Smith MBA Students Prepare to Study Abroad in China

By: Ja’Nel Edens, MBA Candidate 2018 
In less than 4 weeks, Smith MBA students will embark on a global business experience to China. This will be no ordinary business trip. A total of 23 business travel enthusiasts from various programs across the Smith School of Business will learn about opportunities and challenges in doing business in China’s service sector, focusing on IT and e-commerce, financial services, logistics and transportation, retail, consulting, and tourism industries. Smith students will not only gain first hand-knowledge about Chinese business environment, culture and traditions but they will also develop winning strategies which American companies can follow to operate a successful business in China’s service sector.

So far, Smith students have already begun preparing for their big trip. They have conducted extensive research and individual assignments on Beijing, Shanghai and China’s top industries. Here are a few student testimonials thus far about what they are most looking forward to:

Student Testimonial:

Zaneta Purvis: I am excited about China because it’s the largest growing economy and there’s a lot of business potential that emerged particularly in the last couple of years or so since China started importing services, solutions and luxury goods. I’m preparing myself for a cultural shock because I’ve never been to Asia and it’s going to be different. I’d personally like to apply some of my learning from work – compare and contrast path to purchase, marketing initiatives, product innovation and market saturation. 

A couple of years ago, I heard Jack Ma, executive chairman of Alibaba Group, say something memorable about overcoming obstacles: “Today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult, the day after tomorrow is beautiful.” I would like to observe how this plays out from a cultural point of view. You know, we learn about the collectivism and collaboration of China and also its persistence as one of the oldest dynasties in the world. The art historian in me is looking forward to the cultural aspects of China that manifest themselves in building architecture, urban solutions and incorporation of traditional patterns into the modern life. 

On the retail side, I’d like to learn about how customer preferences unfold and how Chinese customers buy. I’m also interested in learning more about what would be best for an American or western company to partner with Chinese firms – how they should adapt their sales pitch and approach when entering Chinese markets. Most importantly, I am looking forward to dumplings and Peking duck. 

Zaneta Purvis with her mom in her hometown of Wroclaw, Poland, in September 2017.

This is just one of many student testimonies we’ll be documenting during our time in China. If you want to hear more about student stories, follow the hashtag #SmithGoesGlobal on Twitter and Facebook to get updates on our journey. This will be an experience you don’t want to miss!

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