Dropped Anchor in Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat, a Buddhist temple, is known today as having one of the most beautiful sunrises in the world. As the largest religious monument known to man, it is Cambodia’s prime tourist attraction.


In the Southeast Asia Global Immersion Program, students are taken to several countries within the region, one being Cambodia. Siem Reap, a city within Cambodia, is significant to the country’s history and culture. With beautiful Buddhist temples scattered throughout the area, Siem Reap really demonstrates the elegance Cambodia has to offer its people and its visitors. Led by a tour guide, I was given the chance to visit a particularly astounding temple, Angkor Wat. I went during the early hours of the morning to see its world-renowned sunrise and walk through the temple. While I was exploring the temple, I could feel the hundreds of years worth of history around me, which left me at a loss for words. Additionally, there were monks present to bless those that came to visit the temple, and I was honored that I was able to experience that and interact with them. The cultural differences between Cambodia and the United States, although not surprising, was still shocking once I saw it with my own eyes. However, this portion of the program helped me develop an appreciation for diversity in the world and it opened my eyes to a country I had not given much consideration before. Overall, Cambodia is a beautiful place with kind-hearted people and a rich history. This experience is a great addition to the program that helped to balance out the business and cultural aspects of the trip. I would definitely recommend this program to students as it allows them to visit incredible places they may not have previously had the chance to visit. Furthermore, I believe it is one of the best programs that helps in enhancing cultural profiency and a global mindset.

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