START Career Fair | College Park

START will be hosting its first ever (very small scale) Career Fair this fall, on Wednesday, October 25, 11-2pm at our office in Riverdale, MD, and we would love to have BSOS students join us. Below you’ll find a bit more info on the event, please feel free to share with any student groups within the college (undergrad and grad) that you think would be interested in attending!

The idea for the career fair is similar, but on a smaller scale, to the Internship & Job Fairs that academic institutions put together each semester. We’re hoping to host between 5-10 employers to set up booths in our large conference room, where they’ll have a chance to meet with and speak to START students (grad and undergrad, current and alumni) and interns (current and alumni).
Employers that have already confirmed attendance include:
1. National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
2. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
3. U.S. Secret Service
4. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
5. Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
6. Global Peace Foundation International

The event is meant to be a small-scale career fair event to provide a more intimate setting for students to interact with the employers. Given the number of RSVPs we’ve already received, we have space for 50-75 more attendees. The registration link below will remain open until we reach capacity. Students can learn more about the employers and their hiring needs and register to attend here (or via the link below).

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