We are one week away from the USG Student Involvement Fair and Winter Welcome Day, which will be on Tuesday, February 6, from 11 am- 2 pm, in Building IV-1st Floor. This is a great opportunity for new and returning students to learn more about USG student organizations, meet representatives from service centers, and mingle/have some fun!
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Info Sessions: 2/12, 2/13, and 2/16
Learn about the UMD-Summer study abroad program in South Africa!
Information sessions will be on:
Monday, February 12th at 2pm (UMD College Park – Chincoteague 1117)
Tuesday, February 13th at 2pm (USG Building III, Rm 4219)
Friday, February 16th at 3pm (ZOOM)
See flyer for more details
Research Study on Transfer Students
Please read this message from Kim Casimbom regarding the opportunity to participate in a research study:
Hello students!Happy spring semester! My name is Kim Casimbon and I am the Academic Advisor for UMBC-Shady Grove’s Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering program. I am currently a doctorate candidate at Frostburg State University conducting my research study on transfer students’ experience at USG. I am examining the impact of pre-transfer advising appointments on students’ post-transfer experiences. I am looking for transfer students interested in participating in a hyflex study about the student experience at USG. Below is the study information.
What is the study about?This research study aims to understand transfer students’ post-transfer experience particularly their sense of belongingness and knowledge accumulation about college.
Why Participate?
You can contribute to the understanding of the transfer student experience. You will be entered for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card.
Who can Participate?
Currently enrolled transfer students aged 18 and above (undergraduate)
What is the process for participation?
You will have the opportunity to participate in part one (completing brief online surveys) and/or part two (20-30 minute interview about your transfer experience); twenty participants will be randomly selected to be invited to participate in the follow-up interview.
To participate, please scan the QR code to complete the consent form and follow the survey instructions.Questions? Our contact information is below.Kim Casimbon, FSU Principal Investigator, at kccasimbon0@frostburg.eduor 240-665-6454 Dr. Gerald Kiel, FSU Advisor, at gwkiel@frostburg.edu or 301-687-4432
Have a great day!
Apply for USG Scholarships!
McNair Scholars Program General Admissions Open!
REMINDER: Fall 2023 Grad School Prep Series on Nov. 2nd!
Public Speaking VR Program at USG
The Fall 2022 – Summer 2023 internship survey is now open!
The Fall 2022 – Summer 2023 internship survey is now open!
Now that you have settled into the semester, the University Career Center wants to hear about your internship experiences between Fall 2022 and Summer 2023! Learning more about your experiences can help shape the future of internships for your fellow Terps. Plus, there are some fantastic perks for participating!
CCJS@USG Students-participate in Student Council!
START Career Fair | College Park
START will be hosting its first ever (very small scale) Career Fair this fall, on Wednesday, October 25, 11-2pm at our office in Riverdale, MD, and we would love to have BSOS students join us. Below you’ll find a bit more info on the event, please feel free to share with any student groups within the college (undergrad and grad) that you think would be interested in attending!
1. National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
2. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
3. U.S. Secret Service
4. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
5. Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
6. Global Peace Foundation International
The event is meant to be a small-scale career fair event to provide a more intimate setting for students to interact with the employers. Given the number of RSVPs we’ve already received, we have space for 50-75 more attendees. The registration link below will remain open until we reach capacity. Students can learn more about the employers and their hiring needs and register to attend here (or via the link below).