Job: DC Pedestrian Advisory Council Program/Administrative Assistant

Estimated hours per week: an average of 6 hrs./wk. (24 hrs./month)

Hourly Rate: $30/hr.

Services to be provided:

The DC Pedestrian Advisory Council (PAC) Administrative Assistant provides administrative, technology and communications support services to the DC PAC (see description below). The points of contact on the PAC for this position are the co-chairs, with whom work is to be coordinated and accounted for on an ongoing basis. 

Services to include:

Meeting support

  • Attend all PAC monthly meetings (Mondays from 6:30pm – 8:30pm) and serve as virtual meeting host to open and administer meetings, in consultation with the PAC co-chairs 
  • 2025 meetings will be held remotely on: January 13th; February 24th; March 24th; April 28th; May 19th; June 23rd; July 28th; September 15th; October 27th; November 17th; and December 15th.
  • Send electronic invitations for meetings, including agenda, at least five week days prior to a meeting
  • Take attendance and record votes
  • Administer and record virtual meetings held on the Zoom platform (or other technology); manage security (e.g., waiting room, disabling screen sharing for attendees, etc.) and post the agenda and recordings of meetings on the PAC website per DC Open Meetings requirements. 
  • Prepare draft minutes, including attendance, for monthly PAC meetings within one week of each meeting and post minutes to the website, following final minutes approval at a PAC meeting
  • Provide guidance from bylaws if questions arise during meetings
  • Attend meetings, with recording equipment, if physical meetings are called (none since 2020)

Website and general administration

  • Monitor website administrative inbox on at least a weekly basis and forward messages to co-chairs
  • Send invitations to enable new members to join the three listservs, with follow up as needed 
  • Maintain a complete roster of all PAC members including phone numbers, email addresses and, for appointed voting members, which DC Councilmember they represent
  • Schedule and administer virtual monthly meetings on Zoom platform 
  • Maintain membership spreadsheet, listservs and Google group email lists
  • Maintain the website ( including posting meeting announcements and minutes, PAC testimony and names of PAC members; work with PAC members to draft blog updates for the site, as requested 
  • Work with PAC co-chairs on updates to the website text and design

Other responsibilities 

  • Track and record PAC activity related to annual reporting requirements from the DC Council, review data on a quarterly basis and work with the co-chairs to prepare responses for the  administrative portions of the obligatory annual reporting requirements
  • File PAC testimony and official correspondence in Google Drive and post to website


  • Familiarity and recent experience with the Zoom platform, including hosting and scheduling meetings, developing agenda format and downloading meeting recordings and comments in chat
  • Familiarity with Google Blogger  
  • Flexibility to work independently and check for incoming emails to the PAC on a weekly basis 
  • Ability to attend evening meetings virtually and serve as host (eleven Monday evening meetings per year, scheduled in advance, and an occasional unscheduled special meeting) 
  • Ability to meet deadlines, take initiative to complete monthly tasks and work well with others 
  • Computer with microphone and camera, reliable internet access and work environment that allows both listening and speaking during remote meetings
  • Website and database management skills
  • Strong writing and other communication skills
  • Interest in urban transportation / planning issues, especially walking, rolling and pedestrian safety/access
  • Work references
  • Legal U.S. resident able to provide social security number
  • Washington, DC area resident preferred

The DC Pedestrian Advisory Council (PAC) is a body appointed by the DC Council to advise the District government – the DC Council, Mayor’s Office, Transportation Department and other District agencies – on pedestrian safety and access. It consists of 13 appointed voting community members (one appointed by each Councilmember), and non-voting representatives for the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Metropolitan Police Department, Office of Planning and Department of Parks and Recreation. PAC meetings are scheduled as close as possible to the fourth Monday of the month from 6:30pm-8:30pm and are open to the public. (In the future, the PAC may arrange to hold meetings in-person, but at present this is not being planned.)

To apply:

Please send a resume and cover letter to: Paul Harrison and Heather Foote, PAC Co-Chairs, with the subject line “PAC Administrative Assistant Application” to DCPedCouncil[at] Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled.