Maryland Regional Crop Reports: June 2023

Reports are for crop conditions up to June 1, 2023.

Western Maryland

To say we are dry would be an understatement. Corn planting is winding down and the last of the full-season beans will soon be finished up too. Barley and wheat are in full head a bit ahead of normal, whatever that is. The dry weather is a good thing for cereals as the conditions are poor for fungal growth. It will be interesting to see what effect the dry weather will have on test weight and yield. First cutting alfalfa and most of the grass hay is in the barn or silo. Rain will be important very soon for forage regrowth and corn and bean growth. The cool evenings and overnights have been the only blessing but heat is on the way.—Jeff Semler, Washington Co.

Central Maryland 

Frederick County has finished planting corn. There may be the occasional field that remains, but this is the exception. Early corn is at the V4-5 stage while later planted fields are approaching V2. Seedling diseases have been nearly non-existent in scouted fields, though wireworm pressure has been observed in both corn and soybean fields. Soybeans are 90% planted; early beans are around V2 while most are VC-V1.  The majority of the hay crop is made and in the barn. Annual weeds have emerged and are approaching a foot tall in some fields, though weed pressure has remained limited given the dry weather and resulting effective burndown applications. Second cutting alfalfa is underway, some weevil pressure had been observed in the occasional field though generally there has been relatively limited pressure. Most barley is at or near soft-dough stage, while the wheat crop has finished flowering and is moving into grain fill. Both small grain crops appear in good to great condition given the limited disease pressure.—Mark Townsend, Frederick Co.

Northern Maryland

We got through the entire month of May without any measurable precipitation. Such weather has made for great conditions for making hay, and this is one of the few times in recent memory where pretty much all of the first cutting hay crop was put up before June 1; although yields did appear to suffer in some fields due to the dry weather. 99% of the corn crop is planted and emerged, with earliest planted corn around V5-6. Almost all full-season soybeans have been planted and are anywhere from just planted to V3-4. Both corn and soybeans have yet to show wilting, but they are both growing very slowly due to the lack of rain. Fortunately we are running well below with temperatures in the 70s most of the month. Wheat is just starting to turn and appears to have very little disease pressure; we will see how the dry spring affects yield and test weight. We are hoping for a bit of rain in the coming weeks.—Andy Kness, Harford Co.

Upper and Mid Shore

Early planted corn greened up, but definitely has reduced yield potential. Later planted corn looks great- good color and uniform. Early beans are finally outgrowing slug feeding. Like corn, later beans look great. Barley harvest will begin 1st week of June. Wheat is starting to turn. There was great hay made last week. Soil conditions across the region are getting dry.—Jim Lewis, Caroline Co.

Lower Shore

Wheat and barley are drying down. Corn has been planted, and is generally around V1 to V5 stage. Most soybean has been planted and early soybean plantings have emerged. Herbicide-resistant weeds, such as common ragweed, marestail, and palmer amaranth, are starting to emerge. Scout and spray early to stay ahead on control. Some farmers have utilized late-terminated cover crops to help manage weed pressure through providing a mulch on the soil surface. Deer are prevalent in fields and causing damage on corn and soybean seedlings.—Sarah Hirsh, Somerset Co.

Southern Maryland

Temperatures finally touched the 80°F mark this week. Cooler temperatures and lack of rainfall has slowed crop progress in May. Most corn fields are a kaleidoscope of yellow shades and uneven stands. Black cutworms, slugs, wireworms and seed corn maggot are active across the region. We received scattered showers last weekend that helped crop conditions improve in most areas. Soybeans follow much of the same story. Early planted beans look decent. Barley is drying down with harvest expected any day. Wheat will not be far behind. Ryegrass continues to be a challenge for producers in both burndown situations in corn and beans, as well as small grains. My thought is the cooler weather is affecting the performance of glyphosate, especially on larger plants. The pockets of glyphosate resistant ryegrass are expanding in our area as well. The drier weather has been good for making hay- we saw a lot of balers in the field last week.—Ben Beale, St. Mary’s Co.

*Regions (counties):

Western: Garrett, Allegany, Washington. Central: Frederick, Montgomery, Howard. Northern: Harford, Baltimore, Carroll. Upper & Mid Shore: Cecil, Kent, Caroline, Queen Anne, Talbot. Lower Shore: Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico. Southern: St. Mary’s, Anne Arundel, Charles, Calvert, Prince George’s

Effect of Potash Fertility on Orchardgrass Yield

Andrew Kness, Senior Agriculture Agent | and Erika Crowl, Senior Agriculture Agent Associate
University of Maryland Extension

Orchardgrass is a popular pasture and hay forage species and it requires relatively high fertility levels, especially in a hay system where nutrients are being exported from the field. To test and demonstrate the importance of potash (potassium) fertility in orchargrass plantings, we established a replicated trial at the Western Maryland Research and Education Center. Three orchardgrass varieties were planted in a prepared seedbed at a seeding rate of 22 lbs pure live seed per acre using a drop-seeder on September 27, 2021. Plots were 6 feet wide by 20 feet long. Each variety received three fertility treatments: 1.) 0 lbs/A potash, 2.) 45 lbs/A potash (based on soil test), or 3.) 200 lbs/A potash, based on the potassium removal rate of 4 ton/A orchardgrass yield.

On March 23, 2022, 50 lbs/A nitrogen and 20 lbs/A phosphate (based on soil test) was top dressed to all plots. On April 8, 45 lbs/A potash (0-0-62) was top dressed on the 45 lb/A plots and 200 lb/A plots.

First cutting was done on May 23 using a small-plot forage harvester from the center 3 feet of each plot (Figure 1). Each plot was weighed and moisture subtracted to calculate dry yield. Following the first cutting, all plots received 50 lbs/A nitrogen in the form of urea and 75 lbs/A potash was top dressed on the 200 lbs/A plots.

Figure 1. Orchardgrass harvest.

Second cutting was performed on July 13 as described above, followed immediately by 50 lbs/A nitrogen. The third and final cutting was performed on September 16. Final fertilization of 80 lbs potash added to the 200 lbs/A plots and 50 lbs/A nitrogen was added to all plots on September 23.

Yield data was compiled and analyzed in JMP statistical software package, differences were separated using Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (α=0.10).

Interestingly, Potomac, an old variety, yielded significantly more (3.96 tons/A) than Olathe (3.65 tons/A) and Rushmore II (3.67 tons/A). In terms of fertility, plots that received 200 lbs/A potash yielded significantly more than those that received 0 and 45 lbs/A (Table 1).

Figure 1. Average orchardgrass cutting yield by variety and potash treatment.

We will continue this project in the coming years to collect more data and see how potassium fertility affects persistence and yield over the long term.

This work was supported by the Maryland Horse Industry Board and the University of Maryland AgFS Program. Special thanks to the Maryland Agriculture Experiment Station and the farm crew at the Western Maryland Research and Education Center.

Table 1. Orchardgrass yields in 2022 plots.

Potash Fertility Average Yield/Cutting (Tons/A) Combined Yield (Tons/A)
0 lbs/A  1.23 az 3.71 a
45 lbs/A 1.22 a 3.65 a
200 lbs/A 1.30 b 3.91 b
p-value 0.0328 0.0325

z Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different based on Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD; α=0.10).

2021-22 UMD Extension Winter Crop Meetings

University of Maryland Extension is excited to host local, in-person meetings along with Statewide virtual meetings for the 2022 production season!

If for any reason we are unable to host meetings in- person due to COVID-19 cases and/or more restrictions are set in place, we will host meetings virtually.

