Research Study on Transfer Students

Please read this message from Kim Casimbom regarding the opportunity to participate in a research study:

Hello students!
Happy spring semester! My name is Kim Casimbon and I am the Academic Advisor for UMBC-Shady Grove’s Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering program. I am currently a doctorate candidate at Frostburg State University conducting my research study on transfer students’ experience at USG. I am examining the impact of pre-transfer advising appointments on students’ post-transfer experiences. I am looking for transfer students interested in participating in a hyflex study about the student experience at USG. Below is the study information.

What is the study about?
This research study aims to understand transfer students’ post-transfer experience particularly their sense of belongingness and knowledge accumulation about college.

Why Participate?
  • You can contribute to the understanding of the transfer student experience.
  • You will be entered for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card.

Who can Participate?
  • Currently enrolled transfer students aged 18 and above (undergraduate)

What is the process for participation?
  • You will have the opportunity to participate in part one (completing brief online surveys) and/or part two (20-30 minute interview about your transfer experience); twenty participants will be randomly selected to be invited to participate in the follow-up interview.

To participate, please scan the QR code to complete the consent form and follow the survey instructions. 
  Questions? Our contact information is below. 
Kim Casimbon, FSU Principal Investigator, at or 240-665-6454
Dr. Gerald Kiel, FSU Advisor, at or 301-687-4432

Have a great day!


Kim Casimbon, M.S., M.Ed.

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