Tagged: Global Internship Program


Cheap Food But Stellar Quality!

Greetings! It has already been three weeks, and I can’t believe that my time abroad is approaching to halfway point! Luckily, I have not had an allergic reaction yet and am officially comfortable with...

“Wait, you worked this summer?” 0

“Wait, you worked this summer?”

It may come as a surprise to some that amidst the amazing experiences and adventures to new places, I did in fact have a full-time internship this summer. I likely refrained from writing about...


Come As You Are

One day, I asked my coworker sitting across from me, “If you had to describe Singapore in one word, and only one, what would you say?” She paused for a minute and then with...


Perks of Asia

One of the best, if not THE best, perks of doing an internship abroad is having the opportunity to travel to some of the coolest places in the world. Singapore makes it especially easy...


Safe and Sound (and Summit)

Traveling to a new country can always be a little unnerving, especially when it comes to getting around. Some destinations are high risk for violence, terrorist activity, and even unexploded landmines (like Laos and...

Summer in Singapore: Don’t Panic 0

Summer in Singapore: Don’t Panic

How should someone with no work experience that doesn’t speak another language and has never been to Asia spend their summer? What’s better than doing an 8-week internship in Singapore?!   I’m Sam, and...