Contact your local extension agent for more details:



  • Southern Maryland Agronomy Meeting: Nov. 30, 2021
  • Washington County Agronomy Meeting: Dec. 1, 2021
  • Northern Maryland Field Crops Day: Dec. 2, 2021
  • Carroll County Winter Farm Meeting: Jan. 13, 2022
  • Cecil County Agronomy Meeting: Jan. 18, 2022
  • Harford County Agronomy Meeting: Feb. 15, 2022
  • Caroline County Agronomy Meeting: Feb. 16, 2022
  • Tri-County Agronomy Meeting: Feb. 23, 2022
  • Queen Anne County Agronomy Meeting: March 4, 2022


  • Statewide Agronomy Meeting: February 3, 2022

For more information visit:



  • Produce Safety Rule Training: December 8, 2021


  • Produce Safety Rule Training: January 26-27, 2021



  • Forage Conference: January 25-27, 2022



  • Crop Sustainability & IPM Workshop: Dec. 16, 2021
  • Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting: Jan. 27, 2022
  • Southern Maryland Vegetable & Fruit Meeting: Feb. 10, 2022
  • Western Maryland Fruit Meeting: Feb. 10, 2022
  • Eastern Shore Vegetable Growers Meeting: Feb. 16, 2022
  • Crop Sustainability & IPM Workshop: March 8, 2022


  • Statewide Vegetable Meeting: February 8, 2022
  • Statewide Fruit Meeting: March 1, 2022

For more information visit:



  • Urban Farmer Winter Meeting: January 22, 2022


  • Urban Farmer Winter Meeting: January 24, 2022


Download the flyer here


Frost Can Cause Hazards in Forage

Amanda Grev, Forage and Pasture Management Specialist |
University of Maryland Extension

With the first freeze of the fall just around the corner, remember that a frost can result in potential hazards for certain forages. When a plant freezes, changes occur in its metabolism and composition that can cause toxicity issues for livestock. A few issues to be on the lookout for are discussed below.

Prussic Acid Poisoning

Sorghum species like sorghum, sudangrass, sorghum-sudangrass hybrids, and johnsongrass contain a cyanogenic compound called dhurrin within the plant.  Under normal circumstances, the dhurrin is bound within plant tissues and remains non-toxic. However, if the plant tissue is injured by some sort of stressor such as a frost, the plant cell membranes can become damaged. This damage releases enzymes that can break down the dhurrin, resulting in the formation of a highly toxic hydrogen cyanide compound commonly referred to as prussic acid.

Prussic acid hinders the animal’s ability to transfer oxygen in the blood stream, resulting in asphyxiation. Ruminant animals are most susceptible, with a prussic acid concentration as small as 0.1% of dry tissue considered dangerous. Symptoms of prussic acid poisoning can appear within minutes following ingestion, with common symptoms including excessive salivation, difficulty breathing, staggering, convulsions, and collapsing. The greatest levels of prussic acid can be found in the leafier parts of the plant, particularly in new growth, and young, growing plants contain more prussic acid than older plants. To prevent prussic acid poisoning, follow these recommendations for grazing or harvesting frosted forages.

Grazing: Do not graze sorghum species on nights when a frost is likely, as high levels of the toxic compounds are produced within hours following a frost. After a killing frost, wait at least 7 to 10 days before grazing or green chopping forage, as prussic acid levels are highest in plant leaves and do not begin to decline until after the leaves have dried. After a non-killing frost, do not allow livestock to graze until the regrowth has reached a minimum of 2 feet in height or 2 weeks have passed, as the regrowth will likely contain high levels of prussic acid. When returning to grazing, don’t turn animals in hungry and use a heavier stocking rate and rotational grazing to reduce the risk of animals selectively grazing leaves or young growth that may still have higher concentrations of prussic acid present.

Harvesting: Proper field curing or ensiling can help reduce the potential for toxicity in harvested forages because prussic acid is volatile and some of the toxic components will dissipate as a gas during the drying or fermentation process. Forages should be ensiled for a minimum of 8 weeks if there was a risk of high prussic acid levels at the time of chopping. The prussic acid content in hay can be reduced by as much as 75% during the curing process, so hay is typically not hazardous when fed to livestock. Forages can also be analyzed prior to feeding to ensure the toxic compounds have been reduced to a safe level for consumption.

Nitrate Toxicity

Sorghum species, along with several other species including millet, brassicas, oats, and other small grains, are susceptible to nitrate accumulation. Under normal growing conditions, nitrate from the soil is absorbed by the roots of forage plants and is supplied to the upper portions of the plant, where it is converted into plant protein. However, under adverse environmental conditions such as drought, frost, or sudden weather changes, plant growth ceases and metabolism slows but the plants continue to take up nitrogen from the soil, resulting in a buildup of nitrates within the plant. Nitrate levels will remain high until there is new leaf growth, which increases photosynthesis and provides energy to utilize the excess nitrate.

When livestock consume forages with normal nitrate levels, the nitrate is broken down by rumen microbes to nitrite and then further to ammonia, which is converted to protein. With high-nitrate forages, nitrites accumulate faster than they can be converted to ammonia, and the accumulated nitrite is absorbed into the bloodstream. Nitrite combines with hemoglobin to produce methemoglobin, which is incapable of transporting oxygen, ultimately leading to asphyxiation. Symptoms of nitrate toxicity are related to a lack of oxygen in the blood and include weakness, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, staggering, muscle tremors, and inability to stand. Affected animals typically show signs of poisoning within a few hours after consumption, and ruminant animals are most susceptible due to the rapid conversion of nitrate to nitrate by rumen microorganisms.

Nitrate levels are typically measured as nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) on a parts per million (ppm) basis. Levels under 550 ppm NO3-N are typically considered safe to feed for all classes of livestock. Levels between 550 and 1100 ppm NO3-N may cause problems in pregnant and young animals, and levels between 1100 and 2200 ppm NO3-N are typically considered toxic and should be fed with caution. Levels above 2200 ppm NO3-N are likely unsafe to feed. Unlike prussic acid, which accumulates in the leafiest portion of the plant, nitrates tend to accumulate in the lower portion of the stem and stalks. To prevent nitrate poisoning, follow these recommendations for grazing or harvesting frosted forages.

Grazing: Avoid grazing susceptible forages when growth ceases due to drought, frost damage, or other adverse conditions. When grazing forages with suspected nitrate accumulation, introduce and acclimate livestock gradually. Feeding a low-nitrate forage or hay prior to turning livestock out onto high-nitrate forages will reduce the amount of nitrate consumed; avoid turning hungry livestock out onto a high-nitrate field. Graze high-nitrate forages in the afternoon when nitrate levels tend to be the lowest, and stock lightly so animals can selectively graze the leaves which are lower in nitrate concentration.

Harvesting: Delaying harvest until stress conditions have passed will help to lower nitrate levels within the forage and prevent toxicity. Because nitrates accumulate in the base of the plant, risk can also be reduced by cutting higher and leaving more stubble. The ensiling process can reduce nitrate concentrations by 30 to 60% following complete fermentation due to microbial degradation. However, nitrate concentrations are stable in cured hay so use caution if the forage must be baled and leave at least 12 inches of stubble to avoid baling the most toxic part of the plant.

Like with prussic acid, forages can be analyzed for nitrate concentrations prior to feeding. If forages are known to have higher than ideal nitrate levels, diluting the forage by incorporating a low-nitrate forage into the diet will reduce the overall nitrate consumption by the animal. Introducing the toxic forage slowly will help animals adapt, as well as feeding small amounts frequently rather than one large feeding. Increasing the energy content in the ration by offering a grain or high-carbohydrate feed can also help by enhancing metabolism in the rumen and aiding in the conversion of nitrates to protein, helping livestock to better tolerate higher nitrate levels in their diet.

