The ENSP Professional Meeting Travel Award- The Environmental Science and Policy program is pleased to announce the establishment of the ENSP Professional Meeting Travel Award. This award has been created to encourage ENSP students to participate in professional society meetings. Students presenting a poster, making an oral presentation, or participating in a panel discussion at a professional society meeting are eligible for this award. Two travel awards will be available each academic year, with the value of each award not to exceed the cost of attending the meeting or $1500.
- To be considered for this award, complete the travel award application, which can be found here, by February 15 for professional meetings occurring between April 1 and October 30, and September 15 for professional meetings occurring between November 1 and March 31.
- Individuals who are selected as a receipt of this award are required to submit a summary of their participation at the meeting to the ENSP Program Director within 30 days of the completion of their trip. The preferred style of summary is as a press release 2 to 3 paragraphs in length with the inclusion or 1 or 2 photographs of student involved in an activity at the conference (see examples here and here)