Field Trip to Prudential Associates Cyber Forensic and Security Company

Event Details:

  • Name: Field Trip to Prudential Associates Cyber Forensic and Security Company
  • Date: April 12th, 2024
  • Event Time: Meet at 11 am at the company location in Rockville for a 1-hour tour. Following the tour, attendees will be invited to a guest speaker event at USG. The specific building and room number for the guest speaker event will be announced closer to the date.
  • Location: 9200 Corporate Blvd, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20850 | Tel: 301.279.6700

This event offers a unique opportunity for students to gain insights into the world of cyber forensic and security, complementing their academic studies with practical exposure to a leading company in the field.

Please fill the Survey if you are interested.

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