Bloat Potential

Frothy bloat is the most common type of pasture bloat and results from the formation of a stable foam in the rumen that minimizes the animal’s ability to expel rumen gases. Consumption of forages containing high levels of soluble protein, such as alfalfa and clover, can contribute to stable foam production. Livestock suffering from bloat may indicate discomfort by stomping their feet or kicking at their belly. They will appear distended on the left side, and may die within hours.

Following a frost, plant cells rupture, producing small plant cell wall fragments and increasing the amount of K, Ca, and Mg present, all of which can increase the risk of bloat. Be aware that forage with bloat potential can be more likely to cause bloat for a few days following a frost event. If grazing pastures with high concentrations of bloat-inducing species like alfalfa or clover, waiting a few days to a week following a hard frost is a good management practice to reduce the risk of bloat.

2020-2021 Forage Performance of Cereal Cover Crops in Maryland

Dr. Nicole Fiorellino – Extension Agronomist
Louis Thorne – Faculty Specialist
Joseph Crank – Agriculture Technician Supervisor

Click here to download a pdf copy

Dairy farmers are constantly looking for sources of forage to meet their feed needs. One source that many of our region’s dairy farmers utilize is the fall planting of cereal grains that are green-chop harvested the following spring. Among the cereal species used for this purpose are rye, triticale, barley, and wheat. Per the Maryland Cover Crop Program guidelines, cereal grains planted as a cover crop prior to November 5 and suppressed via green-chop in the spring are eligible for the grant payment for participation in the Cover Crop Program.  In addition, per the Nutrient Management Regulations, a fall application of dairy manure is allowed to a field planted to a cereal cover crop.

Planting a cereal cover crop that will be green chop harvested fits well into the crop rotation used by many dairy farmers. The scenario that many follow is to plant the cereal cover crop following harvest of corn silage. Prior to planting the cover crop, an application of manure is made to the field. The subsequent planting of the cover crop provides incorporation of the manure into the soil. The fall and spring growth of the cover crop is supplied nutrients from the manure. At the same time, the cover crop provides protection to the soil from loss of nutrients via leaching and/or erosion. The objective of this study was to evaluate select varieties of cereal species for cover crop performance and forage production and quality.

Cereal varieties (26) representing three species (rye, triticale, wheat) were evaluated at Central Maryland Research and Education Center – Clarksville Facility. Three replications for each entry were planted using a randomized complete block experimental design.  Planting date was November 5, 2020. Planting was delayed in 2020 due to multiple large rain events that kept equipment out of the field. The 3’ X 18’ plots were planted with a small plot planter with 6-inch spacing between each of the 7 rows. The germination percentage for each entry was used to calculate the seeding rate needed to establish 1.5 million seedlings. Good stands were established in most plots by late fall.

Our goal each year is to time spring biomass harvest with when entries reach late boot to early heading stage of development. We reached this growth stage from late April to mid May in 2021, with three harvest dates to capture the variation in maturity (April 20, May 4, May 14). Each harvest sample was collected by cutting the plants just above ground-level from three center rows of each plot from an area 2.5 feet in length and from two areas within the plot. The samples were placed into cloth bags and dried using a forced air dryer set at 60o C where they remained until sample water content was zero. Each sample was weighed and is reported as pounds of dry matter production per acre (Table 1). Each of the dried samples was ground through a 20-mesh screen using a large plant grinder and the ground biomass samples were sent to Cumberland Valley Analytical Laboratory for standard forage quality analysis.

Cover crop performance is measured by amount of biomass produced and the concentration of nitrogen (N) in the biomass. These two factors were used to estimate N uptake (Table 1). Despite late planting 2020, all varieties amassed good biomass during the growing season. Nitrogen uptake in 2021 was lower than in 2020, but still good, with only two varieties significantly different from the overall mean (one greater, one less). Several forage quality characteristics for these cereals were measured (Table 1). The descriptions of the various quality characteristics are described here and in the footnotes at the bottom of Table 1. Crude protein (CP) is the N content of the forage, with higher protein representing better feed quality. This value was used to calculate nitrogen uptake of each variety (Nitrogen content = % CP/6.25). Three rye varieties (Aroostook, TriCal Exp 19R01, and the check variety) had significantly greater CP than overall mean, with two triticale varieties (BCT 19004 and Hi Octane) having significantly less CP than the overall mean. Both Aroostook and TriCal Exp 19R01 also had soluble protein and rumen degradable protein (RDP) significantly greater than the overall mean.

Neutral and acid detergent fiber (NDF, ADF) are measures of feed value and represent the less digestible components of the plant, with NDF representing total fiber and ADF representing the least digestible plant components. Low NDF and ADF values representing increased digestibility; ideally NDF values should be <50% and ADF values should be <35%. Our plots were slightly more mature than ideal this year, with overall mean NDF of 60.2% and ADF of 36%. Despite this, one rye variety (KWS Propower) had ADF significantly less than the mean and both Aroostook and TriCal Exp 19R01 had ADF numerically less than 35%, although they likely would have ADF similar to the overall mean of 36%. Aroostook and TriCal Exp 19R01 also had total digestible nutrients (TDN), net energy for lactation (NEL) significantly greater than the overall mean, indicating good performing varieties. Some good performing wheat varieties included LW2068 and LW2958, which had lower ADF values, low NDF values, high TDN and NEL.

The characteristic that best captures the overall forage quality performance is Relative Feed Value (RFV). An RFV of 100 is defined as the forage value that full bloom alfalfa would have. Two triticale varieties (KWS Propower and Aroostook) had RFV significantly greater than the overall mean (95.0) and over 100. TriCal Exp 19R01 had RFV similar to the overall mean, but combined with the other forage quality factors indicate a good performing triticale variety. Three wheat varieties (LW2068, LW2958, Pioneer 25R25) had RFV significantly greater than the overall mean, and combined with other forage quality factors, indicate good performing wheat varieties.

Though none of these green-chop cereal forages are considered to be adequate as a stand-alone feed for a dairy operation, they can supply a source of forage used in a total mixed ration at the time of year when feed supply may be running short. When this forage benefit is added to the environmental benefit that is gained, planting winter cereal cover crops on a dairy farm can be a win-win decision.


This work could not be accomplished without the assistance and oversight of all field operations by Mr. Louis Thorne and Mr. Joseph Crank. We acknowledge the assistance of Ms. Shana Burke with seed packaging and harvested sample drying and weighing.

Table 1. Forage and cover crop performance of cereal species evaluated in Clarksville, MD during 2020-2021 growing season.

