MSRP – Nationwide Financial Readiness Counseling

If you are an early, mid-career, or employee approaching retirement, meet with Kevin L. Pittman, your Nationwide Retirement Specialist, for your Maryland Supplemental Retirement Plans. Kevin will help you enroll, make deferral chances, consolidate outside pre-tax accounts into the Maryland Supplemental Retirement Plan (401k/475b/403b through Nationwide Retirement) and review the different investment options available.

Please see the flyer below for location and time details.

To schedule your one-on-one appointment, please click here. Should you experience any problems with registering, please feel free to give your retirement specialist, Kevin Pittman a call at 301-395.2453 or email him at

New Employee Orientation

Please join us to welcome these new faces in the crowd!!

Iris Schauerman, Desiree Foster-Jackson, Kym Wilson (from left to right)


Nico Washington, Nick Kozak, Mark Sotomayor (from left to right)



TIAA CREF Counseling

Meet with a TIAA Financial Consultant 

No matter where you are in life – just getting started or planning for retirement – a one on one session with a TIAA Financial Consultant can help you create a unique plan for your goals. And, it’s at no additional cost as a part of your retirement plan!!

Where: Building III-5124

When:  April 06, 2018 (9:00am – 3:15pm)

              June 19, 2018 (9:00am – 3:15pm)

Remember, space is limited! Register today by visiting or call 1800-732-8353.

You’ll get answers to these questions and more:

  • Am I invested in the right mix of investments to help meet my goals?
  • Am I saving enough to create the retirement income I need?
  • How do I take income from my retirement account once I stop working?

Blood Drive at USG

Our nation has seen a number of catastrophes in recent times, which is why we are giving you the opportunity to help. This March Give The Gift Of Life! USG Strong, University of Maryland Association of Nursing Students (UMANS) and Nurses for Global Health have teamed up with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive to help build up life-saving supplies in our area. 

While walk-ins are welcomed, to expedite the process, we encourage that you schedule your appointment and fill out the necessary paperwork ahead of time. You can download and use the Blood Donor App or use the link below to sign up directly.

Register here, use sponsor code: USG Rockville

Additional details and resources:




Flexible Spending Account – Use it or Lose it

One Last Chance…!

Still have money left over from 2017 in your P&A Group flexible spending account? Remember – it’s the use it or lose it rule. If you don’t use the money remaining in your account by the deadline date, you will forfeit the money. You have until March 15, 2018, to incur eligible expenses for your Health Care FSA. You had until December 31, 2017, to incur eligible expenses for your Dependent Day Care FSA. You have until April 15, 2018 to submit the bills.

Here are some ways to use your Health Care FSA before the end of the year:

  1. Acupuncture
  2. Contact Solution (You will have to pay out-of-pocket and submit the receipts for reimbursement)
  3. Dental treatment
  4. Doctor’s office co-pays
  5. Eye exams
  6. Hearing Aids
  7. Lasik Surgery
  8. Prescription glasses
  9. Transportation (mileage) to and from the doctor’s appointments

2018 PRD Process Reminder

The PRD process is the performance review process used at USG and UMCP for Regular and CII staff employees.  PRD stands for Performance Review and Development.  The PRD is an annual process that begins and ends in March.  At USG, we also collect an Annual Training and Development Form which lists the training(s) you have completed in the previous year.

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Cycle

We are now at the End-of-Cycle point of the FY17 Performance Review and Development (PRD) cycle.  The initial expectation-setting meeting should have been conducted in Spring of 2017 (or ASAP for new employees hired later in the year), and the mid-year-feedback meeting should have been held around November 2017. Completed PRD forms for the FY18 cycle, including the Annual Training & Development form, are due to USG-HR no later than Friday, April 06, 2018.

Continue reading

Health Insurance Premium Holidays

Extra Premium Holidays in March

The Governor has approved extra premium holidays in March for all employees and retirees.  This includes contractual participants and other direct pay participants, but excludes COBRA participants.  No medical, dental or prescription premiums will be deducted from paychecks issued on March 9, 2018 and March 23, 2018. Flexible Spending Account (FSA), term life and AD&D will still be deducted.

Regular Premium Holiday in April

The paycheck issued on April 6, 2018 will also be a premium holiday.  No medical, dental, prescription, term life, AD&D, or FSA deductions will occur on April 6, 2018.

2018 PRD Final Performance Reviews

The end of the year 2017 – 2018 Performance Review & Development Cycle (April 2017 through March 2018) is quickly approaching. Supervisors are encouraged to begin preparing to conduct final PRD evaluations. Instructions and applicable timelines for completing PRD evaluations will be communicated in the coming weeks. In preparation for final PRD evaluations and meetings. consideration of the following tips and best practices are recommended.

Final Reviews:

  • No surprises
  • Performance ratings should be based upon position descriptions, PRD goals, actual performance, and ongoing communication between the employee and supervisor
  • Focus on all the most critical job functions listed in the employee’s position description and PRD
  • Consider performance throughout the entire rating period – both good and opportunities for improvement
  • Note and discuss specific performance examples
  • Utilize the Employee Self-Assessment
  • Make the final PRD meeting interactive; a two-way conversation
  • Expectation Setting for Next Cycle:
    • Establish an action plan with specific dates for all training and development
    • Ensure that performance goals are consistent with employee position descriptions and realistic
    • Supervisors should ask the employee for help in identifying development opportunities, when practicable
    • Schedule regular meetings between supervisor and employee to ensure ongoing communication

For more information about the PRD process, register for PRD training. For questions about the PRD process, please contact your USG HR Team Member.

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Training

We are offering PRD Training on Thursday, March 01, 2018. 

Location – Buiding III Room 3230

  • 09:00am – 10:15am – Performance, Review, & Development (PRD)
  • 10:30am – 11:30am –  Supervisor’s Essentials: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • 11:45am – 12:45pm –   Supervisor’s Essentials: Managing Time & Attendance and The Disciplinary Process
  • 02:00pm – 03:00pm –Supervisor’s Essentials: Family & Medical Leave (FMLA) Training

This is a mandatory training for all employees and supervisors, including faculty who supervise non-faculty employees.

Please use this link to register: Register Now

For questions, please feel free to contact your USG HR Team Member.


February – Spread the Love

Spread the Love this February!!

Join USG Strong and the USG Awards Committee in spreading the love this February. Let your co-workers know they are doing a great job by filling out an appreciation card. We have boxed and cards in different areas of the campus such as:

  • Building I – 3rd-floor kitchen
  • Building II – 1st floor CES Front Desk
  • Building III – 1st floor SAS kitchen
  • Building III – 3rd and 4th-floor kitchenettes
  • The Commons

Fill out a card and drop it in the box! All postcards will be distributed at the end of the month.

Stay tuned for other exciting activities in March!!

For questions, please contact the USG Strong Wellness Team at