Please read this message from Kim Casimbom regarding the opportunity to participate in a research study:
Hello students!Happy spring semester! My name is Kim Casimbon and I am the Academic Advisor for UMBC-Shady Grove’s Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering program. I am currently a doctorate candidate at Frostburg State University conducting my research study on transfer students’ experience at USG. I am examining the impact of pre-transfer advising appointments on students’ post-transfer experiences. I am looking for transfer students interested in participating in a hyflex study about the student experience at USG. Below is the study information.
What is the study about?This research study aims to understand transfer students’ post-transfer experience particularly their sense of belongingness and knowledge accumulation about college.
Why Participate?
You can contribute to the understanding of the transfer student experience. You will be entered for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card.
Who can Participate?
Currently enrolled transfer students aged 18 and above (undergraduate)
What is the process for participation?
You will have the opportunity to participate in part one (completing brief online surveys) and/or part two (20-30 minute interview about your transfer experience); twenty participants will be randomly selected to be invited to participate in the follow-up interview.
To participate, please scan the QR code to complete the consent form and follow the survey instructions.Questions? Our contact information is below.Kim Casimbon, FSU Principal Investigator, at kccasimbon0@frostburg.eduor 240-665-6454 Dr. Gerald Kiel, FSU Advisor, at or 301-687-4432
Have a great day!
Kim Casimbon, M.S., M.Ed.