:30am – 11:30am –  Supervisor’s Essentials: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • 11:45am – 12:45pm –   Supervisor’s Essentials: Managing Time & Attendance and The Disciplinary Process
  • 02:00pm – 03:00pm –Supervisor’s Essentials: Family & Medical Leave (FMLA) Training

This is a mandatory training for all employees and supervisors, including faculty who supervise non-faculty employees.

Please use this link to register: Register Now

For questions, please feel free to contact your USG HR Team Member.

February’s Lynda Course

Project Management is a start-to-finish approach to getting things done and making projects more successful. It’s a profession, but it’s also a set of techniques that anyone can apply to achieve goals and manage project work more effectively. Project management can be used to guide small, simple projects as well as complex enterprise-wide initiatives.

Topics include:

  • Defining the components of a project
  • What it takes to be a project manager
  • Using project management software
  • Managing project scope, budget, and schedule
  • Managing project resources, including people
  • Managing project risk
  • Initiating a project
  • Identifying and managing stakeholders
  • Identifying requirements and deliverables
  • Developing a project plan
  • Building a project schedule
  • Assigning resources to tasks
  • Understanding the critical path
  • Running the project
  • Managing teams
  • Monitoring performance
  • Closing a project

And remember, Lynda.com is a LinkedIn company, so when you finish a course, be sure to share it on your LinkedIn profile!!

Open Enrollment for 2019

Open Enrollment for the State Employee and Retiree Health Benefits will take place from October 15 through November 28, 2018, for the new plan year that begins on January 1, 2019. Please note, once the open enrollment period closes, you will not be able to make any changes to your benefits until the next open enrollment period unless there is a qualifying event such as marriage, the birth of a child etc.

Regular Status Employees:

If you are not making any changes to your current benefits, you do not have to do anything. The only exception to this rule is that if you currently have Flexible Spending Account (FSA) coverage, you must re-enroll in it to keep it active for 2019. Contact 410-669-3893 to make changes to your current plan and to re-enroll in FSA. Review the IVR instructions carefully. Your ID is your Social Security Number. For your 4 digit pin, you will enter the day and month you were born (mm/dd). To review the changes you made, you must call the above-noted number after 24 hours.

Reference Material:

Please remember to submit the supporting documents to OHR before November 28, 2018 (i.e. birth certificate, marriage certificate etc.)

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Peer to Peer Award

Congratulations to Parisa Meisami for being nominated by Mary Gallagher for the USG Employee Recognition Peer to Peer Award.

Parisa Meisami and Mary Gallagher (left to right)