About Us

We are the Alpha Rho chapter of the Alpha Chi Sigma Professional Co-Ed Chemistry Fraternity. Founded at the University of Maryland, College Park in 1927, AXS remains one of the oldest professional fraternities on campus.

AXS hosts several professional, social, community, and departmental outreach events through the year. We not only build resumes, we form bonds that last for a lifetime. No other fraternity is quite like us!

Stop by CHEM0526B for help with organic and general chemistry! We are hosting tutoring hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7 PM throughout the semester. If you have any questions contact us at axs.chem.tutoring@gmail.com!

Tuesdays: 5-7 PM
Thursdays: 5-7 PM

Objects of the Fraternity

To bind its members with a tie of true and lasting friendship.

To strive for the advancement of Chemistry both as a science and as a profession.

To aid its members by every honorable means in the attainment of their ambitions as Chemists throughout their mortal lives.