Welcome to the Lion City

Hey! I’m Adam, a rising junior pursuing a degree in Supply Chain Management. For 2 months, I’m working for Caterpillar Inc.’s Industry Solutions, Components & Distribution Division (ISCD) at their Singapore location via the Global Summer Internship Program. Studying abroad is fun and provides the skills necessary to master my craft. I’ll try my best to give insight into Singapore!

My position involves the supply chain performance and data analysis of service parts in the ASEAN region to support strategic decisions. I work for ASEAN Parts Supply, Quality & Packaging within ISCD, but I also get the chance to work with the Global Supply Network Division (GSND), Asia Distribution Centre (ADC), AP Transportation, and others globally.

I took a 12.5 hr flight to Dubai and another 9 hr flight to Singapore. My new home is a YMCA hotel in the heart of Singapore and across the street from Singapore Management University. The hotel is conveniently located near the only MRT station in Singapore to be an interchange of three routes.

Singapore’s MRT system is convenient, affordable, safe, clean, and straightforward to navigate – it’s really top notch. Depending on the location and time YMMV, but for the most part it wasn’t overly crowded.

Since I’ve traveled to tropical climates similar to Singapore, the heat was bearable; however, the humidity was extreme. The spontaneous bursts of heavy rain thankfully didn’t happen enough so far to be a major inconvenience.

I eagerly await to embrace life in Singapore. Upon arrival, I was impressed by Singapore’s mix of modern architecture and luscious greenery. As a role model for a tolerant society, it was refreshing to see the seamless integration of different cultures.

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