Getting Ready to say Goodbye!
As I’m wrapping up my final papers and assignments, my time at Manchester is slowly coming to an end. It’s definitely going to be a bittersweet goodbye to leave this unique little city that I have got to call my home these past three months. I am ending my time abroad with a quick trip to Barcelona, before I fly back to Manchester and head back home to Maryland. Before coming to Manchester, I honestly knew nothing about this city and, frankly, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
From countless shopping days in the city to late nights exploring the Christmas markets, Manchester truly has a one of a kind charm you won’t see anywhere else. Compared to the rest of the UK, Manchester has a very distinct fashion sense and now when I am traveling around the UK I can always spot a Mancunian just by the way they are dressed haha. I am going to miss the amazing football games and all the Manchester City or Manchester United pride you see on game days, and most importantly I am going to miss the countless adventures I have got to go on with the amazing friends I have met while here. I can honestly say I will be leaving a little piece of home in Manchester when I head back to Maryland, and I look forward to the day I get to come back and visit. Hopefully that’ll be soon! Thank you, Manchester, for an amazing semester abroad and an experience I know I will never forget!
A picture of me, my friend from London, and my friend from the University of Kentucky at Etihad Stadium. We got to watch Manchester City play South Hampton that night.