Variety Species Brand Biomass Yield

lb DM/a





lb N/a


Protein %

3Soluble Protein

% DM


% DM


% DM


% DM


% DM




% DM





Wheeler Rye TriCal 13241 May 9 266* 12.5 6.0 9.3 38.5 60.7 6.2 60.1 0.61 90.0
Hazlet Rye TriCal 10736 May 6 202 11.5 4.9 8.2 36.4 61.3 6.8 60.1 0.61 92.2
KWS Propower Rye TriCal 9412 May 9 182 12.5 6.9* 9.7* 32.2 57.5 6.5 62.8* 0.64* 104.2*
Aroostook Rye TriCal 8117# April 25 211 16.7* 7.0* 11.9* 34.7 55.4 8.6* 62.1 0.63 104.5*
TriCal Exp 19R01 Rye TriCal 8251 April 25 197 14.8* 6.8* 10.8* 34.2 57.4 7.3 62.0 0.63 101.0
Rye VNS Rye check 10065 May 4 240 15.1* 5.5 10.3* 35.4 55.8 7.9* 61.8 0.63 102.5
Rye Mean 9970 May 3 216 13.9 6.2 10.0 35.2 58.0 7.2 61.5 0.63 99.1
TriCal Gunner Triticale TriCal 11936 May 14 176 9.2 4.2 6.7 39.1* 63.6* 7.2 58.2 0.59 85.7
TriCal Exp 20T02 Triticale TriCal 12531 May 14 186 9.3 3.1 6.2 37.2 62.1 6.1 59.4 0.60 90.0
TriCal Flex 719 Triticale TriCal 12329 May 14 205 10.4 5.4 7.9 41.7* 65.8* 7.0 56.2 0.57 80.0
TriCal Merlin Max Triticale TriCal 14641* May 14 233 9.9 5.7 7.8 41.4* 65.5* 6.4 56.0 0.57 81.0
TriCal Surge Triticale TriCal 10535 May 14 188 11.1 5.1 8.1 37.0 61.0 6.9 57.9 0.59 92.0
TriCal Gainer 154 Triticale TriCal 10458 May 6 176 10.4 4.2 7.3 32.7 58.0 6.9 61.8 0.63 101.7
TriCal Thor Triticale TriCal 12646 May 14 196 9.7 4.8 7.2 39.9* 64.6* 6.8 57.8 0.59 84.0
BCT18001 Triticale SeedLink 8817 May 6 172 12.4 4.6 8.5 33.0 55.6 7.3 63.6* 0.65* 106.0*
BCT18002 Triticale SeedLink 11878 May 14 186 9.9 5.3 7.6 38.3 64.5* 7.1 56.6 0.57 85.5
BCT19003 Triticale SeedLink 13001 May 14 204 9.8 3.5 6.6 36.3 61.5 5.5 60.1 0.61 92.0
BCT19004 Triticale SeedLink 15064* May 14 208 8.6 3.7 6.1 42.6* 67.6* 5.5 55.9 0.57 77.0
BCT19005 Triticale SeedLink 12406 May 14 209 10.7 5.5 8.1 35.5 61.9 5.9 60.2 0.61 92.2
BCT19007 Triticale SeedLink 13500 May 14 199 9.2 3.3 6.2 37.4 62.7 6.9 58.3 0.59 88.7
MBX Tri-Cow Arcia Triticale Eddie Mercer 11849 May 6 242 12.8 5.6 9.2 35.7 60.8 7.4 60.5 0.62 93.5
Hi Octane Triticale check 10957 May 14 139 8.1 4.1 6.1 40.2* 63.5 6.5 57.0 0.58 85.2
Triticale Mean 12170 May 12 195 10.1 4.5 7.3 37.9 62.6 6.6 58.6 0.60 89.0
LW2169 Wheat Local Seed 10554 May 14 172 10.2 4.7 7.5 33.9 58.6 5.2 61.9 0.63 99.3
LW2148 Wheat Local Seed 10410 May 14 180 10.8 5.1 8.0 32.0 56.7 6.0 61.3 0.63 105.5*
LW2068 Wheat Local Seed 12300 May 14 205 10.4 5.8 8.1 30.7 54.4 5.7 63.2* 0.65* 111.5*
LW2958 Wheat Local Seed 10679 May 14 172 10.2 4.7 7.4 30.1 45.6 5.8 63.8* 0.66* 111.2*
P25R25 Wheat check 11274 May 14 177 9.8 4.8 7.3 30.0 53.3 5.8 64.1 0.66* 115.0*
Wheat Mean 11069 May 14 182 10.3 5.0 7.7 31.2 55.4 5.7 62.9 0.64 109.0
Overall Mean 11454 May 10 197 11.0 5.0 8.0 36.0 60.2 6.6 60.1 0.61 95.0
LSD0.1 2257 <1 day 47 1.9 1.8 1.6 3.1 3.4 1.1 2.4 0.03 8.8

*,# Indicates the entry was either significantly greater (*) or significantly (#) less than the overall mean for that feed characteristic.

1Nitrogen uptake (lb N/acre) for each entry was estimated by multiplying the lb DM/ac X % nitrogen contained in the DM. The percent nitrogen for each entry was calculated by dividing crude protein by the conversion factor 6.25 which is the average amount of nitrogen (%) contained in protein.

2Crude Protein %: represents total nitrogen content of the forage; higher protein is usually associated with better feed quality.

3Soluble Protein %: non-protein N and portion of true proteins that are readily degraded to ammonia in the rumen.

4RDP (Rumen Degradable Protein): portion of crude protein that microbes can either digest or degrade to ammonia and amino acids in the rumen.

5ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber): represents the least digestible fiber portion of forage; the lower the ADF value the greater the digestibility.

6NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber): insoluble fraction of forage used to estimate the total fiber constituents of a feedstock.

7Ash: mineral elements of the forage.

8TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients): measure of the energy value of the forage.

9Net Energy Lactation: estimate of the energy in a feed used for maintenance plus lactation during milk production.

10RFV (Relative Feed Value): indicates how well an animal will eat and digest a forage if it is fed as the only source of energy.

Managing Fall Armyworm in Pastures and Hayfields

Amanda Grev, Pasture and Forage Specialist |
University of Maryland Extension

Although fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a native pest to North America and a chronic pest in the southeastern US, reports of fall armyworm activity and outbreaks are unusually high this year. There are numerous reports of heavy fall armyworm activity coming out of Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and other states. In Maryland, there have been cases reported across much of the state so far, including Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Charles, Calvert, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s, St. Mary’s, and Washington counties. Weather conditions have allowed fall armyworm to flourish this year, so producers are encouraged to be on the lookout for potential problems.

Fall armyworm (Figure 1) is a tropical moth native to warm climate areas of the western hemisphere. They are susceptible to cold and cannot successfully overwinter in more northern areas; however, fall armyworm moths are strong fliers and with the help of air currents they make their way north each year. As a result, populations can show up throughout most of the eastern US in the late summer and fall months. The size and timing of the initial moth flights are two factors that influence the outbreak potential of this pest. The female moths arriving from southern states will seek young, tender foliage in which to lay their eggs. Female fall armyworm moths can lay egg masses of fifty to several hundred eggs, which means large densities of fall armyworms can build up quickly.

Figure 1. Fall armyworm larvae. Image: Blake Layton, MSU-ES.

Fall armyworm larvae may range in color from light green to almost black, with several stripes along the body. The head of the fall armyworm is marked with a light-colored, inverted Y-shape (Figure 2). This “Y” distinguishes the fall armyworm from other armyworm species. Fall armyworm damage is most likely to occur from August through October when populations are at seasonal highs. Droughty conditions are often favorable for the fall armyworm because many of their natural enemies are less active during droughts. Fall armyworms can be found up until the first killing frost although the risk of damage declines as it gets cooler.

Figure 2. Fall armyworm with diagnostic “Y” pattern on head. Steve L. Brown, University of Georgia,

Fall armyworm can feed on a number of different host plants, but they typically prefer corn, sorghum, small grains, alfalfa, and forage grasses, including turf, as well as pastures and hayfields. The caterpillars damage grass by chewing the plant tissue. They are typically most active early in the morning, late afternoon, or early evening. Initially, small larvae will feed on the leaf surface, causing a “windowpane” effect where the green tissue is removed and a transparent membrane remains. Young armyworms don’t eat much, with almost all of the damage being caused the oldest caterpillars. Under summer conditions, the caterpillars will take about 12 to 16 days to reach full size, with most of the feeding occurring during the last four days when the caterpillars are at their largest size. Eventually, their insatiable appetite can denude alfalfa and other forage crops rapidly before they “march” on to the next field in search of food or burrow into the ground to pupate.

