My Study Abroad Journey!

Hi guys! I’m Shiffali and I am a rising junior who will be studying abroad at the University of Manchester Alliance Business School for the fall 2017 semester. I am beyond excited for this experience and hope to take so much away from it! At home, I am a commuter student and I never really had the experience of living on campus and being completely independent of my family, so I am really excited to have the opportunity to experience this in a brand new country!

I decided to study abroad in the United Kingdom because I think I have dreamed of visiting London ever since I learned how to speak. I have never explored Europe so this was the perfect opportunity for me to really get to see Europe for an extended period of time, and to immerse myself in the culture. I actually have a lot of family in Europe as well, most of whom I have never met, but nonetheless it’s nice to know I at least have some safety net here in case things don’t go as planned.

My goal is to become a lot more comfortable with traveling and to learn more about people who come from different walks of life than the one I am used to. I am so excited to share my journey with you!


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