Wrapping up metadata

I’ve finished entering in the metadata for my entries. It wasn’t a particularly difficult process, though it is concerning that most entries have very sparse metadata, and that several entries appear to be missing the actual image (or in one case, the actual oral history audio recording) itself. In one case, one entry’s title/description seemed to be for the image associated with the previous entry.

I look forward to moving onto the contributor guide. In the meantime, I will go back and review my entries, seeing if any cleanup needs to be done.


This week I am continuing with inputting metadata about items in the Lakeland collection into our group’s AirTable spreadsheet. It’s a fairly mundane process, especially since there often is very little metadata actually present. Often an entry will have a title, a url, possibly a short description, a document type, and a file type, and nothing else.

I have entered 60 entries so far, and have another 125 to do by April 12. Obviously, I intend to accelerate the pace of entries this week and this weekend.

Overall, this is boring but necessary work.