Damage from fall armyworms may vary in appearance and severity. In hayfields or pastures, virtually all tender green material may be removed, leaving only tough stems a few inches long. Brown patches can appear in the field, often resembling drought damage, and the damaged patch may rapidly increase in size as the fall armyworm consumes more foliage. Established, healthy forage stands will likely not be killed by fall armyworms, but the defoliation will weaken the plants and can deprive producers of a grazing or hay cutting. Newly established stands can be severely stunted or killed, as they do not have an established root system and are much more susceptible to fall armyworm damage.

Figure 3. Fall armyworm feeding on grass hay.

Producers should monitor their crops that are still green for fall armyworm presence and damage. By the time fall armyworm are larger and on the move, most of the damage will have been done already so it’s important to catch them early on when they are still small. Scouting can be done to help detect infestations. Fall armyworm moths prefer to lay eggs on light-colored surfaces, so checking fence rails, fence posts, and nearby tree limbs can also be useful, and be sure to check areas with dead grass or where birds are congregating. The best way to detect fall armyworms is to use an insect net and sweep the grass, as the sweep net will pick up larvae that may be too small to find otherwise. Sweep the grass in the early morning or late afternoon/evening when they are typically most active. If you find fall armyworms using the sweep net, the next step is to count how many caterpillars you have per square foot. Examine the plant itself as well as any thatch on top of the soil.

The economic threshold for fall armyworms is typically 2-3 caterpillars per square foot. If you find three or more armyworms per square foot, an insecticide treatment or early harvest may be warranted. There are numerous insecticides that can be used for controlling fall armyworm caterpillars in forages, but rates and restrictions vary by crop so be sure to carefully read pesticide label restrictions by crop and take note of any grazing or harvest restrictions. Some insecticide options may include products containing pyrethroids, chlorantraniliprole, methoxyfenozide, spinosad, or carbaryl. Note that control of larger larvae is less effective with pyrethroids and is sometimes difficult with any insecticide. The label will have a recommended range for application rates; use higher rates when the grass is thick, when fall armyworm populations are high, and when caterpillars are larger. If possible, try to apply insecticides later in the day to coincide with the time when fall armyworm are more active and increase the probability of them encountering a lethal residue.

Harvesting the field for hay is also an option and can be an alternative to insecticides. The harvesting process will kill some caterpillars directly, and others will die from exposure to the high soil surface temperatures after harvest. However, mowing needs to be done as soon as possible and surviving fall armyworms will continue to feed so the faster the hay can be raked and baled the better.

Stockpiling Pasture for Fall and Winter Grazing

Amanda Grev, Forage and Pasture Management Specialist |
University of Maryland Extension

With August upon us, we may still be feeling the heat of the summer at the moment but whether or not we’re ready, cooler temperatures are just around the corner and it’s time to be thinking about winter feeding strategies. Using harvested forages for winter feed represents a substantial expense for livestock operations. For many grazing operations, stockpiling can be an effective strategy to extend forage resources further into the fall and winter season, reducing the costs associated with harvesting and storing feed and providing high-quality pasture for fall and winter grazing.

What is stockpiling?

The concept of stockpiling is simple. Rather than cutting, drying, and storing hay to feed over the winter, existing pastures are allowed to grow and accumulate forage in the field to be grazed by livestock in a later season. Under this management strategy, grazing animals are removed from pastures in late summer and forages are allowed to accumulate growth through the late summer and fall. The cool, late-season temperatures make it possible for the accumulation of high-quality forage even after an extended period of growth. This stockpiled forage is then available for grazing throughout the fall and winter months, reducing the costs associated with feeding stored feeds.

Which forages work best?

Although a number of different forages can be stockpiled, some forage species will hold their nutritional value longer than others in the winter months. Compared to other cool-season grasses, tall fescue is well adapted for stockpiling, as it has the ability to accumulate a substantial amount of fall growth and tolerate colder temperatures without losing quality. In addition, the waxy layer or cuticle on the leaves of tall fescue make the plant more resistant to frost damage or deterioration. Tall fescue also forms a good sod, making it more tolerant to foot traffic and minimizing impacts on its productivity the following season.

How is stockpiling accomplished?

Early August is the time to begin stockpiling for fall and winter grazing. To prepare for stockpiling, pastures should be grazed (or clipped) down to a 3 to 4 inch stubble height to ensure that the accumulated forage will come from new growth. After livestock are removed, 40 to 60 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to stimulate additional regrowth and optimize forage accumulation and quality. The grasses should then be allowed to regrow until forage growth dramatically slows or ceases completely.

It should be noted that not all nitrogen fertilizers will be equally efficient when fertilizing pastures in the fall. In urea or urea-based fertilizers, the ammonia is volatile and a substantial amount of the nitrogen from these sources will be released to the atmosphere via volatilization when applied during the hot and humid days of late summer. To minimize this volatilization, these nitrogen sources should be applied immediately prior to a significant rainfall event. Ammonium nitrate is the most efficient source of nitrogen for stockpiling, but it is often more expensive than other sources.

Will yield and quality be good?

Where tall fescue was successfully stockpiled, yields of 1 to over 1.5 tons of dry matter per acre have been documented. Higher yields will be achieved if nitrogen is applied immediately after the last cutting or grazing compared to pastures that did not receive fertilization or were fertilized later in the fall.

Forage quality of stockpiled tall fescue can be very good. Depending on the amount of nitrogen applied, fall-grown tall fescue can average 12 to 18% protein and can maintain good nutritional value throughout the fall season. Research has demonstrated that stockpiled tall fescue has sufficient quality to carry dry cows through the winter and could carry lactating beef cows into January without additional supplementation. However, the forage quality and digestibility of stockpiled forages is variable and will decline as growth accumulates, forages mature, and winter conditions continue. To confirm nutritional value, forage samples should be taken and analyzed to ensure the pasture is meeting the nutritional requirements of the animals utilizing it.

How to utilize stockpiled forage?

Stockpiled forage can be valuable under a variety of grazing methods, but forage utilization can be increased substantially by using improved grazing practices. If livestock are allowed to continuously graze the entire pasture with unrestricted access, efficiency will be lower and the potential grazing period will be shortened due to waste and trampling damage. To minimize waste and get the most from stockpiled forage, pastures should be either rotationally or strip grazed. Strip grazing is a management system that involves giving livestock a fresh area of pasture every day or every few days by moving a temporary electric fence in the pasture. This method limits the area available for grazing, helping to increase pasture carrying capacity and maximize forage utilization.


Removing livestock and fertilizing pastures or hayfields in late summer will allow forage growth to be stockpiled for late fall and winter grazing. Utilization of stockpiled pasture is an economically-advantageous management strategy that will extend the grazing season, minimize winter hay feeding and stored feed requirements, and provide high-quality forage without negatively impacting the persistence of forage stands.

Considerations for Improving Hay Quality

Amanda Grev, Pasture & Forage Specialist
University of Maryland Extension

With a new growing season comes new opportunities, one of which is the opportunity to do a better job with making hay. With spring being a busy time of year, hay-making is often one of the lower priorities on the long list of things to do, but this means that all too often much of the hay that is made is moderate to lower in quality. In many cases, making better quality hay can significantly reduce the need for supplemental feed purchases and help keep adequate condition on animals. Below are some practical considerations for improving the quality of your hay this year.

Harvest at the Correct Maturity Stage

The single most important factor affecting forage quality is the stage of maturity at the time of harvest. This is especially true in the spring when forages are growing and maturing rapidly. For high quality hay, harvest must start at an earlier growth stage—a good goal is around the boot stage for grasses or around late bud to early bloom for legumes. In a mixed grass-legume stand, the decision for the first cut should be based on the maturity of the grass, since grasses usually mature earlier than legumes in the spring.

