Back in the U.S.A.

Now that I am back in America, I have had time to reflect on the experience I had in Spain. I learned so much more than what the course was based upon. I stepped out of my comfort zone, met new friends, and really immersed myself in the Spanish culture. My favorite part about the culture is how they are a collectivist culture, as opposed to the individualistic culture Americans have. This means they truly enjoy each others company, and work as a team rather than being selfish and only worrying about themselves. This collectivism was seen in many ways, as people were more friendly and willing to help, as well as how they socialized when going out to lunch, for example. When we went to lunch, we were encouraged to get multiple tapas for the table for everyone to share. When we were finished lunch, it was common for the table to continue to sit and talk, taking their time. You actually had to ask for the check when you wanted to leave—something very different than what happens in America. I really enjoyed these aspects because it made me realize I should slow down and enjoy other’s company more often. This is just one piece of the Spanish culture I hope I can bring back to my life in America.

Overall, this was an amazing experience, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to go and learn outside of just a classroom box. I have learned things I can keep with me for a lifetime, and am so thankful for that and the Spanish culture!

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