Employee De-Stress Lounge

Image result for Well done

USG Strong recognizes all of the hard work faculty and staff do in support of our students and we want to thank YOU by inviting you to participate in our Employee DeStress Lounge on May 31, 2018
Schedule of Activities
9:00am – 10 am – Cofee/tea and refreshments at the Campus Recreation Center (CRC)
10:15am – Chair Yoga at the CRC
11:00am – Secrets to Happiness at Work. Presented by Julie Neill from RH Smith, Building III – Room 2230
12:15pm – Light Lunch provided, Building III – CRC
1:30pm   – 15-minute Chair Massage provided by Spa Flow Wellness, CRC
Each activity requires advance sign up. Please visit the link below to see all sign-up sheets
Please Note: there is one sign up sheet with multiple tabs

Service Awards – Employee Anniversaries

Congratulations to the service award winners – Bini Ajayakumar, Woody Mills, Rachel Wolohan (five years); Joe Bucci, Juan Pablo Camacho, Elysa Fisher, Lawrence Goldberg, Troy Williams (ten years); Robyn Dinicola Wagle, Larry Isenburg, Carl May (20 years); and John Brandt (35 years)! This year marks a significant milestone in your service to the USM System. We appreciate your dedication and hard work and look forward to many more years of your faithful service.

Larry Isenburg, Rachel Wolohan, Andrea Milo, Carl May, Shelby Speer, Elysa Fisher, Dr. Stewart Edelstein (from left to right front row)

John Brandt, Robyn Dinicola Wagle, Rose Jackson-Speiser (from left to right back row)

Purcell Sustainability Award

The Purcell award is named in honor of Steve Purcell.  Steve was a program director who was a “founding” member of the Green Committee. He was strongly dedicated to keeping USG as sustainable as possible.

Congratulations to Carlos Vargas for being awarded the Purcell Sustainability Award for his Outstanding Commitment in conservation.

Jessica Nardi, Carlos Vargas, Dr. Stewart Edelstein (from left to right)

Peer to Peer Award

Congratulations to Wendy Stickle for being nominated by Rachel Wolohan for the USG Employee Recognition Peer to Peer Award.

Rachel Wolohan and Wendy Stickle (left to right)

Spotlight Award

Congratulations to Rose Jackson-Speiser and Shelby Speer for being nominated by Andrea Milo for the USG Employee Recognition Spotlight Award.


Jessica Nardi (Director of Administration & Talent Mangement), Dr. Stewart Edelstein (The Executive Director), Rose Jackson-Speiser, Shelby Speer, Nitshu Joshi (USG Awards Committee) from left to right

Nominate your colleague today: http://www.shadygrove.umd.edu/HR

Microsoft Excel Training

Microsoft Excel has become the backbone that powers many organizational processes. You are often responsible for providing essential data to others and making smart decisions based on information you receive. The Office of Human Resources is hosting a training session that will give you the basic knowledge and skills, eliminate the anxiety of data analysis and help you harness the power of Excel.


  • Thursday, May 24, 2018
  • 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
  • Getting started – Basic formulas and functions in Excel
  • Analyzing and presenting data with charts and pivot tables
  • Time-saving formatting tips
  • Building III – Classroom 2211 (Computer Classroom)
  • Please bring a light sweater as the room temperature may fluctuate

Happy Learning!

For questions and concerns, please contact Nitshu Joshi in the Office of Human Resources, 301-738-6114 and/or njoshi14@umd.edu.

Fidelity Counseling Session

Fidelity at USG

Fidelity has built its reputation helping people create the future they envision. They are committed to helping you meet your savings goals at no additional cost!!

Meet Ashley Conway, your dedicated Fidelity representative who is ready to help you answer questions such as:

  • Am I investing properly?
  • Am I on track with my retirement savings?
  • How do I bring my retirement savings together?
  • How do I turn retirement savings into ongoing, steady income?

Where: Building III – Room 5124

When: May 29, 2018 (9:00 am – 4:30 pm)

Appointments are directly scheduled with Fidelity. You can register online at getguidance.fidelity.com or call 800-642-7131. Walk-ins will not be accommodated.

Schedule your free one-on-one today!!


Tuition Remission – Summer I and II 2018

The Department of University Human Resources (UHR) Office of Employee Benefits is now accepting tuition remission forms for Summer Sessions I and II 2018. Employees must have an active, approved appointment with a start date no later than May 29, 2018, for Summer Session I and July 9, 2018, for Summer Session II in order for the employees to be eligible for tuition remission.


Application for tuition remission is completed online. An electronic “Tuition Request” form is available on the ARES website, by selecting “Access my Forms”.

If the applicant is requesting tuition remission for both summer sessions, TWO separate TR-Elf forms must be completed. The forms should be submitted to the departmental approver by June 4, 2018, for Summer Session I and July 16, 2018, for Summer Session II. Forms received after the deadline will not be processed.


The paper Tuition Remission Form must be completed for tuition remission requests for other USM institutions. Each institution has specific policies and procedures for the tuition remission benefit. Before submitting a tuition remission request for another USM institution, the applicant should contact the USM institution she/he wishes to attend to obtain guidelines and restrictions that may exist at that institution.

Please review the following guidelines for detailed tuition remission information and deadlines. We strongly encourage you to submit your form early.

Tuition Remission Guidelines

Tuition remission policy and guidelines for all employees, spouse/dependents and retirees can be found at http://uhr.umd.edu/benefits/tuition-remission/

April is Financial Literacy Month

Are you ‘Totally and Financially’ fit?

Come and find out at the financial wellness seminar on Thursday, April 5, 2018, at noon hosted by USG Strong, and presented by Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union.

During this workshop, you will learn the impact of your financial decisions made today on your future financial freedom and quality of life. Here are some of the topics that will be discussed:

  • Budgeting and Savings
  • Wise Use of Credit and Credit Repair
  • Buyer Be Aware, ID Theft Protection, Consumer Protection
  • Homeownership, Rent or Buy, Refinance, HELOC VS. HEL
  • and more…

This seminar is open to all faculty/staff at USG. Please sign up here by 03/30. Wait, there is more, USG branded items will be raffled after the seminar.

As this is a catered event, early registration is encouraged. Seating is limited so register today!!