Cut Early, Wide, and High

Because plants continue to use carbohydrates for respiration during the night but are not able to fix sugar through photosynthesis, the nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC, or sugar and starch) content of a plant is lowest in the early morning hours prior to sunrise. At sunrise, the plant can resume the photosynthetic process, allowing NSC concentrations to increase throughout the day and reach a peak in late afternoon. However, even though NSC concentrations are usually highest in the late afternoon, cutting hay late in the day doesn’t leave much time for forages to dry before nightfall. In a high rainfall environment, maximizing curing time should be the highest priority. Therefore, hay should be mowed in mid- to late-morning after the dew has dried off. This will allow for a full day of drying right away, maximizing exposure to sunlight and wind and resulting in a faster drop in moisture and reduced respiration.

When mowing, set the mower to make as wide of a swath as possible, ideally at least 70% of the cut area. Maximizing the swath width shortens the wilting time by exposing a larger portion of the forage to direct sunlight, leading to faster drying and preserving more digestible dry matter. Avoid cutting hayfields too close. If not properly adjusted, disc mowers can cut very close to the soil surface and this can cause significant damage to cool-season grass stands. Be sure to leave 2 to 3 inches of residual for alfalfa and 4 inches for cool-season grasses. Not only will this result in improved stand persistence, earlier regrowth, and sooner subsequent cuttings, but the stubble will help to elevate the swath and promote air flow and rapid drying.

Rake, Ted, and Bale at the Correct Moisture

Forage should be tedded or raked above 40% moisture. Tedding and raking the forage while it is still pliable helps to reduce leaf loss and maintain forage quality. Once the moisture content is below 40%, leaf losses increase rapidly, particularly for legumes. Adjust the rake to minimize the amount of tines touching the ground to avoid soil contamination. Using rakes that handle the hay gently or slowing the speed of the rake are also ways to further minimize leaf loss and maintain forage quality.

Bale the forage at 15 to 18% moisture. Baling in this moisture range inhibits mold growth and reduces heating. Hay that is excessively dry will have greater leaf loss due to leaf shatter, and hay that is too wet (above 20% moisture) is prone to excessive heating. Of course the worst case scenario is the potential for spontaneous combustion, but even heated hay that doesn’t burn is subject to having high concentrations of heat-damaged, indigestible protein.

Time Cuttings Appropriately

Appropriate timing includes not only harvesting at the ideal forage maturity, but also timing your cutting schedule for optimal growth based on seasonal weather conditions. For example, completing the first cutting in a timely manner allows time for adequate regrowth and a good second cutting prior to the onset of the hot summer months. A nitrogen application following first harvest can help with this by stimulating forage regrowth.

Be sure to allow cool-season hayfields to go into the summer with at least 5 to 6 inches of regrowth; this will shade the crown of the plant, moderating its temperature and reducing soil moisture losses. And finally, time fall hay cuttings to allow stands enough time to regrow and replenish their carbohydrate reserves prior to winter dormancy.

Ensure Balanced Soil Fertility

A sound fertility program provides adequate nutrients for the growing plant. In a forage system, this involves more than simply adding nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; it should also include monitoring soil pH, soil compaction, nutrient removal rates, and overall nutrient status.

High-yielding cuttings of hay remove substantial amounts of nutrients from fields, making a balanced fertility program essential for optimizing hay production. Take the time to soil test and apply nutrients and lime according to soil test results. Use nitrogen to promote growth in the spring and throughout the growing season. Avoid using “complete” fertilizers like 10-10-10, which commonly over-apply phosphorus and under-apply potassium. Adequate soil fertility is critical to achieving optimum forage production and quality.

Store Hay Properly

Last but not least, hay that has been baled will need protection from the weather to avoid losses in both quality and quantity. Losses during hay storage can accumulate quickly. To avoid this, store hay off the ground and preferably under cover. Much of the weathering damage is a result of the hay bale wicking moisture up from the ground, so storing hay off the ground can greatly reduce deterioration. Protecting hay from weathering through proper storage will help to reduce dry matter losses and maintain forage quality.

Short Forage, Fall Oats, Winter Forage Options

Jeff Semler, Principal Agriculture Agent
University of Maryland Extension, Washington County

Each year, someone, somewhere, ends the growing season short on forage. There are many more this year. For much of our area, dry conditions are continuing as the jet stream tends to not move for extended periods during the present solar minimum we are experiencing. One area gets dumped on while the other goes begging for water. This has impacted the second (and some areas the first) cutting. Hay crop yields are reported to be down 30 to 40%. The extended days with temperature over 85 F can decrease corn silage yields as corn stops growing above that and we have had many days that fit that picture. Added to it the dry conditions and the potential is for corn yields both be down and later maturity as the corn stopped growing for extended days this summer. It is nearly the beginning of September, and you need to identify how much feed you need and what will supply that. There are still a few options open for last chance forage this year. There are also steps you can take this fall to get very early forage next spring when you run out of haylage. 

If you are looking for high-quality dairy forage, no mechanically harvested crop will produce as much and as high a quality as late summer planted spring oats. Because of the increasingly cool fall temperatures, the forage quality is incredibly high (higher than forage oats in the spring). You may want plant later to wait for the cooler nights to reduce the aphid population which can bring in in Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Aphids can infect the plant with BYDV in less than 30 minutes. If you are planting early or on time, it is recommended using a neonic seed treatment as they are effective in limiting aphid feeding, based on research from the Cornell IPM coordinator. A moist fall can hammer this excellent plan by a major outbreak of rust. It could reduce quality and yield. Normally it starts to show a week or so before harvest. If scouting finds it, a highly suggested practice is to apply a fungicide to the oats when they are starting stem elongation. If you have a cereal leaf beetle outbreak an insecticide can be applied at the same time as the fungicide. Both are low cost assurance of top forage yield. 

It is suggested 3 bu/acre of oats. Klicer’s research found NO yield increase from increased fall oat seeding rate. If you use grain type oats, remember it will go through its life cycle quicker and so be ready to plan your timing to dry it for silage. If you are not going to be able to plant until later or have to harvest or graze later, then the slower forage oat type would be the better recommendation based on Ohio State research. Be liberal with the preplant manure but within your Nutrient Management Plan recommendations. In a 2010 study, Cornell studies had a relatively low yield of 2 tons DM/acre due to extremely dry weather. Despite the low yields, over 120 lbs of nitrogen/acre was removed as protein. *NOTE: If you applied manure don’t feed this to dry cows because of high potassium. 

For high producing dairy cows, mow as soon as the flag leaf is out, or early boot. Even early boot is still very good forage. The reason for this is because of the very cool night temperatures inhibit respiration of the most digestible parts, and they accumulate in the plant. As soon as it hits flag leaf, mow wide swath. You are trying to dry something that can yield 2 – 3 times more tons of dry matter than a heavy alfalfa first cutting, compounded by cooler temperatures and much less intensity and hours of sunlight. Even with wide swath, the high yield sheer mass will allow only the top to dry. As soon as the top has a light grey cast (pick up a surface plant and see if it is greener underneath) tedd to get the lower layers spread and drying. Watch forward speed so you don’t make tedder lumps. It is critical that it be ensiled the same day you mow because of the very high sugar levels (exception to rule: if it goes into the 30’s F at night it stops respiration and sugar loss and you can go to the next day). Leaving it overnight in warmer temperatures burns off the sugars and produces higher populations of Clostridia and higher levels of butyric acid. With same-day haylage, these are reduced or eliminated even at higher moisture conditions. On the flip side, the very high sugar levels, if preserved until you ensile the crop; will speed the process and produce an excellent fermented forage if inoculated. 

