The mission of Cheló̱na RSA, the University of Maryland graduate student chapter of the Rhetoric Society of America, is to foster interdisciplinary scholarly and pedagogical collaboration, development, and support in the field of rhetoric. Through reading groups, workshops, colloquia, conferences, and other activities, Cheló̱na RSA provides a forum for rhetoricians from various campus departments to gather and promote scholarship across traditional university borders, and the opportunity to assist and enrich the experience of undergraduates interested in rhetoric at the University of Maryland. Capitalizing on UMD’s proximity to our nation’s capital, Cheló̱na RSA strives to facilitate opportunities for scholars near and far to explore local libraries and archives in an effort to engage the vast array of political, cultural, and social resources available to us as residents of the Washington, D.C. area. Finally, Cheló̱na RSA works to serve both our local and scholarly communities by demonstrating our commitments to education, research, civic responsibility, and rhetorical activism.