Fall Spring Oats plus Winter Triticale. This is a triple crop system where oats and winter triticale (100 lbs. oats/acre with 80 lbs. of triticale/acre) are planted after corn silage harvest or in fallow wheat ground. After the oat harvest, the triticale continued to grow and produced an excellent forage the next year. It is CRITICAL that you mow the oats with the cutter bar set at a minimum of 4 inches. Where 4 inches or more is left, the triticale thrived. Where mowed less than 3.5 inches the triticale died. Target flag leaf oat harvest to maximize triticale fall regrowth. Fertilize the triticale as normal the next spring and had an excellent harvest. This can give you two very high-quality forage crops in one planting. 

Last Chance Forage: If it rains, cool-season grasses put on a burst of growth in late August, September, and early October. Feeding the crop with nitrogen and sulfur can give you some very high-quality forage for your dairy herd. It will be wet so chop it ¾ to 1 inch long to reduce leachate. As with the oats above, use a homolactic inoculant and ensile it the same day it is mowed (unless temperatures drop to the 30’s at night). Remember to cut grass at 4-inch cutting height to maintain the stand.

First Chance for Very High-Quality Forage Next Year. Now is the time to get seed for winter forage. This will be the earliest highest quality forage you can get into your cows next spring. Fermented energy levels are equal to corn silage, protein (with sulfur fertilization) can equal good alfalfa. Both rye and winter triticale could be used to produce winter forage. Winter triticale is preferred as it is 35% higher yielding than rye in side by side tests. Flag leaf triticale resists lodging at nitrogen rates over 100 lbs.N/a which gives high crude protein, while rye lodges. 

The Key to High Winter Forage Yields is Planting on Time, which is: 10 DAYS TO TWO WEEKS BEFORE WHEAT-FOR-GRAIN PLANTING DATE IN YOUR AREA. This has proven true over the past 20 years of winter forage research. Earlier planting means more tillers which means more spring yield potential. On-time planting research showed a 25-35% yield increase next spring vs late (same date or later than wheat). 

Should we skip winter forage? NO! Go ahead and plant. You will protect the soil against long term yield-robbing soil erosion; improve the soil health and structure for long term yield gain and still could have economical yields of very high-quality forage. There are several steps that our research has found to improve the yield and survival of late winter forage. Don’t fall for the old story that if you plant late you can make up for it by putting down more seed. Research has not seen any advantage planting over 100 lbs winter triticale seed/acre. If you are forced this year to plant later than the optimum two weeks before wheat grain planting; instead of spending money on extra seed, spend it on having a 3-way fungicide seed treatment applied to the seed. In replicated trials at the on-time planting date, the treated seed yielded 15% more than the control of untreated seed. For the late planting date, the treated seed yielded 28% more than the untreated seed. The late seeding still produced 2.8 tons of dry matter (8 tons/a 35% dm) yield which is a very profitable crop. Much depends on fall weather. The management most critical to survival in late planting is to plant at 1.25 inches at a minimum. If you don’t, in early spring thaw the heaving will push the plant up and they don’t grow. For keys on planting watch the YouTube video Establishing Winter Triticale Forage.

Like cool season grass, oats with an under-crop of winter triticale must be mowed at 4-inch cutterbar height or it will be killed. Mowed properly, this triticale crop is growing very nicely the next spring. 

(adapted from research by Tom Klicer; Cornell University Emertis).

Forage Performance of Cereal Cover Crops in Maryland

Nicole Fiorellino, Extension Agronomist
University of Maryland, College Park

Dairy farmers are constantly looking for sources of forage to meet their feed needs. One source that many of our region’s dairy farmers utilize is the fall planting of cereal grains that are green-chop harvested the following spring. Among the cereal species used for this purpose are rye, triticale, barley, and wheat. Per the Maryland Cover Crop Program guidelines, cereal grains planted as a cover crop prior to November 5 and suppressed via green-chop in the spring are eligible for the grant payment for participation in the Cover Crop Program.  In addition, per the Nutrient Management Regulations, a fall application of dairy manure is allowed to a field planted to a cereal cover crop.

Planting a cereal cover crop that will be green chop harvested fits well into the crop rotation used by many dairy farmers. The scenario that many follow is to plant the cereal cover crop following harvest of corn silage. Prior to planting the cover crop, an application of manure is made to the field. The subsequent planting of the cover crop provides incorporation of the manure into the soil. The fall and spring growth of the cover crop is supplied nutrients from the manure. At the same time, the cover crop provides protection to the soil from loss of nutrients via leaching and/or erosion. The objective of this study was to evaluate select varieties of cereal species for cover crop performance and forage production and quality.

Cereal varieties (21) representing four species (rye, triticale, wheat, barley) were evaluated at Central Maryland Research and Education Center – Clarksville Facility. Three replications for each entry were planted using a randomized complete block experimental design.  Planting date was October 11, 2019. The 3’ X 18’ plots were planted with a small plot planter with 6-inch spacing between each of the 7 rows. The germination percentage for each entry was used to calculate the seeding rate needed to establish 1.5 million seedlings. Good stands were established in most plots by late fall.

Our goal each year is to time spring biomass harvest with when entries reach late boot to early heading stage of development. With the cool spring this year, plant growth and development slowed, with heading delayed until mid-May for most entries (Table 2) and harvest dates varying among the entries (listed in Table 1). Each harvest sample was collected by cutting the plants just above ground-level from three center rows of each plot from an area 2.5 feet in length and from two areas within the plot. The samples were placed into cloth bags and dried using a forced air dryer set at 60o C where they remained until sample water content was zero. Each sample was weighed and is reported as pounds of dry matter production per acre (Table 1). Each of the dried samples was ground through a 20-mesh screen using a large plant grinder and the ground biomass samples were sent to Cumberland Valley Analytical Laboratory for standard forage quality analysis.

Cover crop performance is measured by amount of biomass produced and the concentration of nitrogen (N) in the biomass. These two factors were used to estimate N uptake (Table 2). The cool weather this spring delayed harvest of this study, likely contributing to the higher biomass and N uptake observed this year compared to last year’s trials. There was no significant difference in nitrogen uptake among the varieties tested. A number of forage quality characteristics for these cereals was measured (Table 2). The descriptions of the various quality characteristic are described here and in the footnotes at the bottom of Table 2. Crude protein (CP) is the N content of the forage, with higher protein representing better feed quality. This value was used to calculate nitrogen uptake of each variety (Nitrogen content = % CP/6.25). Both rye varieties and the barley check variety had significantly greater CP than the overall mean, with a number of triticale varieties having significantly less CP content than the overall mean. One rye and the barley variety also had rumen degradable protein (RDP) content significantly greater than the overall mean.

Neutral and acid detergent fiber (NDF, ADF) are measures of feed value and represent the less digestible components of the plant, with NDF representing total fiber and ADF representing the least digestible plant components. Low NDF and ADF values representing increased digestibility; ideally NDF values should be <50% and ADF values should be <35%. Values of both traits were above the ideal this year, as the late harvest resulted in more mature plants. Despite this, four triticale varieties (TriCal EXP 20T02, BCT 15509, BCT 18001, bCT 19005) had significantly lower NDF and ADF values than the overall mean, representing a digestible triticale varieties. This same variety also had significantly higher total digestible nutrients (TDN), net energy for lactation (NEL), relative feed value (RFV), and non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC), indicating good performing varieties.

The characteristic that best captures the overall forage quality performance is Relative Feed Value (RFV). A RFV of 100 is defined as the forage value that full bloom alfalfa would have. In addition to the triticale varieties mentioned previously, one additional triticale variety (TriCal Gainer 154) and the barley and wheat check varieties had RFV values significantly greater than the overall mean.

Though, none of these green-chop cereal forages are considered to be adequate as a stand-alone feed for a dairy operation, they can supply a source of forage used in a total mixed ration at the time of year when feed supply may be running short. When this forage benefit is added to the environmental benefit that is gained, planting winter cereal cover crops on a dairy farm can be a win-win decision.

Download a PDF copy of this report by clicking here


This work could not be accomplished without the assistance and oversight of all field operations by Mr. Louis Thorne and Mr. Joseph Crank. We acknowledge the assistance of the undergraduate students who work with Dr. Jason Wight (Shana Burke and Deonna Cousins) for their assistance with seed packaging.


Table 1. Average harvest date for cereal species evaluated in Clarksville, MD in 2019-2020.

    Variety Species Average harvest date
TriCal Exp 19R01 Rye May 11
Rye VNS (check) Rye May 4
Mercer Brand Tri-Cow 814 Triticale May 4
TriCal Gainer 154 Triticale May 4
TriCal Flex 719 Triticale May 13
TriCal Surge Triticale May 11
TriCal Merlin Max Triticale May 13
TriCal Thor Triticale May 13
TriCal Exp 20T02 Triticale May 13
TriCal Exp 20T03 Triticale May 13
TriCal Exp 20T04 Triticale May 27
BCT 15509 Triticale May 11
BCT 15513 Triticale May 27
BCT 18001 Triticale May 13
BCT 18002 Triticale May 13
BCT 19003 Triticale May 27
BCT 19004 Triticale May 13
BCT 19005 Triticale May 13
BCT 19006 Triticale May 13
Nomini (check) Barley April 14
P25R25 (check) Wheat May 27

Table 2. Forage and cover crop performance of cereal species evaluated in Clarksville, MD during 2019-2020 growing season.

Variety Species Biomass Yield

lb DM/a





lb N/a


Protein %

3Soluble Protein

% DM


% DM


% DM


% DM


% DM




% DM





10RFV 11Non Fiber


% DM

TriCal Exp 19R01 Rye 20655 April 17 395 11.9* 6.7* 9.3 41.8 64.0 7.4 56.5# 0.57# 82.0 15.2#
Rye VNS (check) Rye 20490 May 3 351 10.7* 4.4 7.6* 42.5 65.6 7.4 57.2 0.58 79.2# 14.4#
Rye Mean 20573 April 25 373 11.3* 5.6 8.4 42.2 64.8 7.4 56.9 0.58 80.6 14.8
Mercer Brand Tri-Cow 814 Triticale 23096 April 23 344 9.4 3.9 6.6 39.3 62.4 7.0 59.1 0.60 87.0 19.5
TriCal Gainer 154 Triticale 22925 May 4 260 9.5 3.9 6.7 37.4 59.5 6.6 60.3 0.61 96.5* 22.7
TriCal Flex 719 Triticale 24363 May 13 296 7.6# 2.8# 5.2# 42.7* 64.6 7.2 57.3 0.58 80.0# 19.2
TriCal Surge Triticale 22601 May 13 312 8.5 3.0 5.8 40.8 62.0 7.7 58.2 0.59 85.5 20.1
TriCal Merlin Max Triticale 22618 May 13 295 8.1 3.1# 5.6# 41.1 63.4 8.0 57.3 0.58 83.5 19.0
TriCal Thor Triticale 27172 May 14 357 8.2 3.6 5.9 44.7* 65.3 7.8 55.7# 0.56# 78.0# 17.4
TriCal Exp 20T02 Triticale 23820 May 12 290 7.6# 2.5# 5.1# 34.5# 54.5# 7.0 62.9* 0.64* 106.0* 29.0*
TriCal Exp 20T03 Triticale 24867 May 13 341 8.6 3.0# 5.8 41.6 61.5 8.5* 57.9 0.59 85.3 19.8
TriCal Exp 20T04 Triticale 28459* May 15 343 7.6# 4.0 5.8 48.7* 72.6* 7.4 52.7# 0.53# 65.3# 11.3#
BCT 15509 Triticale 22927 May 14 318 8.6 3.8 6.2 35.3# 56.9# 6.9 62.1* 0.63* 100.5* 25.7*
BCT 15513 Triticale 28316* May 16 358 7.8# 5.0* 6.3 42.6 64.7 6.4 57.1 0.58 80.5# 19.8
BCT 18001 Triticale 25363 May 11 347 8.6 3.4 6.0 37.1# 56.7# 7.7 61.4* 0.63* 98.3* 25.1*
BCT 18002 Triticale 25654 May 12 318 7.8# 3.1# 5.4# 41.6 63.2 6.5 58.4 0.60 84.0 21.1
BCT 19003 Triticale 28526* May 16 329 7.2# 3.8 5.5# 47.4* 70.2* 5.7# 64.2* 0.55# 69.0 15.9#
BCT 19004 Triticale 28740* May 13 366 7.9# 2.8# 5.4# 41.3 62.2 7.0 58.2 0.59 85.0 21.3
BCT 19005 Triticale 24173 May 13 332 8.6 3.0# 5.8 36.6# 57.7# 7.1 61.4* 0.63* 97.5* 24.7*
BCT 19006 Triticale 27915 May 12 330 8.5 3.1# 5.8 36.7# 58.6 7.2 60.7 0.62 95.5 23.9
Triticale Mean 25358 May 12 329 8.3 3.4 5.8 40.3 61.8 7.2 58.7 0.60 87.5 21.1
Nomini (check) Barley 15044# April 23 341 14.2* 6.6* 10.5* 34.4# 55.6 9.0* 61.7* 0.63* 104.2* 19.2
P25R25 (check) Wheat 25376 May 16 189 7.3# 3.7 5.5# 34. 4# 53.7 5.3# 62.7* 0.64* 107.7* 32.4*
Overall Mean 24269 May 10 329 8.9 3.8 6.4 39.9 61.5 7.2 58.8 0.60 88.5 20.8
LSD0.1 3816 2 days 0.9 0.6 0.7 2.7 3.4 0.8 2.1 0.02 7.5 3.4
*,# Indicates the entry was either significantly greater (*) or significantly (#)less than the overall mean for that feed characteristic.
1Nitrogen uptake (lb N/acre) for each entry was estimated by multiplying the lb DM/ac X % nitrogen contained in the DM. The percent nitrogen for each entry was calculated by dividing crude protein by the conversion factor 6.25 which is the average amount of nitrogen (%) contained in protein.
2Crude Protein %: represents total nitrogen content of the forage; higher protein is usually associated with better feed quality.
3Soluble Protein %: non-protein N and portion of true proteins that are readily degraded to ammonia in the rumen.
4RDP (Rumen Degradable Protein): portion of crude protein that microbes can either digest or degrade to ammonia and amino acids in the rumen.
5ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber): represents the least digestible fiber portion of forage; the lower the ADF value the greater the digestibility.
6NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber): insoluble fraction of forage used to estimate the total fiber constituents of a feedstock.
7Ash: mineral elements of the forage.
8TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients): measure of the energy value of the forage.
9Net Energy Lactation: estimate of the energy in a feed used for maintenance plus lactation during milk production.
10RFV (Relative Feed Value): indicates how well an animal will eat and digest a forage if it is fed as the only source of energy.
11Non Fiber Carbohydrates: represents all forms of digestible carbohydrates (starch, sugar, pectin, and fermentation acids) in the forage.

Table 3. Brands and companies in the 2019-2020 Maryland cereal forage trials.

Brand Address
Eddie Mercer Agri-Services, Inc. 6900 Linganore Road

Frederick, Maryland 21701

Seed-Link Inc. 208 St. David Street

Lindsay, Ontario (Canada) K9V-4Z4

TriCal Superior Forage 12167 Highway 70S

Vernon, Texas 76384